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Pov Azra

5 years later

"Arif, Asam, stop running around, I'm warning you, if you don't come to eat, you can be sure I won't take you to Disneyland !!!!"

I hurried to catch them as I felt their mother about to take her sandals, we're going to avoid traumas.

" Come on, let's eat, kids," I said, placing them on their respective chairs.

They pouted as they picked up their spoons to take a bite of their soup, I laughed at their grimace, soup is really good.

"Thank you Azra, I don't know how I would do without you," my best friend thanked me, falling back on the sofa exhausted.

I got up and joined her, and lightly massaged her head, she closed her eyes, her two little boys were four now, but they were still so rambunctious despite their cuteness that I couldn't scold them.

"You, who wanted them to look like their father, you are served," I joked.

" No, they're way beyond Zafir, they look like you, Azra "says Amina

" Hey" say I offended

"Good thing I had to raise you, I could be prepared in advance," she laments falsely

" I'll end up going home, I'm not that unmanageable," I defended myself.

I turned my cheek and felt her head on my neck.

"Don't sulk Azra, I've prepared some roast chicken for you, it would be sad if you left without eating"

Oh no, at the sound of her words, I felt the smell of chicken fill my nostrils, the nausea started again.

" No Amina, not tonight, I don't feel like eating it," I said, gently disgusted.

" Are you sure this is.........."

She couldn't continue her sentence as I rushed to the kitchen to get out what little I had in my stomach, I hated to vomit, even more so several times a day, I wiped my mouth with water and squatted on the floor feeling no strength left, I let the acidity pass down my throat, breathing heavily.

I felt my best friend crouch beside me, rubbing my back to help me. I smiled weakly at her.

" Azra, these days you are pale, you have little appetite, are you sick?" She asks me worried

"No, it's just that... I" stop, searching for my words

I wanted to tell Riaz first, but then Amina was my sister in arms.

"Azra Riaz Siddiqui! You're going to open your mouth or I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up from A to Z, even your toes will be wobbly," she threatens me, making me laugh

"I am pregnant Amina," I tell her with a smile

And then Bam, no reaction from her, she got up and sat on the kitchen table, she took a few seconds before her brain finally understood things.

" I'm going to be an Auntie! I'm going to be auntie!" she said happily, hugging me

I shushed her, no one knew and Riaz and Zafir were upstairs, they shouldn't know.

"Shhh, I haven't told Riaz yet!" I whispered to her.

She closed her mouth before whispering it back.

"How long have you known?" she asked me.

I found out a two weeks ago that I was three months pregnant, I was so surprised and happy but I didn't know how to tell Riaz who was busy finalising a big deal for his company.

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