Timelords, TARDIS's, and Turtlenecks, oh my!

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Chapter 2- Timelords, TARDIS's, and Turtlenecks, oh my!


Lily's POV

"Woah..." I said, waking up with a massive headache. I couldn't resist my inner Starkid as I said, "Wipeout," and chuckled to myself. That was one crazy dream. After climbing out of bed, I slowly shuffled to the kitchen, hearing my roommate, Maggie, already making breakfast. I slumped down into a chair as Maggie placed a cup of steaming hot coffee in front of me

"Thanks Martha." I said in a heavy British accent, my hands automatically reaching out for the beverage. Hold up!!! Martha?! Why did I just call Maggie 'Martha'?

"You're welcome." She replied in a lighter British accent than mine. Did she seriously just respond to Martha? Why were we both talking in British accents? What the fluff? I glanced around the room, noticing framed pictures of me and a dark skinned woman who was definitely not Maggie, but had the exact same hair color as her.

Suddenly, images flashed before my eyes. Me and this woman hanging out at coffee shops, me and this woman laughing at guys horrible attempts to flirt with us, me and this woman as little kids meeting for the first time on a playground. Woah, what were those things? Were they memories? Dozens of questions bombarded me from all sides, and I didn't have an answer for any of them.

What was I doing here? How did I get here? Where was here? What the heck is going on? And most importantly, why am I wearing a turtleneck?

I instantly noticed that cursed item of clothing that I was wearing, and knew that something was up. I never wear turtlenecks, ever, they just give me feeling of being constricted and I guess that goes along with my claustrophobia. Yet, somehow I managed to sleep in one of things infernal death traps, yeah, something was definitely up.

"Well, we got about twenty minutes before we have to go to the hospital. So we should probably get ready, yeah?" Martha said, before taking a bite of toast.

"Sure," I yawned, trying to act like I wasn't freaking out on the inside. I then stood up with my mug and walked back to my room. Whatever was going on, I was going to find out what it was, but I couldn't do that staying cooped up in here. I would have to face whatever was out there, even though I just wanted to curl up in my bed and mutter 'what is happening' repeatedly until something started to make sense.

I just hope nothing weird happens.


Allison's POV

I woke up on a metal grated floor. I sat up groggily and looked around where I was. Oh my Chuck!!!

It was a TARDIS, it was a mother hugging TRADIS!!! I was in a TARDIS!!! It had metal poles that grew to the ceiling, basically the poles looked like metal trees and looked like they were perfect for climbing on. They were three staircases: one leading out of the room to my left, one leading up and out of this room on my right, and the last leading under the metal floor I was standing on. I saw a bunch of wires and circuits under the grated floor and decided to investigate those later. The console in the center with buttons and levers and knobs galore. And in the middle of the console lay the long glass cylinder that stretched all the way to the roof and had streaks of purple lightening glistening in it. The walls were silver and had light purple swirls, leaf designs, and all sorts of various beautiful things etched on them. Whoever owned this TARDIS had style, I'll give them that.

I saw what looked like a computer screen and ran over to it. There were little post it notes with circular writing on the screen. I knew that it was Gallifreyan, but I didn't expect what happened next.

Images flashed in front of my eyes, memories of Gallifrey, my family on Gallifrey, my friends, and the Great Time War. About 1000 years of life flashed before my eyes along with nine regenerations in a matter of a few seconds.

I snapped back to reality or whatever anyone would call this. I looked around the control room again and then down at my clothes. I was wearing my normal purple converse and slightly ripped skinny jeans but had a white dress-up shirt over a white camisole. I looked over to the door and saw a on a silver hook was a tan trench coat, or overcoat, similar to Castiel's. I ran over to it and tired it on; it was a perfect fit and looked like a female version of the rebellious angel's iconic garment. Whose coat was this? Well, it's mine now!

I turned to face the console again, the true magnitude of where I was settling on me. I was in a TARDIS, and not just any TARDIS, my TARDIS. I don't know why but that thought felt right in my head. My TARDIS!

Have I died? Probably. Am I dreaming? I hope not. Do I care? Not at all. Should I? No freaking way, I'm in a bloody TARDIS and it was mine. My heart pounded in my ears. No! Correction, hearts! My hearts pounded in my ears. Another realization jack slapped me in the face. I'm a Timelord, or Timelady!! Oh my drunken Chuck on high!! I'm a Timelord. Wait, if I'm a Timelord and have a TARDIS, does that mean that Doctor is real too? I sure hope so!!!

Whatever was going on here, whether it was a dream or not, I really didn't care, I just hoped that it would never end.


A/N Hi, everyone! We hope you have a wonderful last week of school and do well on your exams if you have to take them!!!!

We would also ask if you could vote on this story and if you do, you will be the bestest person in the nine realms!!!!

We would also love for you guys to comment and tell us what you think of the story so far!!!!

Hugs and unnecessary quotation marks!!!!

~Granger and Parkinson
A.K.A. Lily and Allison

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