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They went back to the field to continue the practice match. One of the girls dribbled the ball and passed it to Ella to finally score a goal for the team but instead Ella kicked the ball hard towards Jazz who dodged it just in time but the ball hit her shoulder, causing her to groan and fall on her knees, clutching her shoulder as she winced in pain. Everyone ran towards her and Miss Toke and Kelechi helped her up and to one of the benches. They massaged her shoulder and gave her some water to drink.

"Does it still hurt?" Miss Toke asked.

"It's okay now," Jazz replied.

"Ella why did you kick the ball at her? What is wrong with you?!" Miss Toke questioned in anger.

"I'm sorry, it was by mistake," Ella said.

"No it wasn't," Jazz snapped.

"Yes, you did it on purpose," Ronke added.

"How do you know?" Titilayo asked.

"Because Ella was supposed to kick the ball into our post but instead she turned and kicked it at Jazz," Kelechi replied.

"That's a lie, you're only saying this cause you don't like Ella," Grace said.

"Shut up or I'll slap your mouth shut for you," Ronke retorted.

"Stop it right now!" Miss Toke ordered. "Ella, apologize to Jazz."

"I'm sorry," Ella apologized and Jazz sneered.

"Now come with me to the principal's office and explain yourself," Miss Toke said and Ella cringed.

"Please I'm so sorry," She begged.

Jazz didn't want them to go to the principal's office, she wanted to get back at Ella herself so she stopped Miss Toke. "There's no need for that, I'm okay now," Jazz said and forced a smile.

"What?" Kelechi and Ronke asked in unison.

"Are you sure?" Miss Toke asked surprisedly.

"Yeah, let's just go on with our practice."

"If you say so. And Ella, never you try this cheap stunt again or else you will definitely go to the principal," Miss Toke warned.

"Yes ma," Ella replied meekly.

Jazz switched teams with a girl from the other team and they assumed their positions on the field.

"Jazz what are you up to?" Kelechi asked suspiciously.

"You'll see." Jazz smirked.

I know that girl has something up her sleeves, Kelechi said to herself.

Princess signaled them with the whistle and they started playing. As soon as the ball got to Jazz, she kicked the ball with full force at Ella who wasn't lucky enough to dodge the ball and it hit her right in the face. Ella screamed and fell down flat on her back. Everyone stared at Jazz for a few seconds before running over to Ella. They carried her to the benches and put an ice pack on her face as she screamed and winced in pain.

"My head!" Ella cried, clutching her head.

"Jazz what was the meaning of that? Are you trying to kill her?!" Miss Toke was furious now.

"I'm sorry, it was a mistake," Jazz said innocently but her sly smile gave her away.

"The two of you, come with me to the principal's office and explain yourselves cause I don't know what is going on here!" Miss Toke ordered and they followed her.

* * *

Mrs Williams stood up when they entered her office. "What happened to you Ella?" She asked when she saw the icepack Ella was holding to her face.

"Jazz kicked a ball at me."

"What?!" Mrs Williams exclaimed and Jazz rolled her eyes.

Miss Toke explained everything that happened while Jazz and Ella kept giving each other death glares.

"Thank you Miss Toke, you may go now. I'll take it from here," Mrs Williams said and Miss Toke left the office.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on here?" Mrs Williams asked.

"She started this," Jazz said and sat down.

"Started what?"

"This," Jazz said and pointed to Ella's face.

Mrs Williams sighed. "Why did you kick a ball at her?"

"Cause she kicked a ball at me on purpose and claimed that it was a mistake. I couldn't just let it slide," Jazz replied and folded her arms.

"So you kicked the ball at her to get back at her?"

"See? Even you get it."

"Now Ella, why did you kick the ball at her in the first place?"

Ella broke down, crying. "I swear it was an accident, I didn't mean to hurt her but she didn't want to hear it, she just got angry and hit me."

"Oh please, cut the crap." Jazz snapped.

"Mind your language," Mrs Williams warned.

"Whatever. All I know is, she's lying and those tears are fake, unless she's crying from all the pain."

"I'm not lying," Ella shrieked.

"You're even lying now." Jazz scoffed.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are!"

"Quiet, the both of you! Neither of you have a good reputation so I don't even know who to believe. But I will punish you because such behaviour is not acceptable here. You are both suspended for the rest of the week and I will have to call your parents to inform them about this," Mrs Williams said and the girls winced.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"You heard me."

"There's really no need to call my parents, I mean they're probably busy with work and don't need to be stressed even more," Jazz started.

"Yes, please don't call my parents, they will kill me if they find out about this," Ella said.

"You should have thought about them before you started kicking footballs at each other. You may leave," Mrs Williams said and they left her office.

They sneered at each other before heading to the dorm and then to their rooms. Kelechi and Ronke were waiting for Jazz to come back so they could find out what happened.

"Are you okay?" Kelechi asked when she saw Jazz's sullen state.

"I am not okay. That lady is gonna call my parents!" Jazz said while Kelechi and Ronke gasped.

"Look what you've caused Jazz, you should've let Miss Toke take Ella to the principal when she hit you first and now, the two of you are in it together," Kelechi scolded her.

"No, I like what Jazz did, she dealt with Ella and gave her a taste of her own medicine. Next time she'll think again before messing with you," Ronke said and Jazz smirked.

"Yeah. But I'm only worried about my parents finding out about all this," She said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll understand," Ronke assured her.

"Ronke stop encouraging her to get into trouble," Kelechi warned.

"Please, Ella deserved what she got. She's such a nuisance," Ronke said.

"I would like to sleep now. After all this drama, I'm exhausted," Jazz said and laid on her bed.

"Aren't you going to change your clothes?" Kelechi asked.

"I'm too tired," Jazz mumbled.

Kelechi and Ronke looked at each other and back at Jazz. "Okay then, enjoy your sleep but don't forget that we have prep later," Ronke said and went to her bed.


Thanks for reading!! I hope you like this chapter?? Please give it a vote if you did and drop a nice comment. It would really encourage me to keep writing.

Lots of love,

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