Chapter 6

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I woke up to find my best friend sleeping beside me.

I think for a moment, I'm not sure how I ended up here, but I'll have my answers later, it's still dark and Amina is sleeping peacefully.

I get up, hungry and needing to go to the bathroom, my pains are still there, but calmed down enough for me to walk normally and not like a constipated person.

"Azra, where are you going?" Amina whispers in her sleep

Oops, I must have woken her up a bit by moving.

"Go back to sleep, I'm just going to the toilet, I'll be right back" I tell her

"Okayyy" she says to me as she falls back asleep

I smile at how quickly she was able to fall back asleep, my best friend is adorable, I properly put the duvet back on and head to the toilet.

It's dark. Ya Rabb! Protect me please, I hurry to turn on the lights and pull a sanitary napkin from the dresser.

By now I knew Amina's house as if it were my own.

As I wash my hands I think back to when Riaz found me, it was like the other time at the haunted house, he had been caring, kind and protective.

His gaze had been of the same intensity, I knew my Rabb had heard me and sent him to help me.

"You weren't alone" my mind sighed

Stop getting carried away, he came to find you because you are his little sister's best friend and not something else.

I laughed as I looked at my reflection, you are your own hope and despair I thought.

I felt my belly calling me and headed to the kitchen, hurrying to turn on the light.

I poured myself a glass of water with vanilla biscuits, I could feel the cramps slightly calling me to order.

"Are you awake?" I heard behind me.

I noticed Riaz watching me take my glass of water in my hand from when he was there, I check that I was dressed appropriately. Covering my chest properly with my dupatta, I know that Riaz was not the type to think or look out of place, but still, he was a boy and in my culture and religion I was always taught to be modest and protect myself.

"I was hungry," I replied simply.

I thought he was going to leave, but he leaned against the fridge watching me drink, I looked at him from the corner of my eye, before turning around to finish my drink.

I felt stressed at the thought of being alone with him now, plus he didn't bother me like he usually did and just watched me.

"You have something to tell me," I said, clearing my throat.

"Yeah wait" he said before disappearing from the kitchen

I arched an eyebrow, at any moment he was going to make a joke and I was going to punch him in the face before regretting inwardly that I had hurt him. He came back for a second, handing me some medicine.

" I bought them at the pharmacy, but you fell asleep before the mosquito," he says amused.

I snatch it from his hands, before contemplating the medicine.

"I was tired," i defends me.

He laughs at my answer, before taking the medicine from my hands and pouring a sachet into a glass of water.

"Here's the mosquito," he says, smiling.

I take it from his hands without touching his fingers, I would have to break more than one glass for a simple human contact, and I would have all burnt.

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