Edited ✔️
N and V stood in the doorman's house rooms side by side talking to Uzis father, Khan doorman. "So let me get this straight, you two are leaving to settle some unfinished business and you won't tell me or Uzi who it's with?" He tried to clarify. "That's right Mr. Uzi!" N said and Khan shook his head. "Might wanna tell Uzi, she's in her room, last one on the left," Khan spoke before going to the kitchen.
N looked at V and gave a subtle nod, if they wanted to make it there in time they'd have to leave sooner rather than later. "I'll tell her, you get ready," N said and V gave a nod before they went there separate ways. N gave Uzis door a coded knock before entering. "Hey Uzi," he said and sat on the bed next to the gothic teen. N still can't get over how cool Uzis room looks.
Uzi looked over and up at him, "Yes N?" She asked and N sighed. "Me and V have a trip ahead of us to finish up some," he paused trying to figure out words, "Unfinished business, and we'll be gone for a few weeks," N explained and Uzi looked over at him digital tears forming under her purple eyes. "Be safe, please?" She asked and N could only nod before she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.
V poked her head into the room. "We have to leave soon, be prepared," she said then walked back out. N pulled away and took Uzis hand in his, "I promise I'll come back just fine," he said and Uzi nodded. N came to his feet and pulled his hand away from the other drone. "Please be safe, Uzi," N said walking out the door. Uzi just pulled her knees to her chest and began to silently cry.
N walked up to V who was waiting outside. "Ready?" She asked and extended her wings with a whoosh. "Ready as I can be," he spoke following her lead. They took a running start and flew off into the cold night air. The first day had passed and Uzi wasn't doing so well, with the stress of homework and school and on top of that no one to rely on to let it out it just got worse.
The first week passed and Uzi was slowly losing her composer. At this moment she was rocking herself back and forth on her bed black goop that reeked of oil was splattered all over her room in intricate ways, ways of tentacle like objects, they where mainly focused around her bed area, where she spent most of her time and energy on things.
Uzi began to giggle at her inner thoughts before laying down to try and take a nap. Khan was beginning to feel that something was off, that something wasn't right. He went to Uzis room and opened the door. Khan saw his daughter sleeping on her bed, he had grown used to the scent and the goop on her walls and ceiling, he had seen it grow. He backed out and sat on the couch. An hour had passed before Uzi woke up once again.
She sat up quickly and looked around, where was she? She couldn't remember. Uzi immediately got up to try and look for N who is usually with her when she sleeps to keep her safe. When Uzi couldn't find him she freaked, her wings sprouted from her back with a horrid ripping sound soon followed by her tail. Uzi began to giggle as a large purple X flickered across her visor.
She walked out of her room his tail flicking back and forth as she walked. "Uzi! Your up, how are you f-" Khan was cut off by a absolute solver symbol around his throat. "Uzi?" He got out and the girl turned her head to him with a evil smile that showed off her fangs. In a sudden movement his head laid on the floor with a fatal error marking across his visor as she dropped his body.
Uzi continued out of the house rooms and down the halls killing any drone she comes across. Uzi was knelt next to one of the body's as she drained the oil from the now lifeless corpse. "Uzi? What happened to you?" Thad asked as he had just walked up. Uzi immediately looked at him and dropped the now drained corpse before slowly stalking over to him.
Thad turned and ran, Uzi following him. With N and V they had just landed back in front of the bunker, N was hurt but not fatally it would heal with time. They where hit with the smell of hot oil before they opened the door with the key cards Uzis father had given them. When they walked in they where beyond horrified. It looked to be the work of a disassembly drone.
V and N split up immediately, the doors didn't show anyone leaving let alone entering with out a card. N was looking for Uzi to make sure she was safe, and V was looking for the culprit of the oil stains that where all over the bunker. "UZI!" V yelled having spotted the teen. She turned around with a large X still present on her visor and, what startled V the most, a worker drone dangling lifelessly from her mouth.
Uzi dropped the corpse and stalked up to V, having not recognized her due to the dimness of the bunker. "Uzi, calm down," V spoke trying to calm her. Once Uzi came into the light a bit more V saw the torn purple wings pressed tightly against her back and her tail that flicked back and forth. "Uzi!" Another voice yelled, this voice grabbed her attention quickly and pulled her away from V.
Uzi stood up as her visor flickered back to her normal round eyes. "N.." she whispered and ran down the hall. V quickly followed and her eyes hollowed out in shock. N was hugging Uzi like nothing had happened. "What happened?" V asked being curious. Uzi looked at her and shivered. "I guess I forgot where I was, and N wasn't there, plus the stress from school! I don't know what happened!" She said speaking quickly.
N wrapped her up in a hug hoping to calm her nerves. Uzis wings fell to the floor as did her tail as he hugged back, when suddenly she jumped back. "My dad, I think I did something to him!" She said before running off. N and V shared a glance before running to follow her. The smell of oil hit the three right as they reached the door to the doorman's house rooms. Uzi unlocked it and ran in before freezing in her tracks.
Right there in the floor, decapitated and lifeless lay her father. "Nonononono.." she whispered and ran to his side falling to her knees. N and V wheren't to far behind as they soon came into the room. N immediately went to Uzis side and pulled her close, while V walked around to see what had happened she also gave the two some time alone. "N-N I-I killed him.." Uzi said and N rubbed her back in small delicate circles.
N felt terribly sorry for Uzi, she had lost her mother to J and now her father to herself. V found herself in Uzis room looking at the black splatters all over her once clean and purple room. It was like the camp incident all over again. Uzi broke out into sobs and leaned heavily on N as digitalized tears streamed down her visor. N held her close and tried to comfort her. V looked more into detail.
V noticed the small yet thick pile of homework that was thrown carelessly on the desk. She picked up a hand full of it began sifting through it. V realized that with N gone, probably waking up from a sudden thing, the homework over nothing they discussed in class, and the bullying all had lead up to this. If she hadn't pulled away N, none of this would have happened, everyone would still be alive and Uzi would still have her father.
V felt guilt creep up on her like a deadly snake, wrapping itself around her core and squeezing with all of its might. This was all her fault. V put the papers down and walked back out to Uzi and N. She sat on the couch that wasn't to far away and N looked away from the now passed out Uzi to V, who lowered her head.
N gave a sigh as he shuffled to face her. "It's not your fault, you didn't know this was going to happen," N reasoned and V pulled her knees to her chest. "I sure feel like it's my fault." she spat and N winced. "You had no way to tell that this was going to happen," N spoke softly and V closed her eyes. "You're right.." she sighed in defeat. "Come here, V," N said and V got off the couch and sat next to them.
V looked over at him with confusion, until he pulled her close to his side. "Rest, we have a long day of cleaning up and explaining to everyone," N said and V gave a soft sigh. She's wasn't one for cuddling, especially with N, but this was something she couldn't bring herself to say no to. V snuggled into his side and soon fell asleep, followed by N.

Nuzi oneshots
FanfictionI just watched (well was shown) murder drones and I absolutely fell for this ship so please, enjoy! Requests and information are on the first page, thank you! There is: Fluff Gore Angst Suicide attempts Death Started: 5/7/23 Ended: __/__/__