Yandere N and Uzi

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Suggested by: TheMaskPupil_2
Inspiration by: zorosthename
Thank you for the inspiration and suggestion!
Edited ✔️

N always had a huge crush Uzi, well after they got to know each other. He was unsure if Uzi had felt the same or differently, but he was obsessed. At the moment N was hanging upside down thinking about the worker drone that currently was out looking for parts for her new and improved rail gun. Ns arms hung by his head as did his wings as he was upsidedown.

V walked into the room and put a hand to her hip. "What are you think about?" She asked and N jumped down gracefully from his sleeping spot and landed on his feet. "Nothing," he said and gave the disassembly drone a bright smile. "Mhm," she hummed "Well that purple thing isn't back yet and it's getting closer to sun rise, you might wanna go find her, or something," she said and Ns eyes hollowed out in worry.

N gave her a nod "I'll do that right away," he said and out of the room he went. V sighed and went to the captain chairs and sat down setting her feet up in the dash beginning to play the one of the animes that Uzi had shown her. N ran through the snow, the soft, fluffy, stuff crunching under his feet as he began to look for his so called "friend". "Uzi!?" He called out past the howl of the wind.

Muted laughing was heard, and N knew it was Uzis. He ran to the sound and saw her with Thad, N felt anger and jealousy fill his head. Uzi was supposed to be his and his alone. Ns silver wings filled the sky as his lifted off and landed with a light thud behind Uzi and sent a cloud of snow up into the air around him. His visor showed nothing but an X. Thad backed up, "U-Uzi.. b-behind you!.." Thad warned and Uzi turned her head.

Uzi grinned then looked back to Thad. "Thad this is N, he's super nice!" He said and a low growl pulled it's self from N mechanical throat making Thad yelp in terror and run. "N what was that for?" Uzi said and turned to face him. N was back to his normal smiling self. "What do you mean Uzi?" He asked acting completely clueless.

Uzi sighed, "I got the parts, let's head back," she said and they began to walk. Uzi was holding her backpack that held her parts that she had set out to get. Once they got back Uzi and N where greeted by a not so happy V, because she had to watch the pod she couldn't go hunting. "Finally you two are back!" She said and flew off.

N sighed as they sat down at the chairs. N propped his feet up on the dash as Uzi looked through her bag for a specific part. "What are you looking for?" N asked turning his chair to face her. "A part I found, I just can't- ah ha!" She exclaimed putting the part into the air. She turned to the small fragments of parts that where on her desk before adding the part she grabbed.

As Uzi continued on her rail gun V had returned and began talking with N. Uzi didn't even notice until she turned to ask N about something, that's when she noticed the female disassembly drone. V looked at her over Ns shoulder as the absolute solver flicked in her right eye and she opened her mouth in a sickening grin.

Vs eyes hollowed out as she looked back at N and rubbed the back of her head. "I'm going back out, want me to bring you something?" She asked and N looked confused. "No thanks," she said with a smile and V took off. Uzi was already back to her gun a satisfied grin on her metal face. "Your rail gun really is cool, Uzi!" N said with a bright smile.

Uzi thanked him a purple blush visible on her visor. N was hers, and only hers. N leant back in his chair and looked at the ceiling. "I like you Uzi," came from his mouth before he could stop it. Uzi looked surprised as she looked at him with hollowed out eyes. "I-I didnt mean that!" He tried to say.

Uzi grinned softly a blush on her visor that matched Ns. "I feel the same N," she said turning back to her gun. She looked calm but in reality she was panicking and wanting to jump in excitement. N looked surprised as he tangled his hand in his hair his tail wagging behind him. V came back in that moment and looked between them before shrugging and walking to the sleeping quarters.

Uzi grunted and stood, "I'm missing a part!" She exclaimed and went to the door. "Uzi, you'll burn," N warned and Uzi shook her head. "I haven't before I won't now," she said and stuck her hand out into the sunlight and immediately jerked it back with a yelp. "Ow! Fuck!" she yelled and N rushed to her side and took he hand to look at it. "It'll heal," he said simply and shut the door.

