Haha, you said fancy.

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Eleanor POV

 He didnt. Zayn did not just do that. 

 Before Louis could react, Charlotte passed out. I rolled my eyes. Probably an act. The hateful bitch was just dying for attention anyway. Stealing my tradition with my star in my basically home. 

 '' Maybe we should leave these three alone.'' Liam suggested and Harry picked up Charlotte with ease and the 8 of them including unconcious girl, left the room, piling into Liam's room. I crossed my arms and pursed my lips.

 '' You dont believe him do you? Really?'' I said quietly, knowing Louis would take my eye. He was so easily fooled anyway. Its not like he would actually believe him. If he did, he would forgive me. He always does, so if anyones in trouble, its Zaynie boy over there.

 '' Im sorry Louis, I am, but im telling you the truth.'' Zayn said, loosening up his stance, his hazel eyes feeling with regret and sadness. I resisted the urge to scoff in disbelief. He was unintentionally pulling the puppy dog face.

 I couldnt tell what was going on in Louis' head but I placed my hand on his shoulder anyway.

 '' Louis, come on,'' I pleaded and he shrugged me off roughly. He turned to me, his eyes glassy and full of pain, his whole body shaking. I took a tiny step back, a little afraid. 

 '' You lied to me. Straight to my face, over and over again.'' Louis said, his voice shaky but deadly calm. He was really scaring me and I didnt like it. Hes not really mean or scary so I wasnt used to it.

 '' N-no. I never cheated.'' I lied again, my voice shaking itself and giving me away.

 '' Tell me the truth Eleanor.'' he demanded. I kept my mouth shut, unsure of what to do next. I could try and pull the puppy face but he looked too pissed for me to even try so I kept my mouth shut. I guess he took that as his answer because he took in a shaky breath.

 '' Get out. Get all of your stuff, and get out. Delete my number from your phone, unfollow me on Twitter. I dont want to see or hear from you again. Ever.'' he said, squeezing his eyes closed and letting a tear fall. 

 '' Your not serious. What about-''

 '' I dont care!'' he screamed and Zayn put a hand on his shoulder. Louis took in a deep breath and opened his eyes, the blue filling with water again. '' Now.'' 

 So I hurried to do as he asked. I packed all my stuff, all the while grumbling about how he was gonna regret this. I grabbed all my clothes, my toiletries and everything, all of this taking me 10 minutes, maybe less.

 '' Give me your phone.'' he ordered once I was back outside. I glared at him.

 '' Louis. Come on, please.'' I tried again, hoping maybe he would fall for it. His face stayed the same so I sighed and slammed my phone into his hand. He unlocked it, knowing the passcode and everything and then preceeded to delete all of the boys' numbers from her phone, including my texts with them. He left Dani's number in there, which meant he was hoping I would at least come out with one friend. He gave it back.

 '' Leave.''  

 I huffed and dragged my now heavy suitcase to the door, pulling it open with the hand holding the phone. I put the phone away then used both hands to drag the suitcase out of the door. As i left, I made sure to slam the door extra hard.

 Louis POV

 My head was spinning, the whole world was toppling and crumbling before me and suddenly I couldnt trust anyone apparently. 

 Once Eleanor was gone, I turned to Zayn. He looked at me regretfully and stood in front of me, straight and tall.

 '' Hit me.'' he said. I frowned.

 '' I fucked up our relationship and hurt you.'' he blinked painfully. '' I deserve to be hit. So hit me.'' 

 Despite my tears, and the crushing feeling of my heart being broken, I laughed. I laughed really hard and Zayn looked at me like I was a tad bit crazy. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. 

 '' Im not gonna hit you. Im gonna hug you because without you, I would be still going out with her and being a total arse to Char. Thank you.'' I whispered and he hugged me back. We stayed like that for an awkward 5 minutes and then I pulled back, glaring at him.

 '' But next time....just dont okay? Because next time, I will hit you.'' I warned and he went serious too, nodding.

 '' Dont worry. It wont.'' he assured and before we could go on, the door to Liam's room opened and Charlotte stepped out, looking slighty unsteady on her feet. Kajsa jumped out behind her and apoligized.

 '' She's still a little out of it, sorry. Continue.'' Kajsa said and tried to pull Charlotte back. Charlotte pushed her away.

 '' Im not out of it. '' Charlotte hissed. '' I have a headache and your not helping. Shh.''

 I smiled. Then felt bad for putting Charlotte through hell and not believing her. I was the reason she left anyway. I did exactly what I told her I wouldnt.

  Time to make it right.

 Charlotte POV

 So maybe I did feel a little out of it but I sure as hell wasnt telling Kajsa. I needed to make sure Zayn was okay and not getting beat up for sticking up for me. Kind of. 

 I mean, they both looked fine other than they were two of each of them. I swallowed and tried to get my eye to focus. 

 Actually, they were standing rather close, like they were best friends again. I pursed my lips and motioned between the two of them.

 '' You guys okay...?'' I asked, a bit uncertain. They nodded, smiles on both of their faces. I nodded.

 '' Good, because I really needed this.'' I said, and launched myself into Louis' arms. RIght in front of Zayn and Kajsa. Woops. I didnt even know if the bitch was gone yet. I just woke up like 4 seconds ago. It was actually quite hilarious that I passed out. I've survived so much BS that I fall on some hard floor and pass out. My body though.

 '' I knew it.'' Kajsa piped from behind us and I pulled away to glare at her.

 '' Hey. Fancy a walk to the park?'' Louis asked, pulling my attention back to him. I shrugged and stumbled over to the door to pull on my boots. I grabbed my jacket and Louis followed suit, and just like that we left.

 Yeah, that was probably a more serious injury than any of us realize.


 The walk to the park was slow and crooked. I kept stumbling and blinking and my head hurt like hell and all I wanted to do was lay down with Louis. Who seemed to be enjoying this way to much. It was like I was drunk without the alcohol, and he was loving it.

 '' Hey, come here!'' he said, trying to get me to come back when I swayed farther away from him. He laughed when I came tumbling into him. He pulled me into the rundown park and laid me down in the cold snow. I immediatley snuggled closer. He pointed, intertwining his left hand with my fingers. 

 ''  You remember what I told you about the stars?'' he asked and I nodded immediately.

'' Well, when I said El was my North Star, I was wrong.'' he said, looking pained and I moved my head so I could look at him. '' You are my North Star. Im sorry I didnt see it before and I feel like such a horrible friend for letting you leave. For believing her.'' 

 '' Dont. Dont blame yourself. Your a perfectly good friend and honestly, nothings changed.'' I said and I even managed to bite my tongue from letting slip the whole part about being in love with him.

 We spent the next few minutes lying there, looking up at the sky until it started to snow again. Then we got up, and walked back. So I guess....everything was okay. For now.

Fix Me ( a One Direction Fanfic ) ***MAJOR EDITING IN PROGRESS***Where stories live. Discover now