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Uzi looked over herself in the mirror and turned. She looked at herself from the side and her absolute solver symbol flashed in her eye. Uzi covered her eye and looked away from the mirror and pulled on her beanie ready for the school day. "Hey Uzi!" N chirped jumping down the vents scaring the worker drone.

With a few deep breaths she looked at N. "You scared me!" She shouted and N chuckled, "Want me to take you to school?" He asked and Uzi ground her teeth. "Bite me! I'm fine!" She said when in reality, she did want him to take her to school. N shook his head as they began to walk side by side to each other to the small school room of about twenty? kids. Uzi didn't know she never payed attention anyway.

N looked over at his friend in a worried manor. "Uzi are you okay?" He asked having taken notice of the way she held herself. "I'm fine! Stop asking!" She said and they reached the door. "Hey, how about you join me for a day of school, you've never went before," Uzi suggested and N lit up to the idea. "Please!" He said and Uzi couldn't help but smile at how cute he was being.

What did she do to deserve him? Uzi sighed, "If the teacher is fine with it," she added on and they walked in. Everyone looked at them fear on their faces. Uzi tightened her hold on herself as she turned towards the teacher. "Can he stay for today?" She asked and teacher waved them off saying it was fine. N smiled brightly as they walked back to Uzis seat and the empty seat next to her.

They sat down and Uzi put her head on the table as a wad of paper was throw at her head. She grabbed it and unfolded it to show crinkled words in the paper, they read 'dumb bitch, using a disassembly drone for protection. Weak ass.' then a smudged name for who wrote it. They didn't want to be blamed for this, she had guessed.

N was focused on class his tail swaying happily behind him. Uzi was glad he was happy for once rather then beat down and abused by his so called 'team-mates'. She decided to recharge a bit and nap while the teacher ranted about something unimportant. Uzi woke up to N shaking her gently and looked at him. "Yeah?" She mumbled out rubbing her eyes.

N looked at the book in his hands that the teacher had passed out, obviously forgetting Uzi as she didn't have one. Uzi looked around her desk and sighed before raising her hand. "Yes Uzi?" The teacher sound incredibly bored. "I need a book," Uzi said just loud enough for him to hear her. The teacher came back and tossed the book to her desk before walking back.

Uzi now looked at N, "What do you need?" She asked and N pointed to some words. "I don't understand these," he confessed sheepishly. Uzi grinned as she began to help him say it, then tell him the definition. Ns face lit up as he was learning new things he didn't know existed. "Uzi! No talking!" The teacher shouted and Uzi faced her own book once more.

N put his hand up being called on, "She was helping me read sir, I'm sorry," he apologized and the teacher scoffed before going back to reading. Uzi yawned as she read a head knowing a question set was next. Just like she predicted a paper was passed out to everyone that held questions. Once they had finished this they could leave the class and do what they pleased.

N surprisingly got done rather quickly and decided to wait on Uzi who didn't understand her questions. Eventually she got through and they handed in the papers together before walking out and back to the doorman's house rooms. "Hey dad, can N stay? Just till the night so he won't overheat while going to the pod," she asked as she walked in. Khan looked worried but sighed.

He looked at N then back at his daughter, "Fine, if he must," he said and N cheered. "Okay, let's go to my room," she said and they began to walk down the long thin hall that always gave Uzi chills. They walked into her room and N looked around, the room never failed to amaze him, no matter how many times he's been in that room.

Uzi laid on her bed and N sat on the edge. Uzi recently added a bar on her ceiling so N could sleep in his normal way. For the moment she plugged herself in and stared at the ceiling. "You okay Uzi?" N asked and Uzi sighed as digital tears filled her digital eyes. "No," she said simply and N moved closer.

N put a hand her hair and began to stroke it gently and in a calming way. "What's wrong?' he asked and Uzi looked at him pulling the covers to her chin. "Second draw on the left," N got up and looked at the drawer "There should be a stack of papers, read them," she said and turned her back to him as she let her emotions take control.

N pulled out the rather thick stack and sat back on the bed and began to read them, one page at a time. They where all insults, with dates, names, and times in Uzis hand writing. Almost like she was keeping them logged. The more N read the worse he felt, Uzi was feeling terrible and he hadn't noticed. Once finished he put the stack back and went to Uzis side.

He put a hand to her shoulder and she looked at him. "Uzi, none of those papers are true," he said and Uzi sat up pulling the cord out of her neck from the movement. "Uzi, your the sweetest, bravest, most caring person I've come across in my life, they have no right to speak about you like that with out seeing this side of you," N said as small yellow blush on his visor.

Uzi looked at him and pulled her knees to her chest as more digital tears starting falling. "But what if they're right? What if I am what they say I am? A monster, selfish, a bitch, weak?" She asked and N shook his head. "You had the guts to go against me with that sick rail gun while everyone else sat back and didn't do anything, that in itself says a lot," N explained.

Uzi looked at him and his face showing only honesty. "Your not a monster, your just figuring things out about yourself, and you pack a pretty strong punch," he rubbed his arm making Uzi chuckle lightly, "Your not a bitch and your definitely not selfish, you wanted to go against us for the greater good of your colony, showing that you cared for their safety," N said and Uzi leaned close to him.

N wrapped her in his wings and held her close. "Uzi, if it weren't for you nearly killing me, I would have lost the most important thing in my life," N spoke up and Uzi looked up at him the blush on both their visors. "Uzi, your important to me, I love you," he said and Uzi smiled. "Thank you, N for everything and," she paused trying to find the words and gather her confidence, "I l-love you too," she said.

N lent down and brought their metal lips together in a delicate yet passionate kiss. Khan stood outside the door, his hand on the door nob, he was going to tell his daughter that dinner was ready but then he heard N speaking to her like no one he's ever heard before so he had to stop and listen. Khan smiled before knocking.

"Dinner you two," he said and walked away smile still present on his face. Maybe N was the one for her.

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