Wrong Side of the Tracks

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Zane's POV

Nate and I rode our dirt bikes, around an poor town. Nate suddenly stopped in front of an trailer house looking at an bike.

I took off my helmet and looked at Nate.

"Nice!" He said and started to walk towards it. "What are you doing?" I asked,  watching him walk towards the bike. "Just saying hello to Mr.Choppa." He joked around.

He picked up an screwdriver, and started to mess with the motorcycle "I don't think you need an screwdriver to say hello now." I told him.

"I've always wanted one of these." He was taking forever. I looked around with a sigh. "Just leave it will you Nate?" I spoke up.

"Shut up, Zane!" He snapped at me.

When he finally got it, he walked back towards me, and shoved the screwdriver to my chest, I looked at him in disbelief.

"I can't believe you just did that." I let out a laugh of breath. "Oh, I can't believe how boring you are now a days." He hopped back on his bike, and put his helmet back on.

"Hey! What's going on here?" I turned my head to see a man. He looked at his bike, and then at me, I quickly through down the screwdriver, and fiddled to put my helmet back on.

"Hey!" He tried to chase after me, but I had quickly left.

"You'll pay for this!" I heard him yell back.


Reed's POV

"Pops! What happened!" I ran outside to check on my dad.

"Some stupid kids, took my badge off my bike" he pointed at his bike, as I saw it was gone.

"Oh, Pops I'm sorry" I said looking at his bike.

"It's fine son." He bent down to try and fix his bike.

"I'll get it back, Pops don't worry" I said patting his back.

"Thanks, Reed. Gee, you sure do have you're mothers kindness." He brought me in for a hug.

"You've seen you're sister?" He asked me, looking at his bike.

"Not sure, where she is?" I put my hands on my waist.

"Ok, Pops. I've gotta go meet up with someone, I'll help you with you're bike later."

"Ok. See ya kid!" He waved at me, as I jogged off.


Rikki's POV

I sat on the beach with my hands on my knees, bringing them up to my chest.

I sighed, knowing he was late.

I got up. And brushed off my hands.

"Rikki! What's wrong?" He called out to me. I stopped, and crossed my arms, looking at him.

"That thing on you're arm. What is it?" I looked at his wrist. "This?" He held up his hand. "Yes." I nodded. "It's a watch." He said.

"And what do people normally use watches for."

"You're mad because I'm late." He got the point.

"The boys a genius." I smiled not looking at him.

"Did anyone ever tell you you're cute, when you're made."


Leah's POV

I smiled besides the girls, as we swam around in the ocean.

H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermaid Reader) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now