I Think They Prefer Meteorologists.

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'' Where is this so called studio place?'' I asked, letting the wind blow through my tangled black curls. Gigi made a frustrated noise from the back.

 '' Kajsa! Your not going in the right direction!'' Gigi cried. We all sat in a moment of silence.

 '' One Direction!'' they screamed and started to giggle uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes. I've heard that joke way to many times for it to make any difference to me. Kajsa hit my arm.

 '' Oh come on! Your and Harry are getting up and personal. Join in!'' she said. I shook my head and rolled up my window, pulling my knees to my chest.

 '' Its not...like that. Just....shut up and drive.'' I grumbled and they just bursted into Rihanna's song. I rolled my eyes and sat in silence while they belted out song after song.

 Once we finally got to the building, I was more surprised than I should have been. There were crowds upon crowds of screaming girls, just swarming the entrance. Im not sure exactly how we were going to get in. Once we did get out and pushed our way to the front, we realized no one could get in. It was completely blocked off.

 '' Well,'' I said, turning and started to head back. '' Guess we're going back to the hotel.'' 

 '' Nooo. We will get in there. Our names our on a paper in there somewhere. We just have to get in.'' Gig said, grabbing the collar of Louis' shirt. I groaned and reluctantly allowed myself to get pulled back. I was obviously in an increasingly sour mood, and all I wanted was to go home and sit on Tumblr. Plus, my arms were starting to itch. I had the sudden urge to cut and Tumblr was the only thing that could stop the urge this early. Dont fucking judge me.  The interweb is the cure of all mental issues. Except cancer. If only...damn.

 After 10 minutes of sitting around and trying to convince the guards we were who we said we were, we ended up taking the employee entrance. We told a weather lady who we were and she let us in.

 '' Who knew weather ladies were so stupid.'' I muttered, once we were in the elevator up to where the boys were having their interviews. Kajsa hit me.

 '' I think they prefer the term meteorologists.'' she said, in her Grammer Queen voice. Me and Gigi both glared at her. She just rolled her eyes. 

 When the elevator dinged, I stayed behind and waited to see if they forgot me. No such luck. I groaned as I passed all the cubicles, being forefully dragged btw....ew gross. I just said btw. I gagged and Kajsa gave me a weird look. I flicked her off. She just rolled her eyes and we stepped into the room where they were officially on air.

 They were sitting on stools, each had the little headphone things around their neck, Harry and Niall having one pressed up against their ear. They were laughing at something the host said and the people in the booth in charge of sound and everything barely gave us a second glance as we walked in. Kajsa and Gigi went up front to the screen where the boys could see them and I slunk in the shadows, observing the equipment. 

 I used to want to DJ and mix stuff around when I had my free time at my house, and I played with some records and things, keeping it down and making sure it was quiet. I was making some funky tunes when I saw something flash in the misguided light. Scissors. What the fuck?! Why do you need scissors in a radio booth? What sense does that make?! 

 I bit my lip and ignored it. I only tried not to because I know it upset Kajsa and Gigi. If it were up to me, I would be covered in scars. Its just such a habit now that it helps me feel better. My body feels like it needs to cut. Y'know? No. Yeah, none of you are as screwed up as I. 

 I cleared my mind and focused on my funky rhythyms. I was doing pretty good until my arms started to itch again. And my mond got fuzzy with discouraging thoughts. Maybe I did need therapy. The thing about it though, was that somewhere, I knew I didnt really need to do it. But deep down, I just wasnt listening. I was reaching for them when arms wrapped around my waist and dragged me away, and into a booth. 

Fix Me ( a One Direction Fanfic ) ***MAJOR EDITING IN PROGRESS***Where stories live. Discover now