Cybermen in Japan! Part Just LEAVE Already!

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Chapter 11- Cybermen in Japan! Part Just LEAVE Already!


Allison's POV

New record for getting captured: 7 minutes and 53 seconds. Woo, oh yeah! But seriously I'm just putting a positive spin on the fact that I was drawn the short straw and had to distract whoever was in charge of the Cybermen for Lily to shut 'em all down.

"Hey, hey, watch the coat." I said, as two Cybermen led me through Tokyo Tower to wherever the head Cyberman was. I was taken in by these two when another one found out that I was incompatible with their Cyber-tech.

They were dragging me by the arms and after a few seconds I just sank to the floor and they just continued on, now completely dragging me. Well, my trench coat is already filthy, let's make it permanent. "Wee!" I said as we turned a corner. I was mentally mapping our passage in my head in case I needed to bolt outta here.

There was no one in the Tower, which was understandable, seeing as there was a fully functional Cyberman every two feet. "Well, you guys are just great conversationalists." I said, after about three minutes of silent dragging. They then turned a corner which led to a stairwell. I looked up at them which the best stink eye I could manage at the moment. "Don't. You. Dare." And... They dragged me down the fricking stairs.

"I hope you die." I croaked out after being dragged down about twenty stairs. They continued dragging me and let me say something, it sucks. I already had multiple bruises from the stairs of death and I was still being dragged, man these Cybermen are some heartless jerks.

After about another few minutes of dragging, they finally threw me into a room. And when I say threw, I mean threw. I was literally pitched in the air and I admit to thinking for a half a second, 'I believe I can fly'. But apparently those lyrics have no meaning in this universe because I was soon reunited with my all-time foe, the floor.

"Greetings, Timelord." A robotic said from across the room. I looked up and saw a Cyberman sitting on a throne made of wires and circuits. Great, another wannabe Cyber-king.

"Howdy." I said, getting up off the floor because you can't be intimidating while lying on the enemy's floor. I mean, you can, if you want, wait, what was I doing anyway? Oh yeah, being a distraction.

"I see you have met a few of my soldiers." Cyber-jerk said.

"Yeah, they were a bit rude." I said.

"They are perfect soldiers, they do not understand the concept of what human's call 'politeness'."

"Well, they should... But that's not the reason you brought me here, is it?" I questioned, stalking up the wannabe Cyber-king.

"Correct." Ah, damn it, he better not be getting into the one word answers. Well, if he is, more time for me to talk. Hey, Lily if you're receiving this telepathic message, HURRY UP!

"So, what do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You're assistance." I started cackling like an evil witch.

"My assistance?" I said through fits of laughter. My laughter was gone in a second as I glowered at the Cyber-nerd once again. "What made you even fathom the idea that I would ever help you?" I growled out.

"I need an engineer for a new race of Cybermen. You would be that person."

"Why," I started, cocking an eyebrow, "have you lost the ability to upgrade on your own?" I asked, lacing my voice with disgust. "My question still stands."

"You are the only other Timelord in the universe. And The Doctor is dying." Okay, didn't know that. Probably gonna have to look into that later.

"So, what, kidnap the last able Timelord and force her create a brand new army for you? What if I refuse?"

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