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Ella watched angrily as Mitchel spoke with Jazz and how he stared after her even as she walked away. She thought that since he was alone, she could make an attempt to talk to him, but when she approached the boy, he curtly responded to her greeting and quickly walked away. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk to her. This angered Ella as she remembered how they used to talk before Jazz showed up.

"What do I have to do to get rid of that girl called Jazz?" She asked Titi who was standing a few feet behind her, but it seemed like she was asking the question more to herself than to Titi.

Titi moved closer to her and they walked back to their dormitory together. "The only way to do that is to get her expelled, that is what she wants after all. It's no news that she doesn't like this school," she said.

"Then we would grant her wish."

"But how?"

Ella pulled Titi into their room and made sure the room was empty before speaking. "I could frame her for exam malpractice, that would get her in huge trouble."

Titi disagreed. "You know Jazz is very brilliant, it would be difficult to believe that she was involved in exam malpractice. They would investigate the matter further and might catch you in the process."

"You're right. We need something that would be more believable, something that she can do."

"I have no idea, maybe as time goes by we'll think of something."

"Think harder. The sooner she leaves this school, the better for me," Ella said and sat on her bed, folding her arms.

The bell rang, signifying that it was time for dinner and the girls left the room for the cafeteria. Jazz and Ella met at the top of the steps and glared at each other. Ella blocked Jazz's way, with her arms akimbo and a scowl on her face. Jazz attempted to go past her but she continued to block her.

"Get out of my way, I don't have time for this," Jazz hissed.

"What is wrong with you, Ella? My friend, would you leave the road so we can go and eat before the cafeteria gets crowded," Ronke snapped.

"I'll only step aside for you to pass if you promise never to talk to Mitchel ever again."

"You don't tell me what to do. Now, if you'd excuse me," Jazz said and pushed Ella out of her way but the girl tripped and fell down the stairs with a deafening scream, causing everyone to gasp.

"Jazz! What have you done?!" Titi shouted as she frantically descended the steps to check on her friend. "She's badly hurt!"

Jazz and the others ran down the steps to see Ella who was whimpering and writhing in agony on the floor. She had some bruises on her arms and legs and wouldn't stop screaming. Some girls had already gathered at the scene and were whispering among themselves. Jazz assisted Titi as they took Ella to the sick bay while Kelechi and Ronke followed closely behind. Mrs. Kayode showed up at the sick bay shortly after and her eyes widened when she saw Ella looking miserable on the bed.

After the nurse had finished treating Ella's wounds and given her some painkillers and a sedative to induce sleep, Mrs. Kayode demanded to know what had caused the accident because she had to report to the principal.

"Jazz pushed Ella down the stairs," Titi supplied.

"That's not entirely true," Jazz argued. "I didn't push her down the stairs. I pushed her but I didn't expect her to fall down the stairs."

"And why are you going round pushing people?" Mrs. Kayode asked Jazz.

"She was blocking my path and refused to move away when I asked her to."

"That's a lie, she was about to move aside for you to pass but you just decided to push her. You were standing at the top of the stairs, how can you say you didn't expect her to fall down the stairs when you pushed her? You did it on purpose to injure her because you don't like her. My poor friend. What did she do to you?" Titi broke down into a sob and Jazz stared incredulously at her.

"You've got to be kidding me," she said exasperatedly.

"Jazz, what do you have to say for yourself?" Mrs Kayode faced Jazz.

"She's lying!"

"You're the one that's lying!"

"It seems the two of you want to start a debate on this matter, so I will ask the eye witnesses," Mrs Kayode said and turned to Kelechi and Ronke.

"I want you girls to tell me the truth about what really happened," she requested of them.

"Jazz only wanted to push Ella out of her way because she was blocking her but unfortunately, she fell down the stairs. It was an accident and Jazz even helped carry her here," Kelechi explained.

"If only Ella hadn't looked for Jazz's trouble like she always does, this wouldn't have happened," Ronke added.

"They are her friends so of course they would support her," Titi muttered and Mrs Kayode sighed warily.

"Were there any other eye witnesses?" She asked her.


"Then keep quiet and let me do my job," Mrs Kayode retorted and they snickered. "This means we'll have to wait for Ella to wake up so we can hear her side of the story since you people are not helping."

Mrs Kayode asked the nurse about Ella's condition and she told her that asides the few bruises and scratches she sustained from the merciless fall, Ella had suffered a sprained ankle and should be fine by the following day or in a couple of days. They were all relieved to find out that she wasn't seriously injured but Titi wouldn't stop lamenting about the fact that Jazz hurt her best friend.

Ella's eyes fluttered open and she was surprised to see so many people in the room. Titi rushed to her side and hugged her. "Ella! I'm so glad you're awake!" She chirped.

Mrs Kayode also sauntered over to her. "How are you feeling, Ella?"

"Not so good," she answered, eyeing Jazz.

"But you don't feel any pain?" The nurse asked, sitting in a chair across the room.

"No, just that my leg is paining me." Ella winced and contorted her face for emphasis.

"It's just a sprain, you're lucky it wasn't worse than this. Don't worry, you'll get better soon," the nurse said nonchalantly as she scrolled through her phone.

"I'll send someone to bring your dinner. In the meantime, can you tell me how you fell from the stairs?"

"Jazz pushed me," she stated simply.

"I was made to understand that it was an accident which was caused by you."

"It's a lie, I didn't cause anything."

"Did you block Jazz's way or not?"

"I did, but not on purpose, and when I wanted to leave the way for her to pass, she pushed me."

"You did it on purpose," Jazz said through gritted teeth.

"Even if I did, why did you push me?"

"I didn't mean to push you down the stairs and you know that."

"I don't know anything please."

"You don't even know anything before," Ronke quipped.

"Nobody was talking to you, loud mouth," Ella retorted.

"If them born you well, call me loud mouth again." Ronke faced her with a glare.

"Quiet everyone," Mrs. Kayode ordered. "Since it has been confirmed by you, Ella and the eye witnesses that you indeed pushed Ella, Jazz, I want you to come with me to Mrs William's office. Right now."

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