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Novella Noa Davis~

" You are officially done with training Novella, So for now we are going to just have you help out in the center until we have a new person schedule for therapy. In which shouldn't take to long." My manger said.

Novella was at her new job. After a few weeks of training to actually do therapy on a person. She pass all the tests and now can finally help people and experience what she worked so hard for.

She was in her manger office named Shelly. She was pretty cool she was around her early 40s. Nov was in a chair facing the front of her desk with Shelly on the other side facing her.

Shelly was going over everything she will do or needed to know due to her finishing her training.

" Now your school did inform us that sadly you wouldn't be staying for long which is fine. But everything is going to be okay we will transfer your hours to the school when you're done to help your resume. Any questions" she asked.

" Nope, I'm just super excited to start and learn from this job" Nov said smiling to Shelly.

" Great, your first day is going to be on Tuesday on the 7th" she said, handing me some papers.

" Awesome thank you, I will see on Tuesday" I said getting out my seat and walking to the door.

I left the building getting into my car. When seated in my car I turned it on. Seeing the time 3pm.

Suddenly I get a call from Arya, letting it connect to CarPlay I accepted the call.

" Hey, Arya" I said looking at my surroundings, and pulling out the parking spot.

"Hey Pretty, what you doing" she asked.

" Nothing leaving work, just finally finish training. My first day is this Tuesday" I said stopping at a red light.

" yayyy, my bestieee is a official therapist. We have to go out tonight" she said yelling the first part.

"Girl you know I do not going out" I groaned seeing the light turn green and driving.

" I don't care, you deserve it you worked super hard to get where you are. So we are going to celebrate tonight on this fine Saturday night." She said.

"And you already have enough time to get ready, we will be driving together so you can drink as much as you want, so be ready at 9" she added.

" okay fine, but I'm taking a nap when I get home I'm tired" I said being dramatic.

" that's fine, I'm not at home right now, but I'm going to be there soon. You need anything while I'm out" she asked

"Nope I'm good,be safe love ya" i said pulling into are apartment complex.

"Kk love u too" she said then hung up the phone.

I got out the car and made it to my apartment door. I grabbed my key putting it into the lock, unlocking the door I pushed the door and walked into the apartment shutting and locking the door back.

I went into my room putting my purse and things on the chair in my room. I went into my closet to find an outfit to wear for the club and a comfortable outfit to wear for my nap after my shower. 

I decided to wear a black shear dress with red in it, and I would curly my hair a bit. I just found a pajama set.

Setting my pajamas on my bed I went into the bathroom to take my shower after about 20 minutes I was done.

Leaving the bathroom I put lotion and my essential oils on my body then put on my pajamas. Getting in my bed comfortably I seen Ja called me, I called him back.

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