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Jazz and Kelechi assisted Ronke to her class as they held onto her hands so she wouldn't fall. Ronke thought that it was silly for them to help her walk since she's already recovered but it was two against one. When they got to the front of the classroom, Ronke thanked them for their help.

"Thank you so much, I don't know what I would've done without you two, really," She said as she hugged them.

"Don't mention," Kelechi replied sweetly but Jazz said, "You don't need to tell me how helpless you'd be if you didn't have me in your life." Kelechi and Ronke chuckled.

Divine spotted them from inside the class and came out to meet them. "Hello Jazz, Kelechi. Hey babe," he said and tried to hug Ronke but she turned away, avoiding contact with him. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"You, that's what's wrong," Ronke spat.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I don't want to hug you since you clearly don't care about me anymore."

"Wha- what are you saying babe? Of course I care about you."

"Really, then why didn't you come to check up on me while I was injured and in the sick bay? All my friends and classmates came to see me, but you never even showed up at least once."

"I did come to see you babe, but I only stayed outside and watched from the window to see if you were okay."

Jazz raised a brow questioningly and was about to say something before Kelechi stopped her while Ronke furrowed her brows. "What? That doesn't make any sense, am I some kind of atomic bomb that you can't come near me."

"No, it's not that. I just didn't want anyone to see us together and find out about our relationship."

"What's the big deal, you could've just pretended that we're friends."

"That's the problem, I can't pretend to be just friends with you, I find it hard to do so and that's why I try to stay away from you when people are around." He clutched her hands. "You know I love you babe," he added and Ronke blushed while Jazz made a disgusted face.

"I know you do and I love you too, but you just need to show me that you love me, that's all I want."

"I know, I'm sorry babe. I'll make it up to you, I promise." And that seemed to pacify Ronke as she smiled and nodded. "So, how's your ankle?"

"It's fine now, but these two wouldn't hear it. They insisted on helping me walk to class today."

Divine glanced at Jazz and Kelechi who glared back at him and he quickly looked away. "They must really care about you," he said.

"A lot," Ronke added.

"I guess now that you're not mad at me anymore, you'll let me hug you?" Divine said.

Ronke turned away from his outstretched arms. "Not here, someone may see us."

"Let's go in then," Divine said and took Ronke by the hand.

"No, I still want to talk to my friends a bit." Ronke freed her hand.

"Okay," he said and went into the classroom.

"Why did you accept his excuse of an excuse and forgive him?" Jazz asked immediately Divine was out of earshot.

"He didn't give an excuse, he just gave a reason why he couldn't come in to see me, at least he tried to make sure I was okay. And why wouldn't I forgive him, you know I like him," Ronke replied.

"And that's why you were too blind to see that his excuse was useless and still chose to forgive him."

"His reason was valid okay, I know how he gets when he's around me so I can't blame him for not being able to act as if we're just friends."

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