My Baby.. You're My Baby..

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Suggestion by: rubyarc34
Thank you for your suggestion!
This is mostly J and Uzi fluff and angst, I do not ship them it's just a great and sweet idea! I'm sorry, this was kind of rushed and I don't like it that much, but please enjoy if you do!

Edited ✔️

Today was the big day. J, N, and V where walking through the halls of the JcJenson headquarters going to their pod. J held her little girls hand tightly, hoping she could come along too. Her name was Kasey and she had long silver hair that had a purple tint. Even though J was only 14 she loved the child she had adopted. They formed a strong bond with each other, that J personally loved.

They arrived at the room only to find that their pod was not yet ready. "We should turn back, it's not ready yet we must be early," V suggested. She may only be a young age but she was smart and fierce. N nodded. He was the youngest of the group and came off as soft and easily scared, but their little group knew he was deadly. J nodded and they all turned. J being the eldest immediately put her as the mother and caretaker of these two plus her own child.

They where walking back through the halls and to their conjoined room when a human stopped them in their tracks. They where almost as tall as said human but they knew who had the higher stance. "Hand me the girl." He said and J backed up, her child was scared and holding Js hand tightly. "No, this is my baby." J defended and the girls other arm was grabbed by the human and she was pulled from her mother's grasp.

Kasey began screaming and cry trying to get back as she was only 4. J began to cry as well. Another human grabbed J from behind to keep her from running after the human dragging her baby away. "My baby!" She yelled she voice full of agony and sorrow. N and V where also held back as their faces showed only that of anger. J soon stopped fighting and she was dropped to the floor.

They had no idea where Kasey was taken to but they had to find her before the pods take off time. N stayed by J as V ran off to look around the hall and nearby ones. "We'll find her J," N promised and J leaned against his small body. V came back horror plan on her face. "I found her.." she said and laid the small oil covered body down. J looked at it and burst into tears.

She held the child close and whispered, "My baby.. My baby.. M-My baby.." tears stuck her voice making it waver and cut out. N felt his core hurt for his teammate. "Serial designation members V, J, and N go to your pod." A voice over the intercom said then buzzed out. J set the child down in a hidden corner hoping to come back to her. They all then stood and began walking side by side.

They arrived at the pods room and J kept her head down even as they entered to pod. It took a year to arrive making J almost forget about her now lifeless baby girl, and N and V to grow and become less likely to be traumatized by what they where ment to do. When the pod crashed they made sure to keep their visors off to hopefully scare the drones. The workers filed around the crater with looks of confusion.

The three of them opened the large Xs on their visors before they shot out and extended their wings. To the workers they looked like beautiful angels made of metal. V was the first to dive and brought up one terrified and frozen worker. She ripped it's head off and dropped the body down the people below. Some began running others where stuck in shock and terror.

The three of them dived down and grabbed the workers killing them off. J landed behind a woman with purple hair and sunk the needle end of her tail into her back. "Mama!" A little girl yelled as the woman fell. The child has purple hair and was no older then 5. J was horrified of what she just did, but it was to late to reverse it. "M-Mama?.." the little girl shook her mother in hopes of waking her.

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