Edited ✔️
Uzi and N had made it to JcJensons headquarters, but only Uzi had made it past the first layer of doors. "N! Your have to help me open the door!" She yelled hoping her companion could help her open the door as she couldn't do it on her own. N gave a nod as they began to struggle to open the thick and heavy steal door. Uzi was using her absolute solver but found that it did no good on its own, so her thought that maybe with Ns help they could get it open.
They both tried with all of their might to open the door but nothing worked. Uzi flew up to the bulletproof glass that rested just a bit higher then she could see on her feet, but she knew N could see through it fine. "N!" She shouted and the disassembly drone came into view. "We'll open this door before the sun comes up!" She knew that was a lie for the sky around them was already starting the brighten and show colors.
Around them the field provided no source for a shadow or a way out of the way of the cruel sun. They continued to try and open the door only to fail once again. "Uzi!" N shouted through the glass. She walked over to it and put her hands on his that where only separated by the thick glass between them. "Uzi, I love you," N said and Uzis visor showed tears under her perfectly round eyes. "You remember how J came back!?" N game a solemn nod. "I'll bring you back! I promise!" She said becoming desperate.
N set his head on the glass as pink stretched along the horizon. Uzi set hers on the glass as well and for a second she felt as if the glass wasnt there to begin with, and hers and Ns bangs mixed together. The illusion was shattered when N screamed out in agony, showing that the sun had rose over the horizon. Uzi slammed her metal fists onto the glass, knowing that was going to do nothing she still punched it repeatedly, not being able to stop herself.
N yelled out again and fell to the ground. Uzi hissed at the sun light and crouched down to avoid being burnt. She stood back up and turned around her visor glitching from her purple eyes to both the yellow X found in disassembly drones and the absolute solver. Uzi began to walk down the long corridor the panels bending a twisting behind her as she walked traping what ever may be down the hall.
Uzi threw open the closest door and pounced on any human she saw. Her tail had bitten and thrown a few across the large room. They where going to pay for what they have done to N. Uzi got up and her face, hands, wings, and tail where already drenched with the crimson liquid of the humans. She continued to stalk down the corridor to the main room who's resided on the very end of the hall. As she grew closer she heard the sound of panicked humans and running feet.
Uzi grinned wildly, like a hunter ready to pounce on their prey. She burst through the door and dodged a on coming bullet. Uzi sprang at the human who shot at her and ripped their head off in one movement of her hand. She stood again and continued her rampage. When she saw that there where in fact no more humans she looked around for anything that could help N.
On one wall she found a newer model of a disassembly drone and walked over to it. It's was vaguely similar to that of N model as of that moment, but it seemed to have more weapons, based off it's description of course. It also had a more sleek design. Uzi decided she would wait till night to retrieve N corpse and bring it back here to hopefully bring her companion back from the dead, but until then she had to find something else to entertain herself with.
As the time passed she found herself getting more and more board. Eventually Uzi found a game to play with the remaining humans. She believed it was called hide and seek? what ever it was, if they where found they would be killed. Uzi didn't know that humans where so bad at hiding, but none the less it helped her pass the time. When it was finally night she learned how to open the door to grab N.
Uzi dragged in Ns corpse and laid it out on a table next to the new model she had found. Uzi took the tip of her wing and cut a line right down the middle of Ns chassis showing his entrails. She scavenged for his core and his memory chip, both of which where needed if she was going to do this. Uzi was holding back the greef of one, basically dissecting her best friend, and two, having to watching and listen to him die, but killing those people helped out a lot.
She found his core and memory chip both in perfect condition and ready for use. Uzi cut open the newer model and stuck the two devices on their place before wandering around in search of oil. Both her and N will need it later she's sure if it. Uzi glanced over at where N was laying lifeless only to see 'Rebooting' in bold yellow words.
Uzi had found the oil and took some for herself before setting the rest aside for N when he gets up. N sat up with a gasp as his back as still in the pain he felt from getting scorched by the sun. He looked around and found that he was in fact not outside, rather he was inside and sitting on a metal table, but something felt off. N looked to his right and saw his old body then looked down to see Uzi holding onto him from his waist.
N pet her head, "I'm okay now Uzi, thank you," he said and Uzi only held him tighter. "I'm glad your alright Uzi," said N as he set a soft kiss to her fluffy metallic hair. "Only be-cause I was ab-le to save y-ou!' she said hiccuping every now and then. N got off the table and held her in a proper hug. "I won't leave you again," he said and Uzi looked up at him. "Promise?" She asked and N gave a grin.
"Of course, my little worker.."

Nuzi oneshots
FanfictionI just watched (well was shown) murder drones and I absolutely fell for this ship so please, enjoy! Requests and information are on the first page, thank you! There is: Fluff Gore Angst Suicide attempts Death Started: 5/7/23 Ended: __/__/__