Chapter 20

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Pov Azra

The ceremony had ended safely, I had learned on the spot that Hamid had been arrested and that I would soon have to go and testify, it was annoying, I had no desire to see him but he had to pay.

I had finished praying the isha with my mother, Mrs Siddiqui, and Amina, the men were downstairs.

"Don't get too stressed out," my mother said to reassure me.

"Don't pee on yourself Azra!" my best friend said mockingly.

It was my rukshati tonight, in fact my wedding night, my mother had insisted that I do it as a tradition, but I was so stressed and my best friend was having a great time.

"Amina, stop bothering her, just because you've already had your wedding night with Zafir doesn't mean you should make fun of others," her mother scolds, taking my side.

At the mention of her wedding night, Amina turns tomato red, which makes me laugh. Let's not be smart.

" Don't pee on yourself, Amina," I say, laughing.

We stick our tongues out like little girls until my mother reprimands us.

"We'll go," says Mrs Siddiqui.

The two women leave, Amina stays for a few more seconds wishing me courage, and now I start to stress, I'll end up biting my fingernails and toenails.

Wouldn't you dare? Ask my mind, outraged

I didn't even know what I was capable of anymore, plus the memories of Riaz kissing me came flooding back, I never would have believed it.

"If you only knew how hard I fought the urge to kiss you like last time".

My cheeks warmed up by themselves as I heard Riaz's voice in my head, he wanted me, he was a handsome boy, I needed to be pinched, I was so scared I would wake up from a dream. Ya Rabb, this is not a dream, is it?

I was sitting on the mattress, dressed as a bride in a green lehenga, the jewels weighed on my body, the room was beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. If I wasn't so anxious, I would have taken more time to contemplate it.

My hands became sweaty as I heard the bedroom door open, you are really going to piss yourself Azra laughed at my mind
Tell me, the voice in our head is not supposed to support us ?

I couldn't really see what was going on, my large veil was blocking my view, somehow I was glad, I probably looked like a constipated person.
The mattress sank slightly, there he was, sitting next to me. When our eyes met, the intensity with which he was looking at me made me blush, I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world right now.

"I would be lying if I told you that you weren't glowing right now and that I wouldn't want to lock you in this room with me for life so that no one would ever see you," he said heavily.

His confession inflamed me from the inside and I covered my face with my hands.
Ya rabb, where did my acting skills go? Just now, I can't even control my emotions, I heard him laugh.

" Azra, relax, It's just me, the grumpy one, "he said, taking my hands gently

Easy to say, he wasn't just the grumpy one anymore but my husband.

" I'll help you get all that out of your head, "he said gently

I nodded, he helped me take off my jewellery and all the pins and clips from my head. I felt so much lighter.

" Aaaah that feels so good! I exclaimed as I undid my bun," letting my wavy hair fall back over my shoulders

But before I knew it, I found myself pressed up against the matela, Riaz staring at me with his head resting on my chest.

" I would never have gone to Australia to study," he said.

I smiled, and let my fingers wander in his hair, he sighed in comfort. He finally grabbed my right hand and placed tiny kisses on each of my knuckles, making my heart beat faster while finally dispelling my anxiety.

" I don't know how many boys must have been hanging around you while I was away," he said.

" I shouldn't have let you go, I don't know how many girls must have hung around you while I was away"

" I've been faithful, I've never looked at any of the girls there," he replies proudly

" I've been faithful, I've never looked at any boy and that's from the moment I knew I loved you" I say with a victorious smile

"It hurts, Mrs. Riaz Khan you have a point" he says amused

I smile and he continues to admire me, I would have thought that one day he could look at me with such a loving look.

" What?" I asked him stupidly, smiling.

He pulled himself up further against me, putting his face to the crook of my neck.

"I've never seen you with your hair down," he murmured.

It's true, I've never seen it publicly, I know it sounds weird but I wanted him to be the one to see me for the first time, wish granted.

My breathing quickened as I felt him place kisses along my collarbone, it was so soft and gentle, I could almost melt.

"Riazzz..." I said to him with a sigh of relief

That one call from me was enough for him to crush his lips to mine, our chests were compressed together, his heart was beating where I had none and mine was doing the same. I could feel the atmosphere in the room change from one of gentle love to one of fiery desire and passion.

"I ... Want ... To...Make... You...Mine.. Azra.." breathes to me between several kisses

" I have... Always... Be... Yours.. Riaz.." Assures him I

His arm slid along mine and removed my bracelets, as I clung tightly to him, I knew this night was going to be magical, filled with love and promise for the future, united body and soul to the one who was destined for me.

Ya rabb, thank you for making me his, and him mine, on this last thought, I let myself go to his tenderness.

I was maybe not supposed to be his but he was always supposed to be mine.

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