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Kelechi, Ronke, Amarachi and Fatima waited anxiously for Jazz to return to the room. When Kelechi and Ronke were looking for her earlier, Zainab had told them that she was in the principal's office on the phone with her parents. They knew she wouldn't miss the opportunity to tell them to get her out of the school. After all, that was all she wanted since she stepped foot in the school. Jazz entered the room and they all stared at her expectantly. She seemed indifferent so it was difficult for them to decipher what she truly felt.

Ronke was brave enough to ask, "So, are you leaving?"

They all dreaded her reply.

Jazz took one look at them and laughed. "What is going on? Why do you guys look so grim?" She asked.

"We'll miss you, though," Kelechi said.

"Yeah, who is going to entertain us with her foreign accent and buy us things? Noone would want to come to our room anymore because it doesn't have Jazz," Amarachi said.

"This room, this school, is going to be boring without you," Fatima added.

"Okay you guys need to like relax or something. Chill, alright? I'm not going anywhere," Jazz told them.

They blinked in surprise.

"You mean you're staying? As in, you'll continue schooling here?" Ronke asked.

"Yep, at least until I'm done with high—"

The girls didn't even let Jazz finish her sentence before they rushed towards her, engulfing her in a big, warm hug and screaming excitedly.

"Aaarghhh! Tone it down, you're gonna shatter my eardrums," Jazz hissed. They let go of her, still smiling widely, unable to contain their enthusiasm.

"Wow! What made you change your mind about leaving?" Kelechi asked her.

"You guys," Jazz answered, and they hugged her once again.

"Even I am moved," Ronke said as they released Jazz from the suffocating hug.

"And your parents are okay with this?" Amarachi inquired.

Jazz shrugged. "Well, they brought me here in the first place so they shouldn't mind."

"Yes! That means we'll graduate together, and probably go to the same university!" Kelechi said, bubbling with mirth.

"Nah, I'll be returning to the US by then. I've always wanted to attend Harvard."

"That's fine, at least we'll get to spend more time with you."

"Also, I'll be leaving after our exams to go spend the holidays with my parents," Jazz announced.

"Oh... that's fine... family is everything," they all mumbled and Jazz shook her head at them, smiling.

"You guys are welcome to visit me in Los Angeles whenever you can," Jazz said to her friends as they lay in bed that night.

"We don't have international passports or a visa. Though by next year, Ronke would have them, her parents are planning for her to study abroad for university," Kelechi said.

"I'm not going abroad anymore," Ronke refuted. "My parents have decided that I will attend a private university in the country. Though I will be going abroad for my postgraduate studies. According to my parents, by then I would be more mature." That earned a chuckle from both Jazz and Kelechi. Ronke held her index finger to her lips then gestured to Amarachi and Fatima that were fast asleep.

"That's fine. Distance is not always a barrier. If you can't come to me, I will come to you," Jazz joked.

Mrs Kayode came into the room and flashed her torch across the room. "Go to bed, girls, I can hear your voices from all the way down the corridor. You can gist as much as you want when your exams are over," she said and left the room. The girls giggled at each other before going to sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

It was a beautiful Saturday morning for Jazz and as soon as she took her bath, dressed up and had breakfast, she returned to her room to retrieve her phone from her suitcase to call her best friend. She felt so bad that she hadn't called Aimee in a long time. Taking to the field to enjoy some cool morning breeze, Jazz dialled Aimee's number.

"Hello? Who is this?" Aimee asked sarcastically.

Jazz snickered. "It's your best friend."

Aimee gasped exaggeratedly. "I have a best friend?"

"Aimee..." Jazz drawled. She wasn't in the mood but Aimee had every right to be mad at her.

"Jazz..." Aimee drawled.

"Look, I'm sorry, alright. Now can you just forgive me so we can talk?"

Aimee was not indulging. "That was a very saucy apology," she stated.

Jazz huffed, then sighed calmly. "I'm really sorry, Aimee."

"Fine, whatever. But seriously though, if I wasn't at your house when your principal called your dad, I wouldn't have been aware of any of this before now. I mean, I should be the one getting all the scoop firsthand."

"And you will, from now on."

"That's better. Now, when are you coming home? I miss you so much, I can't wait to see you again and hug you!"

"I miss you too, Aimee. I have one more exam and I'll be done, then I can tell my parents to make preparations for me to return home for the holidays."

Aimee squealed. "I already have a Christmas present for you, you'll love it!"

"Thanks Aimee, I can't wait to see it!"

"So, is there anything else I need to know?"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you everything you wanna know when I get back."

"Okay. Bye. Love you!"

"Love you too," Jazz said and ended the call. She felt relieved after calling Aimee, now she could return to her room and go through her social media. She was so determined to hit her bed that she didn't notice when we walked past Mitchel and Osas. She only turned when he called her name.

"I'm so glad I saw you today, it's like you've been scarce these days," Mitchel said, pulling her into a warm hug.

Osas smiled coyly as they broke off from the hug. "Hi Jazz," he greeted, waving.

"Hi there," she responded, not remembering his name.

"I will miss you, Jazz. Are you leaving for good?" Mitchel asked her, hoping she won't say something that would break his heart.

"Yeah, but I'll be back next year," she told him.

"Seriously? That's good to hear, really," Mitchel said and hugged her again.

"Yeah, but if you suffocate me to death that won't be possible." Jazz chuckled.

"Sorry. Um, want to go for a walk?" Mitchel offered, ignoring Osas' creased brows.

"No thanks, I'm not in the mood for physical activity today. See you around," Jazz said and offering him a small smile, she walked away.

"Are you sure she's coming back or she's just saying that one so you won't feel bad?" Osas asked Mitchel as they continued their walk to the tennis court.

"We'll find out next year."

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