Riding for a Fall

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Emma's POV

"This is so cool. I can't wait to get my own horse." Elliot came down the stairs with his hat. Mum laughed at him "slow down, we only agreed to these lessons to see if you'd like riding. Nothing mention you're own horse." Mum told him.

"Don't hold you're breath, Elliot. Dad, promised me a pony for years, and it still hasn't arrived." I looked up at my Mum with an smile. "To be fair, Emma, the last time you where on a pony, you where petrified of it." She shot back at me.

"I don't know why you're wasting all this money, on lessons. I could teach him" I tilted my head at her.

"I think it's best left to the professional, don't you?"

"Mum, I was a natural, it's not something you lose." I gave her a smile. "I'm glad to see you're still interested, because I need you to go with Elliot." My smile dropped looking up at her, in disbelief.

"What?" I told her.

"Well, he's to young to go on his own."

"No, I'm not." Elliot denied.

"Yes, you are, anyway, I'm busy, I have a hair dressing appointment, and I'd really appreciate it Em." She handed me Elliot's lunch, while I stared at her.

"Well, is it alright if I bring one of my friends." I asked with hope laced in my voice.

"Ok, but just one." She held up her pointer finger, while I gave her a smile, and got up from my chair.


Reed's POV

I heard my friend was back in town, for some horse riding lessons, and he wanted me, to go see him.

I walked into the location, and saw a lot of horses. "Ash!" I called out to him, he didn't answer, so I tried again.

"Ash!" I walked around the corner, and spotted him.

"Reed!" He looked at me.

"Ash, hey long time no see." I gave him a hug.

"Same, here." He told me offering one back.

"So, what's up?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see my old riding pal. So how have you been? You still riding horses? And what happened to you're eye" He filled me with questions.

"I'm coming well, actually. And no I don't ride, anymore. But I reckon I still got it, I probably could still beat you in a horse race." I pushed his shoulders, joking around with him.

"You always where competitive." He chuckled at me.

"And my eye is a long story." I gestures to my eye.

"You're gonna have to tell me one day. So, what are you doing today?" He asked.

"Well, nothing." I shook my head, putting my hands in my pockets

"Well, since you aren't doing anything today, I have to give some horse riding lessons to some kid. Wanna help me?"

"Um. Yeah, I will, it's not like I'm busy today, which I'm not." I quickly replied.

"That's great. Wanna help me with these horses." He gestured at the horses.

"Yeah." I told him, helping him with the horses.


Cleo's POV

I walked in and saw Wilfred say something about Lewis and his machine.

"I think it's great, Lewis." I complemented his device he was working on, for this year's competition. "You do?"

"Yeah. And I'm very impressed about the award." I told him crossing my arms. "Well I've only been nominated. I've gotta beat Jamie O'Brian self buttering toaster. There's some tough competition out there." He said picking up his stuff.

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