
372 16 4

April 15,2023
3:15 AM

A loud ringing noise interrupted the couple who was sleeping peacefully in the bed, of the quiet house. It was currently 3:15 in the morning and they needed to be up getting ready soon to get to the airport.

They was laying comfortably together with Nov face resting on to Von chests, with one of her legs wrap around his waist securely. Von was holding on to Nov while she was sleeping one hand on her thigh holding her leg around his waist. While the other was underneath her neck letting her rest on it.

They was in a deep slumber, not paying the alarm any mind. The alarm soon awoken Von from his sleep. Taking his hand off of Novs thigh he reached beside her feeling for his phone.

Being successful he unplug his phone from the charger, picking it up so he could turn the alarm off. Looking at the time on his Home Screen, it read 3:48 in the morning. They had about 40 minutes to get there self ready, they have to be out the house at 4:30.

Von went to his messages texting his Private Jet pilot making sure he was at the airport and everything was going good. Which he replied saying yes and everything was running smoothly.

Von decided to take himself and Nov on a short baecation, he felt they needed this to spend actual quality time together away from people and to just focus on them self. He's been planning this for about three weeks, making sure he wasn't booked nor she wasn't working.

He actually contacted her job, asking can she return to work on Wednesday, instead of her coming on Monday. Which they said was perfectly fine, Novella was excellent at work and they really appreciate the things she does for them.

Von was taking them to the Eastern Caribbean Sea, they was going to Antigua. He saw how beautiful it was, and wanted to experience it with the love of his life.

He placed his phone back on the bed, slowly pulling his arm from under Novs head. He sat up a little admiring how truly beautiful she is. He was so grateful of there relationship, and being in her presence. Sometimes he do wish they met under different circumstances.

He wished he would have done things differently, and not hurt her, nor acted the way he use to act with her. He's was so happy that she changes him for the better.

He placed his hand on her cheekbone rubbing it softly, tucking a few hair pieces behind her ear to see her better.

"Mamas" Von spoke softly, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her cheek. Seeing that he was unsuccessful of waking her up.

"Baby, you got to get up. We have a flight to catch" he mumbled, peppering her with small kisses all over her face. Hearing her give a soft chuckle he sat up to look at her.

She was rubbing her eyes a little, then stretched her arms out. She blushed when she seen Von completely eyeing her.

She reciprocated him, staring at his appearance. He had his dreads hanging low in his face, hiding his eye slightly. But she could see his beautiful brown orbs, staring at them momentarily she trailed them down to his thick plump lips.

Von caught her staring an placed a soft smirk on his lips, licking over them while eyeing her plush full lips. It was like everything was moving slow, time was stick in place it was just the two of them.

"Good morning beautiful, come on we got to get up" Von said, leaning down pressing his lips on to her giving her a sensual kiss.

" good morning handsome" She replied, placing her hand behind his neck rubbing it softly.

"You ready, we finna have a ball"he smiled, getting off the bed making his way to the bathroom, with Nov following him.

" yes, I'm so excited. I just want to be spending time with you" She said, going to the sink grabbing her toothbrush.

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