Dirty Mind

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Suggestion: simp_T-T
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(Fair warning, there are some things from episode 5 if you haven't watched it please go and do that, thank you)

Uzi laid back in the captains chair and spun. She was waiting for N and V to return from their hunt. She had an idea for when they came back. Uzi would invite N for a sleepover! It sounded like so much fun, and maybe she could confess to him as well. It's been a few hours sence they went out, about 4, when they came back. Vs clothes where drenched in oil that splattered on the ground with every step she took.

N was relatively clean, well with the exception of a few oil splatters on his face and his clothes. V was already going to get herself cleaned up when N came and sat next to the spinning worker. "You alright Uzi?" He asked and she stopped directly in front of him. "Yeah, I have a question for you," Uzi asked getting met with a confused look. "Wanna have a sleepover at my house tonight?" She asked.

Ns face lit up in excitement his tail wagging behind him. "Of course!" He said and Uzi giggled. "Alright, then we should go before it gets to late," she grabbed his hand and tried to tug him out. "But, we have to let V know and I need to get cleaned up!" N said and they decided in waiting for the disassembly drone to come out. While waiting he went to get cleaned up, he didn't take to long as he was out soon after. V came out not to long after him and sat in the seat Uzi was just in. "Hey, V I'm kidnapping N for the day, do you mind?" Uzi asked.

V looked over to her with a bored expression. "Do what you want, I don't care," she said and Uzi and N shared a look and a smile of excitement before they began to head off. "We better hurry, or else we'll be caught by the sun," Uzi said and N grinned. "Way ahead of you," he said and lifted her up. Before she could do anything to protest they here already in the air, Ns wings carrying them faster then they could have ran. Before long they reached their destination.

N landed and let Uzi go before the worker scanned her card to allow them through the first of three doors. "Whoa, Uzi!" Her father, Khan, yelled from his seat. "Why are you bringing a murder drone here again?" He asked in wonder. Uzi rolled her eyes, "He's my friend dad, you met him before!" She said and they continued to walk. "Alright, just don't do anything bad!" Khan yelled as they began to walk off. "What the heck dad?!" Uzi yelled opening the next door.

Her father continued to yell to her about being safe and stuff making her blush. Uzi closed the door before she could hear more. "I'm sorry Uzi, if I had known your father would have been like this about me coming over I wouldn't have come," N said and giggled a bit. Uzi shook her head. "It's his fault for not trusting me, I can take care of myself!" she said with confidence and they continued past the third door. Uzi wracked her brain on which way the house rooms where. Uzi decided on right and they continued.

A small amount of conversation was tossed between the two, but it was kept to a minimum so no one would know they where there. They eventually reached the house rooms after a bunch of twists and turns that made N lose where he was. They continued down the small hallway until they came to a large metal door that was labeled 'Doorman'. Uzi opened the door and walked past the mess of a living room and down the small hallway.

N followed, concerned for Khan as the rooms they passed where messed up and filled with trashed items. Uzi opened her room door and they both walked in. The desk was full of unfinished paperwork, design graphs, books, movie covers, move disks, and of course manga. She began to clean up and organize as N sat on the bed. It was surprisingly comfortable compared to the ones back at the mansion. N laid back and he felt himself sink into the soft padding.

Uzi looked over and chuckled, "Soft?" She asked and N could only nod as he felt sleep trying to tug him under. "Much much better then the ones at the mansion," N mumbled as he forced himself to sit up to prevent him from sleeping. Uzi nodded, it had been a little over a week since she had hacked into their memories to prevent them from being erased. Uzi turned around and looked at N.

The desk was now organized and cleaned off best to the extent that it could have been. Uzi sat in the bed next to him and swung her legs off the edge. N looked over at her a blush as the edges of his visor. He admired her for a bit before placing his hand over Uzis and looking away. Uzi flushed as well trying to focus on something else. "Hey, I wanna try sleeping like how you and V do it, but I wanna try on my own this time," Uzi said. They had tried once before but N has held Uzi instead.

N nodded but was rather worried for her. "I'll be below to catch you," he said. Uzi nodded as she pulled out her wings and tail, having learned how to work them to an extent. She jumped up onto the thin bar and quickly wrapped her tail around the slick metal. Uzi pulled her arms over her chest in an X, her hands on the opposite shoulder, before pulling her wings around her. N backed away believing that she was safe.

That's when her tail slipped. Out of panic her wings opened and she landed with a cry on her shoulder clicking it out of place. "Oh robo-jesus! Are you okay!?" He asked helping her up. "Ow! No it hurts!" Uzi yelled tears welled up in her eyes, before they streamed down her visor. "Here let me help!" N said and he took hold of her arm and began to readjust it back to where it belonged. Khan walked by the room and stopped to listen. "Ah! N slow down!" Uzi yelled.

Khans eyes hollowed out as he ground his teeth. "I know it hurts but I have to push it all the way in," N said and Uzi let out a cry before panting. "Ow ow ow," she said tears obvious in her voice. "You did great Uzi," N said and Khan bursted into the room and the two drones looked at him. "Yes dad?" Uzi asked and Khan glared heavily at N. "What was happening in here?" He asked.

Khan knew N stutters when he lies, so he'll easily get the truth. "Uzi fell from the rod and popped her arm out of socket and I was helping to put it back in!" N said and Uzi nodded, but Khan felt suspicious of the two. "You sure there was no funny business going on?" He asked pointing between the two of them and Uzi started to blush. "DAD!" she yelled and shooed him out. "What?" He asked his tone teasing. "Out!" Uzi said and closed the door leaning on it.

She sank to the floor with a sigh and just sat there. "You good Uzi?" N asked and Uzi nodded though she wasn't okay. Her father just embarrassed her in front of her crush! After some mental screaming she got up and sat next to him again. "So what do we do now?" Uzi asked looking over at N. "Anime?" He suggested and Uzi grinned. "Yes!" She beamed and they where up. They walked to the bed and sat down to where they could see the TV.

N leaned back against the pillows feeling that they where super soft. Uzi sat next to him going through the animes that she had saved. "This one," N said and Uzi stopped to put it on. While the anime was playing N brought Uzi closer to him by her waist. Uzi leaned her head onto his shoulder earning a small kiss to her head. Uzi giggled as N pulled her face up to meet his. He gave her a short yet sweet kiss before letting her face go again.

They continued watching anime until Uzi fell asleep. N pulled her closer to get his wing under her then around the both of them. N leaned his head closer to Uzis and continued to watch the anime that they had put on. Soon after N too fell asleep. Khan walked in to tell the two that it was lights out but stopped when he saw them. A small smile made its way to his face at the sight. Maybe Uzi finally found someone that'll treat her nicely. He left as quickly as he came a soft smile still present on his face. Uzi may have found someone perfect for her. Maybe.

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