Sleep Paralysis

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(I do not have sleep paralysis, I only vaguely know what it is so please correct me on anything that is incorrect. And please if you are triggered by this then do not read, thank you)

Edited ✔️

N and Uzi sat in the pod before bed watching a show of sorts on the screen of the pod. "We should head to bed, Uzi," N said followed up with a yawn. "Yeah, I guess your right.." she said and the show was turned off as the taller drone got up first offering a hand to the shorter. Uzi took his hand and was pulled up in one movement. "Thanks," she said a slight grin on her face. N nodded with a smile before he walked to his and Vs sleeping quarters.

Uzi took a deep breath and followed but turned into another room on the way. She saw the small bed that she laid out, it wasn't like her room back at home that was all black and purple, instead this black with a light gray floors and a purple comforter on her bed. The sheets where white, but that's it. It would work till she had the guts to grab her stuff from the colony. Uzi laid down and let sleep take her, though that never ends well for her. She woke up about an hour later and found that she couldn't move at all.

A small amount of panic set in as she looked wildly around her room. Uzi soon figured out what was happening and decided to wait. A fre minutes passed and a shadowy creature stalked into the room after opening her door. It's legs where long as where its arms and it was super tall, taller then most worker and disassembly drones alike. It's eyes glowed bright red in color and it snuck up closer with jagged movements. Uzi resisted the urge to scream as the creature climbed onto the bed.

It slowly made its way onto her and grabbed her throat preventing her from breathing. Though Uzi didn't need to breath she felt a piercing scream rise and escape her mouth. The creature retreated quickly allowing Uzi to sit up and breath. Her breaths where panicked as she looked around to be sure the creature had left as was not coming back. N rushed into the room having been woken up. "Uzi, what happened!?" He asked checking the drone over for any type of injury.

Uzi gave a nod, she was used to this. She would scare away the creature with a scream, N would come in check her and ask what had happened, she would tell him nothing, then V would walk in and N and her would talk before he left and Uzi told what happened to V. It was like their nightly routine at this point. V never told and neither did Uzi so N was constantly put into the dark for this. Uzi didn't want to worry her best friend about what's been happening to her well being but he would soon find out.

N sat down as V didn't enter this time around. They had planed this. "Uzi, what's really going on?" He asked and Uzi shook her head. "Nothing," she said just like every other time this has happened. "Uzi, please I want to help you and I can't if you keep leaving me in the dark," N reasoned pulling at Uzis arm. Uzi sighed in defeat. She didn't want to tell him. Not yet. Not like this. "Have you ever heard of sleep paralysis?" She asked.

N thought for a second, then shook his head. "No, I don't believe I have," he said and Uzi pulled her knees to her chest knowing she would have to explain. "Well it's basically when this creature comes to you while you sleep, you can't move your body but you can hear, see, and feel everything that happens. This creatures job is to scare you to where you can't sleep and it happens every single night," Uzi explained and Ns expression grew worried.

He took a breath as he thought again. "So this creature is bad news, right?" He asked and Uzi gave a nod focused on a certain point on the metal floor. "How do you get rid of it?" He asked and Uzi shook her head. "I don't think there is a way.." she said and this time it was Ns turn to shake his head. "There has to be a way, and we'll find it!" N encouraged. Uzi smiled at his enthusiasm before it faded once again. Maybe they couldn't find a way to fix this.

V finally came in and knelt in front of Uzi. "We'll find a way," she said briskly. Uzi looked at her doubt it her purple eyes. "It can't attack you if your upside down," N suggested and Uzi took it to thought. "Maybe we should try it," she said and V gave a grin. "Let's do this then," she said and they all stood before walking to their sleeping quarters. "N care to help her?" V asked. N nodded and grabbed Uzi from around the waist. V jumped up onto her sleeping rod and waited for N to jump up onto his.

N opened his wings and flipped them upside down his tail curling tightly around the small bar as he held Uzi tightly so she wouldn't fall. He then crossed his wings around them to keep them warm. To Uzis surprise they just felt like a heavy weighted blanket that kept them both warm and safe. She felt as if she could do this every night, and soon she was asleep. No one awoke again until the next night came around.

V jumped down first to go grab them breakfast, which was of course mostly worker drone oil. N and Uzi awoke around the same time and they jumped down together. N smiled at the drone, "I think we found our answer," he said with the brightest smile. Uzi flushed and nodded. "Guess so," she agreed. N took notice on her blushing face and pulled her in close.

Uzi began to blush more at their proximity, until N brought their lips together. Uzi slowly melted into the kiss as her arm wrapped around his neck and Ns hands made their way to the smaller drones hips. The sound of the first door opening startled them as they pulled away. "Breakfast!" V called from the main compartment. The two made their way out and sat together as a group and began to eat. With out the fear of the creature maybe she could get some well deserved sleep.

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