23 - Sweet

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Where is phi mile, i ask myself when he cant be seen in the room. I look arround and feel very worry. He is phi mile the great. Always incharge and strong. Its really different this time. When i see him collapse in dungeon last time i am more worry about myself, i scare that i will be hurt and i thought only phi mile can save me. But this time i genuinely worry for him. I really scare imagining he leave me for good. When the doctor tear off his shirt, i can see one big deep cut on his rib and many small cuts all over his body. I scream when i see it. What happen, i remember his cut is not that bad last night. That make me realise he is fighting again. Then phi jeff pull me and drag me out of room. He did not allow me to stay beside phi mile. When i try to argue, he yell at me and say something that hurt me so much. Stop, you make him lose focus and hurt enough. He said coldly and close the door. I really dont understand then i remember phi apo.. i ask the guard and run to him. Before i reach him again i felt cant breath. He is curse, since he come boss keep hurting and nearly die one of the helper said without realise i was there.
I dont know what boss see in him. He just prety face. Boss will be better with miss anna. I thought boss refuse the engagement for her ,he said again. Are you crazy, his friend said. Stop this, its not our place to talk about this, he advice. I know, but i still angry remembering boss nearly die for him, he said. I always escort miss anna, she is suitable to be the queen, not someone who spoiled like him. He is so picky and demanding. Miss anna never do that and always help boss in many ways, he said again. Stop you are being too much, the other one said.

I take a deep breath and said, excuse me where i can meet phi apo, i ask calmly. I dont want to show how i was affected by their words. Both look shock but politely show phi apo room. Thank you, i said and both of them look down. Phi i need your help, i want to be with phi mile, i beg him when phi apo open his door. Why are you here, he ask me because of my suprise visit. Phi jeff wont allow me to see phi mile. I am worry, i said . I know phi apo hurt too, but i have no choice. I am sorry i said to phi apo. Why, he ask me. I am sorry, because of me you getting hurt, i said slowly. What should i do phi, i ask him. I am sorry, i said again. I really dont know what to do right now. No, this is our life he said try to comfort me. Dont lie phi, i heard phi mile never hurt before i said slowly. I am sorry, i said again. Listen bright, what ever you heard is not true. You should ask phi mile yourself, he said and escort me back to our room.

Open the door phi apo said calmly. The guard look in awry. You know i am incharge for boss, he said again more firm. The guards look at each other. But jeff dont allow anyone to go into yhe room right now , they try to argue. My words are more superior from him, i am incharge for boss safety. This is not the main house, open the door, he yell loud. I never see phi apo this serious, i will remember to behave after this i promise to myself. Lets go, phi apo said when the guards open the door. I walk closely to phi apo. No one is allow.. phi jeff stop his yell when he look who are coming. What are you doing here,  phi jeff ask phi apo. Guarding my boss. I should ask why are you here, he reply coldly. You know this mansion is under my authority, you should not get involved phi apo said calmly but firm. Are you crazy, phi jeff ask him back. You should know, how boss not allow bright to leave the room. Are you disobey his order, phi apo ask again. Phi jeff now look shock. Do you want to responsible if he leave boss, phi apo ask again. Phi jeff was speechless.. what ever, he said and back focus to medic team. Apo smile and look at me. Lets go, he said. I nod and immediately cry when i see how the team treat him. Thats why he need to be outside, phi jeff said coldly. I try to hold myself and pray hard.  Why he still not awake. The medic team already leave. Only three of us here. I feel not comfortable because phi jeff keep looking at me. I finally stand up and get on our bed. I really cant stand his gaze. I slowly lay beside phi mile. I hold his hand softly because i scare that i will hurt him. I am sorry phi, i said. Please wakeup, i am scare i said slowly. I really dont know when i fall asleep.
When i felt his soft caress i immediate open my eyes and hug him. I really forget about his injury. I immediately step back when i aware of the situation. I cant help but act differently when i know the reason he was injured. He is sick but he still try to comfort me. I know now beside win and his family, phi mile also care about me. In what ever situation he aways try to make me comfortable. I cant help but ask for forgiveness again.

You already wake up, suddenly phi mile said. What are you thinking so deep ,he ask again. I just smile and get out of our bed and go to bathroom. I hope he was not in the room when i finish my routine but he still waiting for me while looking at his book keeping . Lets have brunch he said. I felt a bit shy, because i am late compare to sick person. I am not hungry, i said. I really dont know how to face all phi mile man. They must hate me to the core. Can i kiss you, phi mile suddenly ask and hold my chin. Can i refuse, i ask back looking at his eyes. No, he reply and kiss me. It was a sweet kiss at first but become hotter when he start devouring my mouth. Phi, i call and push him slowly. I cant breath. He look at my red face and laugh. Omg , you are sweet, he said and kiss me once again before drag me to the dining area.

You should be with miss anna, i suddenly said. Really, he ask me. I quickly nod. Why,  he ask me. I dont know,  i said. She is more suitable for you, i said again. Are you okay with that, he ask me. I suprisely hurt by his words. He dont reject my suggestion. I try to be calm but my heart hurt so much. I felt i cannot breath just by thinking he will leave me for someone else. I try to hide how i feel right now. I try hard to look like i dont care. He slowly walk to me. He hold my face and look into my eyes. Omg, you are so cute he said and kiss me softly.

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