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Jazz thought Miss Toke was going to take her to the staff room for questioning, but she was surprised when she led her outside. They had barely walked for ten seconds before Jazz asked, "Are we taking a walk or something?"

"Kind of. You need to clear your head so you can be in the right frame of mind to answer my questions."

"I'll only be in the right frame of mind if I can get some alcohol."

Miss Toke smiled. "Luckily for you, we don't have that around here."

"Too bad," Jazz scoffed.

"You know, Jazz, as your class teacher, I am responsible for all of you. So if you can't tell me the truth, we can't know who's wrong and who's right, and we won't be able to give Mrs Okoye a proper account of what happened to her daughter."

"Her daughter knows very well what happened to her so I don't get why you guys are bothering me so much. I already told you I didn't push the girl." Jazz was exasperated from answering the same questions over again.

"I believe you," Miss Toke said. "I just wanted to be sure I wasn't doing the wrong thing."

"I'm always right, duh."

Miss Toke chuckled and put her arm around Jazz's shoulders. "I will talk to Mrs William. She believes you too, but she's just trying to find a way to pacify Ella's mum."


"You can go back to your dormitory now, you don't want to get in trouble with your dorm captain," Miss Toke told her as they headed towards the girls' block.

"Don't worry about that, we're on good terms." Jazz smiled.

Miss Toke seemed very pleased at the revelation. "I see you've made quite a number of friends here," she remarked.

Jazz shrugged. "Just a few."

"That's good nonetheless, I'm glad you're adjusting well."

"Wish I could be as happy as you are," Jazz deadpanned.

"I know you are," Miss Toke said, smiling. She went in the direction of the staff quarters as Jazz headed off to her dorm. Before Jazz could enter the building, someone gently pulled her from behind and led her away from the girls' block.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Jazz almost yelled.

"I don't want to be seen around the female dorms otherwise I'll be in trouble," Mitchel replied.

"I mean, what do you think you're doing touching me?"

"I'm sorry." He instantly let go of her hand and stopped walking. "I was waiting for you to come back to your dorm so I could talk with you. Forgive me for my manner of approach."

"Screw you, I don't have time for this, and I certainly don't have time to talk to you. I have homework to do."

Jazz turned to walk away but Mitchel held her arm, stopping her from moving any further and causing her to glare at him until he let her go.

"We're having exams so we don't have any homework, Jazz."

"Whatever," Jazz scoffed, determined to walk out of the conversation. Mitchel was persistent, and he followed her until she paused a little distance from her dormitory. "Would you stop following me?"

"Would you hear me out, please?" He pleaded.

Jazz heaved an exasperated sigh and turned around to face him. "You really hurt me, you know."

"I'm know, and I'm sorry."

"Okay," Jazz said and continued walking.

"Okay? What does that mean?"

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