12- New team

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Ahhhh he softly scream. I touch his collar bone which now mark by me. The way he look at me when i call him is cute. He look so worry and scare.  Honestly, i cant control myself. At first i just want to make sure his security know that he is important, that i myself escort him to his car. I never do anything like this before except for my dad and mom.
Take care, i said and leave him and apo alone.

I look at my smart wacth and look how his signal moving leaving the mansion.
I agree to apo suggestion because i miss his voice so much. He totally shut him self to me. He know he cant fight me so he use all he could to show his rebel. He is an alpha for a reason. A very beautiful alpha. Get a small cat house and put it in the garden i instruct my butler. Yes master he said and smile at me. I know all my staff still confuse with bright status. I wont allow anyone looking down at him. He is very important to me. I need to show to all my staff he is not someone that they can disrespect. I already fire a maid who look at him disgustly yesterday. I wont let anything happen again.

Letting him work is a very difficult task for my team. He is having a full set of new team which is very loyal loyal to me. From his driver to his manager, everyone is skillfull and will die for him. Apo promise me his safety and he come out with this good plan so that i can focus on my jobs. Bible and pete also take part of this task. Its maybe triple their job because securing a top star is very difficult but i trust my people skill because taking care of my family
security is harder than the country king. We have so much enemy who want to kill us and to seize our power.

I really trust my people so much, but i cant help to worry. I really cant focus on my own schedule. I know once i touch and like someone or something they will become valuable. He will be one of the reason to threat me. Its very important for me to act like he have no value in mylife in the eyes of the world. I know it very well but here i am in his limo waiting for him. I really cant describe how i feel and i also cant control it. Pete who are sit beside driver cant say anyhing beside sigh. He already scold me along the way now he only hope no one notice we are here.  Hi bright, pete greet bright who look shock when he see me in his car. Hi phi, he reply and sit. He look at me and immediately turn his face. Its hurt but he deserve to act like that. How is your day, pete ask again. As usual phi, just i have so many bodyguard that make people staring at me, i cant even move to get my own drink and i hate this car. I hate attention he said clearly. He must be shock with the security plan.  He thought he will escort by apo and his driver only. He must be scare when he see at least 50 peole are moving with him. Bright, pete said slowly. You need to accept that, its for you security he said. But this is too much. I have more bodyguard compare to all artist today combine, he complaint angrily. People will talk about this, he said annoyingly. I know he always on the news for any reason but i will make sure no one talk about this, i cant compromise on his security.  Sorry bright, we cant do anything about that. That the minimun we can afford pete said. But at least can we choose other car, i felt like a mafia moving with this kind of car, he said frustratedly. Now pete and i look at each other. He nearly laugh and i glare at him. Ok, we will change to other car, pete said. Have you eat, pete ask him again while i pretend to work.  Yes phi, he reply.  You should rest now , pete said. Its takes only a few minute for hims to fall asleep. I slowly pull him into my arms so that he can sleep comfortly. Pete just shake his head. Your love is too much, he said and then focus back on road. Love, do i really love him, i ask my self and suddenly the suffocating  feeling that i have in my heart all the time suddenly dissapear. I can breath easily and felt so much comfort. I love him, i talk to myself and look at his sleeping face. Cancel my schedule tomorrow i will see my dad i said. Jeff look at me worrily. Its time to break the engagement i said. Are you sure he ask me to confirm. Get ready for everything, we are going to face a hard week i said.  Greatfully he will be on tour tomorrow for their concert. You should know what to do i said. Yes boss pete said even i know he is worry.

Lets go baby i slowly bring him to our room. I am glad that even he stop talking and mad at me he still did not leave my room. I still can hug and hold him all night. After tomorrow your life gonna change, dont worry i will protect you with my life. Beside break off the enggagement i need  to declare him to my parent. I dont know how will they react. Jeff remind me to settle my problem with bright first but i have my own plan. I know he wont accept my confession right now , so i choose hard way. I will force him to accept. I have no patient to court or anything. I just want to make sure he will stuck with me first. Then i hope he will received my heart.

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