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"Dayvon stop, like seriously he don't know anything. He don't know about you or us he's clueless, he don't deserve it. Just please" Novella said with tears rushing down her face.

Novella was a few steps away from Von while he was in front of the bathroom door ready to open it, with his Glock in his other hand.

Nov honestly didn't want to see anyone hurt, especially Ja over the couple of months they spent together they had made a unique bond, he was such a sweet heart to her.

She did feel responsible for letting it get this far because Von told her plenty of times to end the relationship, but she just couldn't it was hard for her.

It wasn't intill now she underestimated Von and his path to get what he wanted. She never seen him like this and it was a total reality check to her, to let her know he is dead serious about her and what they have together.

She just touched his hand moving it away from the door handle to get in front of the door. Her breathing was hitched because she was scared for Ja right now.

"Please Von I promise I'm going to break up with him, just give me some time please" She mumbled while letting a few tears drop, Von just had a unfazed face expression in front of her.

"Yo ass really crying over this nigga, seriously?" He questioned, shocked how she was reacting.

"Yes, he didn't do anything so why do you feel the need to hurt him, its not that serious" she said lowly, attempting to get him to understand her view point.

" This shit is serious, you know how bad I want you? I know, I messed up shit I delt with it the whole four months we been apart. I couldnt eat, sleep, shitt write a song with out thinking about you. The shit killed me, I honestly don't know why I feel the way I feel with you but I can't lose yo ass again. And to me the nigga is in the way of that" he said looking directly into her eyes.

"I don't understand, I'm just a random girl. You only known me for a couple of months, what makes me so special?" She questioned, she couldn't see how there relationship has created so much chaos.

There was a moment of silence as the two just look at eachother. Von was just admiring how beautiful she is, he caressed her cheek letting his thumb wipe over the few tears that fell.

" Ma everything about you is special, your hard work and dedication to school and your career, the way you carry yourself, I mean everything you do is amazing to me." He smiled at her.

" just give me another chance, I promise I'm done with all the bullshit. You is all that matter to me, I see my future with you not theses other hoes who means nothing to me. Everyone is dropped, I don't care about anything or anyone except you."he added.

Von was so serious to what he said. He was over and fed up with the bitches and hoes he didn't care about the only person who had his heart was Nov know one else matter to him. He seen him self settling down with her, embracing her, having kids with her, even wifing her which he never felt before.

"Goshhh, I want you too. But it's going to be hard I'm in a tuff position" she mumbled but he heard her. She could see him shaking his head. She was still a little nervous because he had his gun in his hand.

" can you put that up we just talking" She said, grabbing his arm to pull him close to her since he had backed away from her.

He had put his gun back between his waist and fixed his shirt to cover it. " So how many times did I say to stop messing with the nigga? Huh?" Von asked, to him she was acting like he hasn't been telling her cancel everything with him.

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