Smith and Jones... And Doe and Carter! Part 5

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Chapter 7- Smith and Jones... And Doe and Carter! Part 5


Allison's POV

I purposely slammed into someone, knocking them over. My sonic, already in hand, scanned them and saved their profile in its database for temporary use. When it was done silently scanning, (I had put it on silent, yes, it has a silent) I pocketed it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologized to the person who I had knocked down before turning the other way and walking off. Yes, that was rude, but I had a schedule to keep, and the more time I waste, the less time is left to help these people.

I turned various corners to find the room Lily and I set up as our base. I knocked twice on the door, tapping my foot while waiting for her to hurry up.

"Password?" Lily's voice asked from behind the door. I sighed in annoyance, not understanding why we needed a password in the first place.

"Supercali- let me in before I really punch you." I sang. Lily opened the door and I walked into the room with a smirk on my face.

"Did you get it?" Lily asked after closing the door quickly and quietly.

"My job was to scan two people who had the same blood type, hair color, and eye color as us; with only a hospital full of a thousand people to find a match for both of us. And, the fact that I came back after twenty-seven minutes of searching... Yes, I do believe that I 'got it'." I said, pulling out my sonic and tossing in the air and catching it a few times while I spoke.

"Good," Lily said before spreading her arms wide. "Let's do this." I nodded and quickly soniced her. I was actually camouflaging her biological signals with the other man's, who I had previously soniced, so that, on the Judoon scanners, she would show up as human... Hopefully.

"Done," I said, after I had soniced her. I gave her a quick once over, noticing a very faint pinkish tint had enveloped her entire person. "Alright-y," I said, handing the sonic over to her. "My turn. And don't break it." I said the last sentence in a very serious voice. I love my sonic screwdriver and if she breaks it I will probably... well, I will first come up with a death threat and then carry it out.

Lily soniced me, she was humming while she did. I noticed the jingle it was Parry Gripp's 'Do You Like Waffles?' and couldn't help but dance a little.

"Quit moving." Lily commanded as she tried to scan my feet.

"You got me singing that song in my head and these are the consequences." I said still doing my little dance. It was a catchy tune, don't judge me.

"Done." Lily said after she was finished. She handed me back my screwdriver which went immediately back into its designated pocket.

"Awesome, let's go help people." I said, kicking open the door for no apparent reason.

"Really?" Lily asked me in an exasperated voice. I turned around to look at her and saw that her voice completely matched her face.

"What?" I asked, feigning innocence. If you're going to exit, or if you are going to do anything for that matter, do it with style, that's my motto.

"C'mon." Lily said, pushing past me.


I strapped yet another mask onto a person before leaning back against the wall next to them. My heart pounded in my ears at the lack of oxygen. Yes, Timelords have larger lung reserves than humans but not as large as the Judoon, so I was feeling just slightly woozy.

That person I strapped the mask onto was that woman that was Martha's friend... oh Good Greif what was that woman's name. She was the fifteenth person I had 'oxygenated', but it wasn't doing much now. Even with the oxygen masks on, people were still collapsing from lack of breathable air.

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