Smith and Jones... And Doe and Carter! Part 1

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Chapter 3- Smith and Jones... And Doe and Carter! Part 1


Allison's POV

I walked down the halls of Royal Hope hospital. It was a nice place, but there has been some energy buildup around the building and I decided to investigate what it was... Okay, I'm kidding, I knew exactly what was causing what was going on here- The Judoon!

Oh, I loved this episode, it's where they introduce Martha and is the official kickoff for season three. This season is my favorite what with the writers bringing back Captain Jack, the entrance of a future companion, Ms. Donna Noble, and incorporating the bloody Master into the series.

Anyway, I parked my TARDIS, love saying that, a couple blocks away from the hospital and next to the Doctor's, a blue 60's police phone box. I am pretty sure that all this is a dream, and I hope that I never wake up, because this is totally awesome!

I took out my sonic screwdriver from my trench coat pocket. My silver sonic was a model similar to the tenth Doctor's, but the tip of mine was purple not blue, and I think mine was a little bit more advanced. I quickly set it to scan for alien life, I wanted to find the Doctor, don't judge.

It let out a long low beep in front of a door that read 'Orthopedic Ward'. I pocketed the device and walked into the room, soaking in the blandness of it all. I quickly spotted a skinny man lying in one of the hospital bed. Oh my Chuck on high!!! It was the Doctor!!!! Allison!!! Calm your shit, dang girl.

I walked over to the man, careful to not walk too excitedly. As I looked at him I saw faint glimpses of fields of red grass and a little girl running through that grass with two little boys. Something told me that that little girl was me and that one of the boys was the Doctor, but I couldn't quite figure out who the other boy was.

"Hiya." I said, stopping besides the Doctor's bed.

"Hello." He said, looking up at me and smiling.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked, gesturing to a plastic blue chair a couple feet from the bed. Please say no, please say no.

"No, not at all." He answered. I nodded in thanks and sat down in the seat. The regeneration of the Doctor looked about around thirty but I knew he was only about 900, still young compared to me. As a Timelord, I was 1007, but this regeneration made me look like I was in my late twenties. I was on my tenth regeneration and had the same characteristics as my normal self.

"So..." I said, leaning forward in my seat. "What are ya in for?" I asked, noticing that I had a British accent, oh thank God I wasn't from the North.

"Well... The doctors call it severe abdominal pains, but right now, I just feel, you know, blah." He answered, that light he had when he was with Rose glimmered in his eyes when he talked.

"So, you checked in and now you feel 'blah'?" I asked, trying to keep the conversion going, but also trying to avoid anything that would upset him. The Doctor just had his heart broken and that sadness could turn into rage at any second.

"Yeah, pretty much." The Doctor answered, giving a little smile. Yep, there it was, the smile that made millions of fangirls swoon.

"Alright-y then, how are you liking the hospital?" I asked.

"It's fine. Are you one of those people who go around their workplace and get people's opinions to make it better? Kinda like an undercover employee?" No, not at all, but I didn't say that.

"Don't blow my cover." I whispered, before cracking a smile. He chuckled at that and so did I, it was good to see the Doctor so light at heart.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, after a few seconds of comfortable silence. "I didn't even ask for your name."

"That's alright. The name's John Smith." He said, sticking out his hand for me to shake. Liar, liar, planet on fire. Okay, too far!!! Reel it back in!!

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Smith. My name's Allison Doe." I said, shaking his hand. I was thinking about answering with Jane Doe but that would seem too fishy. I mean it's not every day that you see John Smith and Jane Doe having a conversation in a hospital.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Doe." He said.

"How do you know that I'm not married?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. At that comment he got really flustered and tried to say something intelligent but failed miserably.

"No, I, um, I don't mean, um-"

"It's alright, I was only teasing." I said, interrupting him, before lightly punching his shoulder.

"That wasn't funny." He said with a serious expression. I just bit my lip and tried very hard not to laugh but I let out a tiny snort. He cracked a smile at that, though he tried to hide it.

"Yes, it was. Otherwise you wouldn't be laughing." I stated before leaning back in my seat, knowing that I had won our little argument.

"Fine, you won. But I'm not sure that you work here..." He trailed off, wanting me to explain.

"You got me, I don't work here. My sister just got out of surgery at the docs won't let me see her yet. So, I decided to walk around." I lied. I am the master of lies, I am the lying queen, and I guess what, those were lies. Wait, no they weren't, the last thing was a lie, or was it? "I should probably go back and see if they'll let me see her now or not." I said, standing up out of the chair.

"Okay, tell her I said hello."

"Yes, I'll tell her that some random person, whom she doesn't know, sends their greetings."

"I knew it sounded weird as soon as I said it." He said, throwing his hands up in defense.

"I'll tell her." I replied, walking away from the bed. I turned to look back at the Doctor and said, "Don't go anywhere." And he just gave me a look like, 'really', which I laughed at. I turned back around and slammed into one of the med students, knocking her clipboard to the ground and making the papers scatter all on the floor.

"Oh, sorry about that." I said, dropping to my knees and picking up some of the very important looking papers.

"It's alright, you don't have to pick them up." The student said, squatting on the floor to get the rest of the papers. I handed my small pile to her and stood up to walk out of the room. I was just at the door when I heard that same medical student I just slammed into yell, "Allison?"

I spun around at the mention of my name and looked at the girl who looked very familiar. Where did I see her before? It clicked in my head.



A/N Hiya, everyone! So this was Granger's official last day of school for the entire year!!! *tear* We won't see each other until next year!!! JK, we're gonna be sneaking into each other's houses throughout summer and raiding each other fridges!!!

So, basic stuff, PLEASE vote for this story if you like it so far!!!! And pretty please with whipped cream and a highly functioning sociopath on top, comment what you think of the story; we would love to hear from you guys!!!!

Hugs and Oreos stolen from Granger's fridge!!!!

~Granger and Parkinson
A.K.A. Lily and Allison

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