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Chapter 8- JA-PAN!!!


Allison's POV

I was the first one out of the TARDIS, which was stuck as tree, hm might have to fix the chameleon circuit later. Lily followed after me, standing in awe of downtown Japan. It was full of people bustling from place to place and had shops which were filled to the brim with Japanese merchandise.

I couldn't help the excitement bubbling up in my chest, I've always wanted to come here, it was the one place where I wouldn't be judged by too many people for my love of anime. Hey, don't judge, some of them are really well thought out and have very good storylines.

"Wow..." Lily said after closing the TARDIS door. "This is really... awesome." Yeah, it was. I saw a nearby ATM and my hand curled around my sonic in my jean pocket, I decided to go trenchless for today, and today only.

"C'mon," I said, walking towards the ATM and hearing Lily walking quickly to catch up with me. "We'll probably need money, yeah?" Lily just nodded.

Lily kept a look out as I quickly scanned the machine and multiple ¥10000 notes came pouring out of the machine (¥ is the sign for the Japanese yen). I called Lily over after the machine stopped spurting out money.

"That's a lot of money." Lily said, sticking some into her jean and thin, light green jacket pockets. I stuck the rest of the money in my pocket as well, wishing that I gotten my trench coat now.

"Yeah," I said, putting my sonic in my back jean pocket now that my front pockets were full of money. "We'll need something to carry it all." Lily nodded before we headed back into the flow of people in the downtown area. I spotted a store and pulled Lily against the flow of people and into the store.

It was nice, I'll give it that. The walls were painted a pale pink and had fairy lights dangling from them. Oh, that's pretty, maybe I can get some fairy lights and decorate them around the TARDIS. I saw a rack of reasonably sized buckle flap backpacks towards the back the exact same time Lily saw the entire wall dedicated to various candies. We went in separate directions, and it was clear who was more mature.

There was a nice looking girl standing at the register, watching us shop for a while until she found her phone more interesting. Sigh, this generation, always stuck on their phones, oh who am I kidding, I would rather read fan fiction or any type of fictional literature over making conversation with a random person any day.

I turned back towards the rack of super awesome backpacks and saw a galaxy print one that was just awesome. I picked it up and walked up to the cashier, past Lily who had noticed a rack that had various animal ear headbands on it.

I plopped the bag on the counter and the girl looked up at me. I retrieved multiple notes from my pocket and slid them over to her.

"I'm also paying for her." I said, nodding my head in Lily's direction. Even though I spoke English it came out as fluent Japanese, thank you TARDIS translation matrix. The girl nodded and whipped out her phone again. I started drumming my fingers on the counter, a sign for Lily to hurry it up.

Lily came running up to the desk, her arms filled with various items. She dumped them on the desk and then shooed me out of the store. I grabbed my backpack off the counter before I was brutally removed from the store, and I could have sworn that a saw a flash of silver skitter across the floor while I was exiting. I sat down on the sidewalk just outside of the store and watched the crowds as I stuffed all of the money in my pockets into the front pockets of the pack. Lily came out of the small store a few minutes later, carrying various bags.

"You got a lot of stuff." I stated, handing her the bag to stuff her stuff in.

"I know." Lily said proudly. Lily started stuffing her things in there as well. I don't know how much stuff she got, I lost count after forty or so. When there was one small bag left, she zipped up the pack and threw it to me. The bloody thing weighed about twenty freaking pounds! Lily then brought out more plastic packages of candy and tucked them into the sides of her jeans, pulling her faded t-shirt and jacket over them so they wouldn't show.

"Hey, I picked something out for you." Lily said, before handing me a package of 'Panda' Pockys which I took gratefully, glad that she remembered my favoritism of cookies and cream anything. Pocky is a type a Japanese candy that is basically varying chocolate creams covering biscuit sticks; they have many flavors and are basically the most famous of all candies in Japan.

"Thanks," I said, before tucking it in between my jean and hip bone and pulling my shirt over it like Lily had done.

"You're welcome." Lily said, turning back around to face me. She had an already opened bag of Cheese Cake Kit Kats in her hands and was wearing a headband with panda ears on it.

"What are those?" I asked, looking at the things on her head.

"Panda ears." Lily said, biting into a Kit Kat.

"You're not a panda." I said. Didn't think I would be saying that today.

"Don't disrespect the dragon warrior." Lily said, fake glaring at me before she busted out laughing. I joined in too after a few seconds and people kept walking by us, probably thinking we were crazy because we're both cackling our heads off on a dirty side walk in the busiest part of Japan.

"Alright Kung Fu Panda." I said, trying to hold in my laughter and failing horribly.

"I am Po!" Lily yelled. That statement attracted more unwanted attention to us and people starting to really get annoyed by us.

"Let's go." I said, standing up and swinging the bag over my shoulder in one fluid motion. I pulled Lily off the ground, she was still giggling like a little kid and holding her bag of sweets in one hand. I looked at her and basically just saw a sign that screamed, "TOURIST!" in bright sparky paint. I pulled her with the flow of the crowd, her laughter dying down now, thankfully. Yes, Lily can get a little too serious at times, but other times she's like a little kid who's found a puppy.

"Why?" Lily asked after she had finally calmed down. "You know that I'm-"

Lily didn't get a chance to finish her sentence before a piercing scream erupted from the store we were just in. I looked back at Lily, who had fear in her eyes and nothing in her hands now, her childlike and carefree nature gone.

We both turned at the same time to face the store and we both saw a man-like creature who practically had metal armor for skin exit the store, pushing against the crowd. My nostrils flared as two more of the same creature followed the first, walking with the same robotic movements, pushing unsuspecting and fear stricken people out of the way. I knew who these assholes were; I knew exactly who we were dealing with here.



A/N Hi, everyone! We hope you all have had a fabulous week!!!! We don't have much to report so this is probably gonna be the shortest Authors' Note we write!!!!

This our attempt at an actual adventure all on our own!!!! Yay, we hope it goes well!!!! And we hope that you all like it!!!!

ALERT: Please, comment!!! We would love to know what you guys think of this story!!! And pretty please with impalas and fezzes on top, please vote so that other people can find out about this tory and enjoy it as well!!!!!

Hugs and KIT KATS!!!!

~Granger and Parkinson
A.K.A. Lily and Allison

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