Clingy Uzi

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Suggestion by: tt_eri
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Everyone was just hanging around the pod talking and not really doing much. Uzi sat in Ns lap and laid his head against his shoulder, this caught N off guard and maybe V laugh. "Hey Uzi, you feeling okay?" N asked the worker drone, she just nodded in response.  V and N shared a worried glance before they both looked at the drone. "You sure your okay?" V asked just to be sure.

Uzi ground her teeth. "I'm fine!" She snapped and got up leaving the room, but it didn't stay that way for long. She soon came back and took the position she was in just moments before. V and N looked at each other worriedly before V got up. The disassembly drone was getting hungry and thought N was as well so she was planning on going hunting. "I'll be back in an hour, let me know if anything happens," she said and left the pod.

N wrapped his arms around Uzi and positioned her to where they could see eye to eye with each other. "What's wrong? Your never this clingy unless something happened," he said expressing her worries. "I just want to be with you so what," she said and huffed at the end. N grinned worry disappearing from his face. "You could have just said so," he said and pat her head.

Uzi laid against him again and N had his arms around her holding her close. It was a few hours before V was back, surprisingly she was clean of oil but she had a deceased worker drone in her hand. "N!" She called walking into the pod. N turned to look at her, Uzi was asleep her back facing the entrance to the pod. "I got you food," V said tossing the deceased drone to the side and up against the wall. "Thanks V," he said with a smile.

N gently set a sleeping Uzi on the couch and got up picking the deceased drone up and jerking off it's head. Uzi started to awake but didn't bother to move, she was trying to calm from her dream with out the other realizing. Once N was done he went over to Uzi and lifted the drone up, she immediately pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't catch on. "I'm going to take her to bed," he said before leaving the room. V nodded and went back to what she was doing.

Soon N came back into the main area of the pod. "I feel like Uzi's not telling us something," he said aloud turning his head to V. The disassembly drone looked up at him then looked back to the floor. She had the same thought but wasn't sure if N would have believed her. "Yeah, I felt the same I wonder what she's hiding that's of such importance she can't tell us," V spoke her mind and N nodded along.

He supported everything the other was saying but it still made him uneasy. "How do we make her tell us with our making her?" N asked and sat on the couch. "You won't.. have to," spoke a very robotic and chopped up voice. Uzi was in the door way to her room head tilted to the right and her eyes, they where yellow and one wse the absolute solver symbol. V jumped up from her seat her hands turning into swords. "CYN. What do you want from us!?" N yelled worried for the welling of his lover.

The worker drone chuckled her head falling the other way. "To de-stroy.. all that try.. to get in my w-w-way!" She spoke, her voice glitching and robotic. Ns eyes hollowed out in shock as he took a step back, V on the other hand lunged at Uzi only to be thrown to the side by the zombie drones tail. "Y-You will.. not get in.. my way." She said looking at N. N put his hands out to Uzi almost like he was surrending. "Uzi! Uzi please!" He yelled and the drone head tilted to the opposite way.

"Good bye.. N," she spoke and raised her hand, a yellow solver spinning in her hand. A matching one appeared around the other drones neck as he was tossed carelessly across the room. N hit his head on the corner of the dash and pil sprayed all over the walls, floor, and command buttons. Uzi turned her attention to V who was getting up with the help of her swords. "You! Why are you doing this!?" The disassembly drone yelled.

Uzi smiled, though it wasn't the zombie drones own smile. The hack corners of her teeth with six sharp fangs on her upper and lower jaws, it resembled close to a disassembly drones fangs but more fangs. Uzi didn't speak instead she raised her hand to be pointed at V, the solver continued to spin as a twin pair of matching solvers appeared on Vs wrists lifting her up into the air. V thrashed and yelled but to no prevail.

Uzi walked closer until her eyes suddenly closed and she fell backwards with a heavy thud. V was soon to follow, having been thrown on the floor once the solvers disappeared from around her wrists. N was still unconscious and trying to heal on the other side of the room. V sat up slowly, making sure she was in working order before she tried to stand or walk. Once she assessed she was just fine she got up and walked over to N.

V gently moved the other drone to lay him on the ground, making healing easier. She then looked to Uzi, her eyes showing worry before she walked over to he zombie drone and lifting her up and into her arms. V laid the drone down on the couch before going back to N to prop him up against the wall. Soon N came back online his eyes looking around the room confused. V cane into his sights and knelt down. "How you feeling?" She asked and N looked at her.

He looked away again then back at her. "Confused, what happened?" He asked and Vs eyes drifted to the floor then to the couch. "CYN," she said blatantly. Ns eyes widened and V looked at him. "She took control of Uzi's body," she explained and N got up quickly running to Uzi's side. V followed and sat at the end of the couch and N knelt down next to the zombie drones head. "Are you okay?" N asked out of random breaking the silence.

V nodded looking at the floor. "Yeah, I guess Uzi managed to get back into control before CYN could hurt me," she said and N nodded looking at her. "I'm glad your okay," he said with a soft smile. V looked at him and returned the smile before looking at Uzi, a loading disk on her visor. N turned his gaze to Uzi's face as the drone came back online. The drone groaned sitting up. "What happened?" She asked looking between the two disassembly drones.

The drones shared a look before looking back at her. "Do you remember anything that just happened?" V asked carefully, and Uzi sat up. She nodded slowly the memories just coming back to her. N took a breath, "We know it wasn't you," he said softly with a a smile that matched his voice. Uzi nodded and N set a hand to her shoulder V giving her a small smile. "Well figure out a way through this, as a team," she said, N was surprised by the honesty in her voice.

N looked at her with a grin. "Well that's surprising coming from you," he joked making the two females laugh a bit. "Oh shut it you," V said with a smile. "Thanks guys, for everything," Uzi said cutting though their conversation making the both of then look at her and smile. "Don't thank us it's what a team does," N said pressing a kiss to Uzi's forehead. "Ew," V said I'm a joking manner once N pulled away. Uzi rolled her eyes with a grin.

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