Accidental Shot

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Inspiration: KittieMew0
Thank you for the inspiration!
Edited ✔️✔️✔️

Uzi and N were running after each other playing a game of tag. Uzi was it and was trying to tag her disassembly drone friend, N. She suddenly dropped the gun off her back making N turn around and look at her with a confused look before walking closer forgetting about their game that they were just playing. "Uzi? Why'd you drop your railgun?" N asked and Uzi chuckled. "Can't run fast enough with it on," She said with a smile then put her finger to the others forehead. "Tag," she yelled with excitement then ran from him stepping on her rail gun in the process.

N went to run after her when he saw the rail gun was getting ready to fire. "UZI!" he shouted the warning, but it was to late. The green laser had went right through the worker drones chest and came out the other end. She turned to face him a panicked and scared look in her eye before she fell to the ground. N's panic began to set in at this point. He ran over to the worker drones body and held it close. Usually he'd be ecstatic at this feeling.. but this was different. It made him sick to his stomach.. it was the sight of his best friends oil in the white snow. "Uzi!" He shouted as a large red warning sign came to her visor. N began to sob into her hair as he realized she was gone..

N abruptly sat up from his sleep, his breathing was quick as he scanned around the area. He was laying in a nest of soft blankets and pillows that he had made for Uzi after she and him left the bunker all that time ago. N failed to see Uzi anywhere around so panic set in. He jumped up out of the nest quickly and ran outside the room. "Bite me!" Someone yelled and a new voice began to laugh at the first. N ran towards the voices who were in the main part of the pod. He saw Uzi with a purple neon blush on her visor yelling at a laughing V.

N took the moment to calm himself, then realized it was in fact not a dream that he had before, but rather a memory. N looked over the disassembly drone body that Uzi had taken on compared to her past worker drone one. Her tail was swaying dangerously side to side just like theirs do. N ran and hugged Uzi tightly from behind, he was still taller then the female drone. V gave a smug grin and crossed her arms before she walked away, presumably to go hunt or terrorize the other worker drones.

Uzi gently rubbed the others back, "Hey what's up?" She asked worriedly and N began to sniffle. "I had a bad dream," he spoke softly, having been terrified and worried about Uzi. "What happened?" She asked and N hid his face in her hair as he shook his head, not wanting to discuss the dream. "It's okay, I understand," she said gently as they stood there for a moment in each other's arms. Unknown to them their tails had twined around each other keeping them from parting quickly. "It's alright," Uzi said and N was beginning to calm.

N sighed as he was now calm, "Thank you," he said softly and Uzi chuckled lightly. "Your welcome," she said and they kept the hug going as they liked the feeling of being in the others arms. "I'm sorry," N whispered to Uzi who nudged him in the thigh with her knee. "Don't say that, you have nothing to be sorry about," she warned and N chuckled, "Fine, fine.." he said softly and they went back to the comfortable silence as they held each other close rocking back and forth slightly. "We should go hunting, and join V," N remembered and Uzi chuckled. "Alright," she said and they parted before going out to find V and start hunting.

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