In Hot Water

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Cleo's POV

I pushed my ice cream cart, struggling really bad. "Late this morning, aren't we?" My boss came up, stopping me.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs.Geddes. It won't happen again."

"That's what you said, last week" she open up some of my ice cream giving it a quick check. "This time I mean it." I asked in hopeful tone.

"I hope so."

I sighed, as she walked off, and continued to push my ice cream cart.


Lewis's POV
"Hey! Earth to Lewis?" Charlotte walked over to me.

"Oh, hey!" I looked up at her, then back at my computer. "What's so riveting?" She leaned over me looking at my computer. "I'm just finishing off my lashes work of genius" I joked.

She laughed, and sat down "so, you're modest, as well as smart."

"Admit it, you're intrigued."

"Intrigued, might be a little strong. Curious maybe?" She crossed her arms over the table. "Ok, brave you're self. I've designed a program that relates title movements, seasonal thermal water currents, underwater contours-" I listed things that my computer could do, before she had cut me off.

"And you want all this because...?"

"Because it'll tell me where the fish are, and when they're hungry."

"Wow. Impressive." She chuckled.

"Wait till you see it in action" I typed on my computer. Before I could finish, my computer quickly died down. "Oh, no" I said, trying to turn it back on.

"You're laptop is a bit rundown." Charlotte said.

"Yeah, we'll I can't afford a new one." I told her.

"Did you back it up?" She digged in her bag. "I was about to." I tried to explain. "Some genius you turned out to be" she chuckled, handing me her charger.

"Here." I quickly grabbed it, and before I could have plugged it in, it had shut down. "No, my computers dead!" I grunted trying to bring it back on.

Seeing as it didn't work, I slammed it shut, putting my hands up to my mouth in frustration. "That's it, I've gotta find myself a job." I looked at Charlotte, and handed her back her cord.

Leah's POV

I was working and looked over to see Lewis which Charlotte, speaking, I disliked Charlotte and her sister, speaking of the devil, she walked in.

Right when she walked in, guess who came in, Reed. Just great, what a way to start the day, being around people that pull my last string...sometimes.

I was cleaning off tables, and Reed came up next to me "hey, Leah" I ignored him, and walked over to the counter "Leah?" He said again.

"Listen, I don't really want to speak, right now." I told him angrily.

"Leah, I know you're angry, but I'm sorry, please." He begged, leaving closer to be, looking up at me, with his mouth slight open.

"Fine." I said.

"Great! So wanna hang out after you're shift?" He asked.

"Cant, I've gotta go see the girls after this. Maybe another time?"

"Sure, yeah" he looked disappointed.

"Hey, Reed!" I looked over, and saw Lola waving down Reed. "You better go don't wanna keep, her waiting." I gestures towards Lola.

H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermaid Reader) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now