They walked back to their seats and opted for waiting till evening. N went to the sleeping quarters while Uzi laid on the floor in her own room. She found that she couldn't sleep so decided to try how she once saw N and V sleeping. Uzi used her tail to hang from the ceiling before crossing her arms and wrapping her wings around her body. She found herself asleep in minutes.

Once the night came around N decided to wake Uzi up. He walked in and didn't see her right away as he was looking at the bed. Uzi landed in front of him on her feet and scaring the shit out of him. "Uzi! There you are!" He said and she waved him off before walking out of the room her tail and wings disappearing into her body.

N ran to her side, "Want to get look for that part?" He asked and Uzi gave a nod. "I have something else to do though," N said as they both walked out into the cold weather of copper-9. Uzi went one way and N the other. N was looking for a certain worker drone, and once he found him he opened his wings and took off into the air.

N landed on top of Thad and pinned him to the ground, oil dripping from his mouth and onto the workers visor. The X on Ns visor was bright and his yellow lights lit up the white snow around them with a eerie yellow glow. Thad screamed and tried to get away. N brought his tail up to his shoulder and plunged it down into the workers visor.

A bright red 'fatal error' accompanied with a warning sign appeared on his visor before it went black. N continued to eat what was left of the drone, satisfaction filling his senses. Once he was finished up he took off into the night air and went back to the pod to clean up. Now Uzi was his and his only. He could only smile at the thought of him having her all to himself.

What she would look like oil on her neck and his.. yeah he cut his thoughts off there as he walked up to the pod and to the sleeping quarters. N began to clean the oil off of his face and hands, along with his jacket. The door to the pod opened which scared N as he walked out of the room. Uzi walked in the part she was looking for in her hand but a gloomy look on her face. "What's wrong?" N asked and put a hand on her shoulder.

Uzi looked over at him. "Thad was killed," she said and N looked sad for her but really, he felt happy. N held her in a hug and pressed a kiss to her head. Uzi hugged him back and N rubbed her back. Once the day came around everyone was asleep, well almost everyone. Uzi was still wake and was walking towards V, before the drone wound wake up Uzi managed to get her to be 'dead'.

The night rolled around again and Uzi was hanging up in her room asleep when N and V where out of the room. N was in tears at the sight of V as she hasn't regenerated yet. Uzi opened her eyes and landed off of the ceiling and to the floor walking to the room. She managed to make a shocked expression, even though it was her that killed V.

Uzi hugged N who hugged her back, his head in her stomach. V began to regenerate and sat up looking around. "What happened?" She asked rubbing her head. N pulled away from Uzi and hugged V tightly. V hugged him back before looking at Uzi who in turn looked kinda pissed. "I'm so glad your okay!" N said and pulled back.

V nodded tearing her gaze away from the other drone in the room before focusing in on N. They both stood and N stuck to Uzis side. "Hey Uzi, can I talk to you? Privately." V glanced at N who walked out fo the room. Uzi grinned at her, "What do you need?" She asked and V ground her teeth. "Why did you kill me? Or at least try to." V spat and Uzi cracked a crazed smile.

Uzis eye flickered to the absolute solver symbol for a split second before she answered. "Because N is mine," she said smiling and V seemed terrified. "I don't even want him, I'm just a friend that stuck around." She said and Uzi didn't seemed to believe it. "Everyone's a risk," Uzi said before walking to the door. "Keep an eye out V," she said then walked out.

V felt shivers run down her spine. N had been listening to the whole conversation and was blushing in the captains chair. Uzi came and sat next to him as V walked out soon after. "I'm going hunting," V grumbled and took off out of the door. "I didn't know you felt the same way about me that I do about you," N confessed and Uzi turned to look at him.

Uzi looked away, "And if I do?" She asked and N made her look at him. "Then where both.. what are those people called from your animes? Yanderies?" He asked and Uzi gave a sly smile. "Maybe so," she said and N couldn't help but match her slick smile. Their faces inched closer and soon their lips met in a passionate kiss.

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