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While Ella and Titi were packing their things, they got into a nasty fight. Ella grabbed ahold of Titi's long hair while Titi held her by the collar. Other students had to rush into the room to separate them. A junior met Somto on her way into the hostel and reported the fight between the two girls. Somto marched straight to the room.

"Barely two minutes alone and you two want to rip each other apart. Pack your things quickly and quietly or else," she warned them. Ella shot daggers at her, while Titi continued packing her things.

"Or else what? I'm already leaving this godamn school so there's nothing you can do to me," Ella retorted.

Somto smirked and folded her arms. "As long as you are still in this dorm, I am your dorm captain and you will behave yourself. Don't let me call Jazz for you, you know she's capable of shutting that loud mouth of yours."

Ella hissed and continued packing her things. Titi was already done and made to leave. "I hope you never get accepted into a good school and your life is ruined forever. Selfish girl!" She said to Ella and left the room with her bags. None of the juniors around offered to help her at all.

"Look who's calling me selfish, you are just as selfish. Stupid girl!" Ella shouted back at her. When she was done packing, she sat on her bed and broke down into tears. In that moment, she understood what Grace went through when she got expelled. She would wait for her mother in the room, she didn't want to go to the secretary's office where Titi was probably waiting.

"Serves you right!" Somto said to her and walked out of the room. Her other roommates just stared at her, not daring to ask her what transpired in Mrs William's office.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Jazz slept peacefully that night with the knowledge that she had been vindicated. She didn't even wake up in the middle of the night to study with her roommates as they had planned. They let her be and didn't bother to wake her up because they knew how tired and frustrated she was from the whole situation with Ella. Speaking of Ella, her mother had shamefully come to pick her up from the school premises after a curt discussion with Mrs William. She didn't even have the decency to apologise to Jazz for her daughter's misdeed. Titi's parents had also come to pick her up and they were told that their daughter could resume school after six weeks– that was three weeks into the new term, and if they could not wait till then, they were more than welcome to take her to another school.

After she was done with her exams for the day, Jazz decided to head straight to her room to get some rest and of course, avoid the people who wanted to speak with her. She was too late however, as Princess spotted her from afar and hollered at her. The story of Ella being exposed had already spread throughout the whole school and everyone seemed to have something to say to Jazz.

"Jazz, wait up!"

Jazz pretended not to hear her and continued walking, but alas, Princess caught up with her and placed her chubby hand on her shoulder, sweating and panting.

"Whew! Running is not my thing!" Princess said, wiping the numerous beads of sweat on her forehead and neck with a handkerchief. "I was looking for you after the exam was over, it was almost like you disappeared. Abu was also looking for you."

Jazz involuntarily rolled her eyes. What on earth were they looking for her for?

"Okay, what is it?" She asked, but suddenly regretted it as Princess hugged her. "Ew! Don't hug me, you're drenched in sweat," Jazz said, pulling away from her embrace.

"Sorry, but you're already on your way to the hostel to freshen up, right? Anyway, I wanted to congratulate you on winning the fight against Ella. I knew her scheming and games would take her nowhere. Now she's gone from our school forever, thanks to you."

"You're welcome. Now, I gotta go, before someone else comes over."

Princess chuckled. "Alright, bye. See you later."

Jazz hadn't even walked three steps when Zainab walked up to her. "Jazz, Mrs Williams wants to see you in her office, now," she told her.

Jazz groaned. "Can you guys just let me have like two minutes to myself, please?!"

"We would, but your parents want to speak with you."

Jazz sucked in a breath and went to Mrs William's office. The door was slightly open so she didn't bother to knock and just walked right in. Mrs William didn't seem to care, she beamed as soon as she saw her. "Here, your father is on the line," she said, handing her the phone.

"Dad?" Jazz called but it was her mum's voice she heard instead.

"Jazz! Oh my goodness, what's happening over there? Why didn't you tell us about any of this? I am very mad at your principal and matron for keeping all this from us. They managed to pacify your dad, but I am still upset, and I have made it clear to them that nobody messes with my daughter. Aimee is really upset, and she's also mad at you for keeping all this from her. By the way, how are you doing, hunny? Nobody hurt you, right? Do you still want to remain there after all that happened?"

Jazz chuckled, then said, "Mom, calm down alright. Nothing happened to me, and noone can hurt me even if they tried. A lot was going on, and I didn't get the chance to tell you guys about it, I'm really sorry. Tell Aimee I'll give her a call on Saturday, it's the only day we're allowed to use our phones. Is dad there?"

"Of course I'm here, princess," came her dad's calm and soothing voice. "The most important thing, which your mom has refused to understand, is that the truth got out and you are alright. I wouldn't have tolerated anything less."

"Thanks dad." Jazz smiled.

"So, how are your exams going? When are you rounding up?" He asked, ignoring his wife huffing and puffing beside him.

"My exams are going well, and I'll be done next week," Jazz answered.

"That's great. Let us know when you're ready so we can book your ticket back home for the holidays."

"Will do."

"Also, would you like to continue schooling there, or would you like to return to The States permanently? You said you needed time to think about it, I believe you have had enough time and have made up your mind."

"I have."

"So, what's your decision?"

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