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Inside the bunker families of workers walked around holding their young in their arms or holding their youngs smaller hands. Outside a landing pod of sorts crashed into the white powder sending it up and into the cold, fast wind. Some workers where curious and walked to the crater where the pod had its crash landing. The workers surrounded the pod most where confused or amazed.

Three Xs appeared out of the dark before in a flash they where above and in the light of the two planets they considered moons. The three angels spread their metallic wings sending shadows down on the people below. The workers where stuck in awe. They've never seen something so majestic yet so deadly in their life times.

One worker, his eyes where white and he was holding the hand of a smaller drone with purple hair and eyes to match, shouted at them to get to the bunker. No one moved as they looked in shock and terror as the three metallic angels dove down to them and swooped back up. They ripped the heads of the works off before they drank the oil that flowed from the neck stumps. 

The worker yelled again and this time the workers ran in all sorts of directions. Some ran to the bunker, the door being new but working, some ran to the forests to be hopefully safe from the angels of death. The young purple haired drone had gotten separated from her father and ran to her mother who stood near by.

The girl grabbed her mother's hand and pulled lightly. "Mama, mama! We need to go to the doors!" She yelled the words of her father. Her mother simply shook her head and in an instant she had her arms wrapped around her daughter in a protective hug. A shout of pain escaped the elder drone scaring the young girl.

The mother fell on her back as a hole was being eaten out of her stomach area. It kept growing and eating away at the metal and melting in into a yellow liquid. "Mama!" The young girl shouted and fell to her knees by her mother's side. "My baby.. I love you.. stay safe.. Please Uzi.." the woman's voice was broken up and disoriented as the woman was in a large amount of pain.

The girl, now known as Uzi, began to cry, but her curiosity got the better of her and she touched the yellow goop that dripped from the hole. She yelled in pain as her small hand began to melt. Uzis sobs grew as the slime splattered up her arm from her trying to shake it off her hand. "Are you okay?" A taller woman asked as she knelt down.

This woman had a glowing band on her head, a vial of a yellow bubbling and glowing liquid on the tip of her tail, her hair was silver and put up in pigtails, and her dress fell to the middle of her thighs and was mixed with a suit like dressing attire. "M-Mama.." Uzi stuttered worried for her mother.

The woman looked over at her mother and gasped lightly. Uzi didn't notice but the woman felt a large amount of guilt fall on her chest. She hated killing mothers or children. She would often be yelled at for letting the free, but she didn't care. "What's your name little one?" The drone asked. Uzi shook as her hand began to sting more.

Uzi looked up at her, "I-I'm Uzi.. w-whats your n-name?.." Uzi asked the drone. "I'm J, and I'm sorry about you mother.. is your hand okay?" N asked and Uzi showed it to her. "It burns!.." she said as tears poured down her visor. J felt a pang of guilt as she took the smaller girls wrist.

J spit on her hand and placed it over the wounds. In a matter of moments her hand and arm was healed and no longer melting. "Whoa.. that was cool Mrs. J!" Uzi said as she looked over har hand. J smiled at the young girl, "You should go over to the bunker now, I don't want you getting hurt," J said and Uzi nodded before she ran.

J watched the smaller girl leave as she felt sorrow and sympathy for the younger one. Her two teammates landed on either side of J and where laughing. "Oh that was fun!" The female said and hit J's shoulder. The male just laughed until he settled. He wasn't one to talk much.

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