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Von and Novella was currently still on the way to the cookout, being about 15 minutes away. Nov was just sitting in the passenger seat on her phone watching TikTok's, while occasionally looking at Von to make sure he was okay. He was just in the driver seat with his left hand position on the wheel and his right on Nov thigh, looking in front of him while driving. The music was on, not to loud though.

Nov was watching a tiktok, when she came across a Von edit on her fyp. She immediately smiled being he looked so fine, plus he was literally right beside her making her smile even more, Von catching a glimpse of her smiling from her phone making his brow rise.

"Whatchu smiling at ma" Von asked curiously, while turning his head towards her then back at the road.

"Nothing, just saw a tiktok edit of you" She said looking over at him, seeing him smirk.

"I be seeing them too, my fans go hard" he chuckled. The amount of fan edits and messages he receives is crazy he try's to get to all of them but it's just be so much. The ones he do see he make sure he shows love towards them, he was very appreciative because he knows without them he would be nothing.

"No for real, I'm happy for you. You deserve it"she smiled at him, making him smile back.

"Appreciate it ma" he responsed, reaching over to peck her cheek then back at the road.

Right now felt like such a great moment in Nov's life, now if you was to ask yesterday she would've said it was the worst. But now that she did the hard part, she couldn't help but smile and enjoy her life. Especially with Von she knows he is the one for her even if she is unsure she knows he was placed in her life for a purpose.

Although she was happy, she couldn't help be feel scared, that this whole relationship was going to turn side ways. That they will end horribly but she didn't want to be in that head space. Praying on their own downfall, was so not it. so she tried to keep thoses thoughts away as possible.

She knows that they need to definitely communicate in their relationship because social media can definitely misinterpreted things without having the opportunity to say what really happened. Plus being a influencer, and Von being a rapper she didn't want to take that chance and neither did he.

"Ma what's wrong?" Von asked cutting off her thoughts, he saw her getting in her thoughts

"Ummm.. I'm going to be honest I'm just scared about this relationship. "She said lowly.

"Why, we good. You cut off anybody that could mess up our relationship and so did I." He responded, reassuring her.

"I know, but Von you are a rapper. Who I know had hella hoes, you just couldn't cut off all of them. I know I shouldn't categorize you but some male rappers make y'all look so bad" She mumbled, not trying to hurt his feelings but she couldn't help how she thinks.

"Ma, I'm not like them niggas, so don't put me as them. I told you I don't mess with nun of them bitches then I don't on king David. I cut all of them off, and told them up front I was done with them I couldn't afford to mess up us" he explained, making her nod.

"Hell I haven't even been with no one for real. The last time I did it was on your birthday cause I got jealous. But even before that the whole tour I didn't mess with anyone only one person because I was trying to be good by you" he added.

"So what you mean by mess with someone, cause we might have different definitions" She was curious, she didn't know if he meant my sex, by giving head, or anything. She was still freshly new to this.

She saw Von giving her a side eye, making her laugh.

"What I'm being for real, I'm just innocent I don't
Be knowing what some terms are" She smiled, seeing him straight facing her, then looking at the road.

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