Missed the Boat

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Cleo's POV

I walked into the house glaring at Kim, as she bragged about her school reports.

"Cleo! You should hear, how well Kim did in her exams." Dad smiled at Kim.

"I did a lot better than you did when you were my age." Kim commented.

"You can tell me later." I spat at her, walking into the kitchen. "Didn't you have an biology exam last week? You should have the results back by now." Dad followed me into the kitchen.

"I'm getting them next week." I sat my bag down.

"That's not true. The seniors already have their results back. I heard them talking." Kim smirked at me.

"I'm going out. See you later." I quickly changed the subject, walking away from this conversation.


Leah's POV

"This is a whole new feeling for me. I could really get used to it." Rikki, Emma, and I walked into the Cafe, and sat besides Cleo.

"Get used to what?" Emma questioned her.

"Academic success. C plus in biology. Not to shabby" Rikki said with an prideful smile.

"Oh, that's great!" Emma said sitting down besides me.

"Great job!" I complemented her.

"What did you guys get?" Rikki asked us.

"Oh, I got an, B minus. Not to bad for me." I shrugged, looking over at Emma, who's smile dropped. "A plus." Emma looked away from Rikki, and stared at the floor.

"It's not possible." Rikki lifted up her hands, being defeated.

"You could do it to if you'd study." Emma told her wide eyed.

"yeah, if I didn't have a life, or I was some kind of geek study slave. No offense" Rikki said sarcastically.

"Is this all you three talk about? You're so competitive, who cares anyway!?" Cleo snapped at us, and I looked at her with confusion written on my face, as she got up and left.

"Did, I say something wrong?" Rikki held up her hands in confusion.

"Gee. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."  I took a deep sigh putting my elbows on the table.

I looked over, and saw Cleo and Lewis speaking, I heard something about study partner. Hm, wonder why?

Reed walked in and sat right besides us.

"Hey, guys" he sat in Cleo's spot with an smile.

"Hey." We all said to him.

"So what did you all get on the biology exams?" he asked us.

"I got an, A plus." Emma glanced at Rikki who rolled her eyes at her.

"Wow! That's great Emma. Better then me." Reed sighed, while his smile faded.

"You?" He looked over at me with his beautiful eyes.

"I got an, B minus." I put my hand under my chin staring at him.

"Not to bad." He tilted his head over at his sister.

"C plus." Rikki smiled

"That's alright." He said.

"What about you?" Emma questioned him.

"I got an, A minus." He quickly said.

I nodded at him with a smile.

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