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It was the week of the mid-term exams and the students - well, some of them - were prepared, while those who weren't hastily skimmed through their books, hoping to get a few things into their heads before the exam started. The names of the teachers that would invigilate each class everyday was pasted on the notice board so they would know their schedule.

"I can't wait for next week," Ronke said excitedly as she, Jazz and Kelechi walked to their classes.

"Why?" Jazz asked.

"Cause next week is our mid-term break." Jazz just stared at Ronke, not quite understanding why she was so excited about it.

"Our mid-term break lasts for a week, you see, so we all get to go home for a week," Kelechi explained to Jazz whose face lit up immediately. "Are you saying that I get to go home?" She asked excitedly.

"You don't get to go yourself," Kelechi clarified. "Your parents or guardians will have to come and pick you or else you're not going anywhere."

"That's not a problem, I'll just tell my parents about it," Jazz said.

"And you think they'll travel all the way from the States to come and take you home for a break of just one week?" Ronke asked her.

"Of course, my parents would do anything for me," Jazz replied, smiling.

"Lucky you," Kelechi said. "There was a time my uncle forgot to come and take me home for the mid-term break even though I called him the week before to remind him. Mrs K. had to call him to come and pick me up when everyone had gone and I was the only one left."

"That's terrible, it must've suck," Jazz said.

"No need to tell me." Kelechi sighed. "Anyway, our mid-terms come before the break so let's focus on that," She added.

"Hey, can we come to your class to revise before the assembly starts?" Kelechi asked, turning to Ronke.


"Your class is usually quiet this time of the term, I don't want people like Abu and Osas to disturb me with their silly jokes and antics," Kelechi replied, chuckling.


As soon as Jazz entered Ronke's class, everyone turned to stare at her. "I know it must be hard to take your eyes off me but try not to stare too long," she said with a smirk.

Kelechi sat on Ronke's chair while Ronke sat on the desk, leaving Jazz to look around for an empty chair. When she couldn't seem to find one, she said, "Uh guys, I can't find a chair so I think I'll just leave."

Mitchel then offered his chair to Jazz to sit on, earning a smile and a "thank you" from her. "You're welcome," he responded with a smile of his own.

"How did you even know she needed a chair, have you been spying on her?" Ronke asked jokingly and Mitchel sheepishly put his hand on his forehead. "Well—" he started but Kelechi interrupted him.

"I hope that thinking about Jazz all the time isn't going to distract you during the exam," Kelechi chipped in teasingly.

Ronke fake gasped. "Don't you know that Mitchel is the Albert Einstein of this school, so there is nothing to worry about," she said in an equally teasing tone.

"Look at the way he's even staring at her. I wish I could find someone who would stare at me that way," Kelechi said, putting her hand on her chest.

"All right guys, cut it out, you've teased him enough. Now let's do what we came here to do before the—" Jazz said just before the assembly bell rang and everyone stood up to leave the class.

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