4- trust me

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I look at my man who now kneeling with bruise face. Stop i said and my  man stop beating them and help their fellow friend to stand up. Sorry sir, we fail to protect him. Then i look at the other side of room which full of blood. I look at unmove body. I dont want to see any of his family near my property again. Cut all our relation since he is stupid enough to understand one simple instruction.  This is your last chance, you wont live if you let anyone touch that bunny again.

After all the punishment and blood now i am back to my study and peacefully start working. I know my man will be more carefull and not let anything happen to win. I look at the phone that use to contact win which is ringing non stop since 8 pm. Its so annoying. I finally get the phone and answer the call. Where is win he yell loudly as soon as i answer the call. I look at the number again and calmly reply. Sorry, i cant get you. I dont understand what are you talking about i said. Stop pretending you bastard he yell again. Where is win, tell me i will do anything he said desprately.
If you want to see him come to me now i said. Before i continue talking he already end our call. I just can smile on his impatient. To make it easier for him i share my club house location. All my friend are there and they will be happy to see the drama.

Why you look so happy apo ask. Nothing i said. No, there must be something jeff said and look at bible. And it wont be good pete said.  I just humming happily and look at my wacth. I cant wait to see a person who pretend to be an angel to the world but behaving like a dirty gigolo behind the curtain.

Let me get it i said and stand up when i heard a knock. All my friends look at me like i have a horn. Well i never do this before. But i cant hide my excitement.
Fuck, i yell when i receive a hard punch as soon as i open the door. My friends running to me and bible push him hard and make him fell down. Stop bible, apo scream before bible start beating him. Bible look at apo strangely.  Apo immediately help him up and pete pull my hand.  Leave me alone he said coldly while pushing apo. Bright calm down. We will talk apo said try to save the situation. Where is metawin he ask me firmly. He eyes look at me coldly and his face is red due to anger. Lets get in first i said casually. No, where is win he ask me again. Mile what wrong bible ask. But i ignore him and focus on this angry boy in front of me. If you want him to be safe you should listen to me, the dice is in my hand i said. He close eyes to cool himself down. What do you want he ask me with cold voice. Nothing, i will just get back at you for what you have done. What have we done he ask me quickly. We never encounter each other before. Win also dont do anything to you, are you mistaken us for someone else he ask calmly this time. All i do is just laugh loudly and walk to the bar counter and get an envelope. I roughly push the envelope to his chest. He look so confuse and quickly open the envelope. He look so suprise and guilt. Do you know her i ask him. No i dont he reply confidently.  That make me a bit angry. So you are still lying with all the prove in front of you, i ask. This picture mean nothing he said firmly. Do you know her i ask him again. No i dont, are you deaf he ask me angrily. Mile, we should investigate more apo said try to calm me down. Actually i just want to see how far he can pretend to be angel. But he is getting at my nerve when he still can lie without blink in front of the evidence.
So you are with my fiance without knowing who she is i ask him. He look suprised and look a bit uncomfortable.
Look, it not win fault. He just cant control his anger. You should hear from two side he said. Really i ask him. Let win go, i will pay for him he said. Is he stupid, its not about win anymore. I am business man, i will let you pay fairly. What ever you do to my fiance i will get it back from you i said slowly and look into his eyes. Alright if it can solve all this stupid problem and we will never meet each other again. Stay away from win and his family. He said firmly.

Mile this is too much apo yell. Lets stop this. Bright you can go now. Win will be safe he said clearly. I wait for his answer. I want to stop this but he really keep pretending angel and did not admit his mistake. Until now he pretend like win protector. I really hate pretencious people.  I wont, i want it to end today and dont have any relation with any of you he said coldly. Bright apo try to convince him. Leave, i suddenly said to all my friend. Mile please, you will regret this apo said. Now, i yell to him and that make bible stop him from talking anymore. You will regret this apo said and leave the club house. Bible and others who did not know the situation leave with confuse look.

Now its only me and him. I can even hear his breathing. Its so quiet and both of us look at each other. He suddenly walk to the bar and grab a bottle. I let him do what he want. I really need to see how far he can go.
Lets start he said. I think i hurt her his face. You want to do it yourself he ask me. I did not response to his question and look at him closely. Okay then he said when i did not response. He suddenly break the bottle and hold the broken bottle tightly. Before anything let win go first he said. Are you kidding me. I dont trust you i said.  Alright then he said and put the broken bottle close to his cheek. He look scare and close his eyes before he put the bottle to his skin. Before he scracth his own face i run to him and hands off his hand from his face and throw the broken bottle. What are you doing he ask me. All i can see i a slight cut at his cheek. Stop pretending, you just need to admit your fault i said firmly. Lets end this he said stubbornly. Okay then i said and pull him to my special room. What are you doing he ask and look a bit nervous.  Like i said you will pay fairly and push him to the bed. I really not into man but i really want to do him because until now he keep lying. He really tempted me. No, win wont do something like this. It will be mutual agreement if they have. He wont force himself on woman he said desprately.  I laugh loudly , i really admire his thick face. Until this moment he keep acting and that make me really mad. No, please stop, we can ask your fiance, win will never force someone, trust me he said pleading me.

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