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Kelechi and Ronke quickly got up from their beds as they stared at Amarachi in shock. They had just gotten back from their outing. Could it be that Mrs Williams wasn't happy about it? They hoped that it was not what they thought it was. If what they were thinking was right, then they were in some serious trouble. Jazz looked unfazed and just lay on her bed, propping her head with her hands.

"What? Now?" Kelechi asked.

"Yes, and she did not look happy," Fatima replied.

"I told you I had a feeling that Mrs Williams won't be happy with us leaving school but no one listened to me. Did we even have to go out to celebrate my birthday? It's not as if it was that important. It was not. This outing is not even going to be worth the punishment we are going to be given. I have never gotten into trouble ever since I've been in this school, I wonder how I will face her now," Kelechi said and buried her head in her palms.

"Keep quiet and stop being paranoid. We don't even know the reason why she sent for us," Ronke said.

"Kelechi is right, Mrs Williams is not happy because you guys went out," Amarachi said.

"How did you know?" Ronke asked.

"I was in matron's office because she wanted me to buy something for her. That was when Jazz's dad called and wanted to speak with her but matron told him she went out with some of her mates. He got upset and asked matron why Jazz would be allowed to go on an outing just like that when he had sent her to a boarding school. Matron tried to apologize but he just hung up on her." Jazz facepalmed and Amarachi continued, "The phone was not on speaker but I managed to make out what he was saying as I have sharp ears. I guess he called Mrs Williams and complained to her because few minutes later, she sent for matron. I lurked around Mrs Williams' office so that I could see and hear what was going on but I couldn't hear anything since the door was closed. Few minutes later, matron left the principal's office frowning which is scary because she rarely frowns. I don't know what they talked about but I guess Mrs Williams must have scolded matron or even queried her for what she did. After a while, Mrs Williams sent for me and asked me to tell you guys that she wanted to see you in her office immediately you got back."

Fatima shook her head. "You like talking. Did you really have to narrate every single detail?"

"Of course, they need to know exactly how it happened," Amarachi replied.

"Oh no, what have we done?" Kelechi started to pace about the room. "I can't get suspended, what will I tell my uncle Mark? What will I tell my parents when I get to heaven if I eventually get expelled and die of a heart attack?"

"Shut up Kel, nobody is dying here okay!" Ronke said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just overreacting for no reason. You know I'm not very good at dealing with anxiety. I'm so scared right now."

"Chill, this is not such a big deal. We'll just go to the principal's office and explain to her that we only went on a harmless outing, no one was robbed or kidnapped or killed," Jazz said, casually.

"Easy for you to say because you don't have a spotless reputation to uphold. I have never been suspended or expelled my entire life."

"Calms girl, let's just go and see Mrs Williams, it's not like we have an option," Ronke told her.

"Okay," Kelechi said and they left the room.


By the time Jazz, Kelechi and Ronke got to the office, the others were already there. They all exchanged questioning looks, hoping that at least one of them knew the reason why they were there. Mrs Williams just went on reading a book as if she didn't know they were there.

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