3. Be gone ghost

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Without a phone or anything else in this room that can indicate me the time, I'm almost certain one hour passed. One hour in which I think a hole formed in my floor from all the walking back and forth across the room. He turned silent on the other side, while me? I was screaming internally, cursing under my breath. I can't get over the fact that he's extremely handsome and mannered, I guess. As much as a person breaking into someone else's home can be, but open that door? Never.

"Ok. I'm going to go to bed" I said while doing the very thing, laying on the bed as I covered my shivering body with the sheets "Close my eyes, and sleep. He'll be gone when I wake up, right?" I asked looking at the ceiling as if waiting for an answer from my imaginary friends.

I turned off the lights, the only fade light in the room coming from my butterfly lamp on the nightstand, casting blue shadows across the room. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm my rushed heart, steadying my breathing. I turned on my right side, facing the window, noticing the drops of rain furiously hitting the glass, the sound echoing in my silent bedroom. What's up with this weather suddenly when summer is slowly approaching? I took another breath closing my eyes again, making myself comfortable, as much as someone in my situation can.

"What if he enters in while I'm asleep and kills me?" My eyes widened at my own question as I stood up fast looking at the door. It was silent. I got out of bed carefully, walking baby steps towards the door as I bent down to the floor and pressed my ear against the old wood. Did he left? I reached the doorknob and turned it slowly opening the door, as I peaked my head out looking left and right. No one was there.

"Huh" I stood up straightening myself as I stepped out of the room, limping on my foot, scanning "I guess he left" A breath of relief escaped my body as I walked carefully all over the living room searching every corner. I walked to the kitchen next, proceeding to pour myself a glass of water from the sink in the dim light coming from outside. I can't risk and turn my lights on, I thought.

"Can I have some?" The voice faded in and out of my ears as I stopped in place. I turned my head to the side looking down at the floor, noticing the figure weakly turning his head in my direction, his hand going up in an attempt to touch me as he dropped it loose on the floor.

My breath was stuck in my throat as I grabbed the ends of the kitchen counter in an attempt to steady myself on my feet. I felt myself taking a step back trying to reach my bedroom again, my eyes popping out of my head and my heart hammering in my chest.

"Jia-please..." His voice was weak, barely higher than a whisper, as he was breathing in and out faster and faster. I wanted to walk away, to run and close my eyes and wake up again later today, back in my old and empty apartment but I felt my feet dragging me closer to him, holding the glass tight in my hand.

I turned a dim light on, bending down to the floor. As I stood now closer to him I noticed his pale skin, the only color on his face coming from his blushing cheeks, as his breath slowed its pace now. Beads of sweat were covering his weak form as his orbs were rushing under his closed eyelids. I felt my hand going up, meeting his soft cheek and then his forehead. He was burning.

"Oh, sweet baby Jesus, don't make me regret this" I said as the glass of water brushed against his dried lips and he took a sip out of it, coughing in return, his body falling limp on the floor "What the-hey! Hey, wake up! Don't die here, I already have a shit life!" I panicked putting the glass on the floor as I reached his weak body, placing an arm underneath his neck trying to raise him up.

"The fuck are you so heavy for?" I struggled steadying him with all the strength I could muster as half of his body was now resting on my own, leaning ourselves on the kitchen cabinets. I slapped his cheeks a few times "Wake up please!" I pleaded confused and scared as I reached the glass of water again placing it on his lips, shoving the water down his throat at this point. His body moved up signaling me he was done as his weight rested on me again.

"Thank you" His voice was slow and shaken up as his breathing was still unstable.
"What do I do?" I asked myself looking at his pale face. I have to get him somewhere to lay down. I stood up as his back was weakly resting on the furniture and grabbed his arm trying to make him to stand up.

"Come on work with me!" I growled at him as he pushed himself from the ground, stumbling on his feet and I grabbed his waist from behind, half of his body resting on mine again, as we walked slow and stumbling in the living room. I pushed him down on the couch as we reached it, trying to steady my own breathing "Damn you're heavy" I said narrowing my eyes at him. His shirt was soaked in sweat, his chest moving up and down in rushed breaths again.

"As if I didn't have enough problems" I stomped my feet on the ground throwing a tantrum as I  approached him touching his face again, still burning up. I bit my nails looking at his face and at his soaked shirt "Ah, whatever. You're lucky I'm not calling the police" I said as I unbuttoned his shirt, raising his body with one arm as he was working with me and removed his shirt, plopping down on his back again. I took a second to admire his toned abdomen feeling myself drool at the sight in front of my eyes and how the sweat on his skin casted sparkles in the dim light.

"Focus" I slapped my face standing up as I walked to the bathroom in search of anything that could help him and his fever. A bucket of water, a damp towel and Paracetamol. Works every time right? At least the nurse back in my highschool days said so.
Broken hand? Paracetamol. Period cramps? Paracetamol. A mafia boss snuck inside the school and cut your guts? Paracetamol.

Ok, moving on. Focus I said, remember?

I took a fast glance at myself in the mirror noticing I was still naked. Well, almost, but I was way too naked for this situation, especially now since he was laying sick and topless on my couch. I took my bath robe resting on the bathtub edge as I dressed myself and stepped out of the bathroom, rushing next to him. I soaked the towel in the cold water and with trembling hands I washed his toned skin, avoiding to look at him as much as I could, focusing my attention on a empty spot on the wall. Oh look, a spider. Nice "You have no idea how lucky you are pal. You can live your life peacefully, well, until I crush you"

"You're weird" I flinched in place looking back at him, his eyes were open lazily lingering on me, as a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Me? I'm the weird one?" I scoffed looking elsewhere as I soaked the towel again, proceeding to wash his face now. A shaky breath escaped his mouth when the cold towel made contact with his burning skin, closing his eyes. I turned his face on one side and another, carefully washing his skin, under his neck, every naked inch I had in sight as my eyes were scanning his features. He was really beautiful indeed, angelic even.

I tossed the towel in the bucket standing up as I walked to the kitchen, coming back with another glass of water as I bent down to him.

"Here, take this" I placed the pill closer to his lips waiting for his mouth to open.
"That won't work on me" His eyes rested on me for a second longer before closing them again, shivering.
"I don't care" I shoved the pill in his mouth as he swallowed it involuntarily "I just don't want you to die here, that's all"
"I won't. I just need...rest" His body was still shivering. A snort escaped me as I rolled my eyes.

I looked at his shivering body once again as I walked to my bedroom taking a blanket out of a closet and came back, covering him with it. He snuggled underneath and turned on his side, hiding half of his face in the smooth material. I rested my hands on my hips looking at him one more time as I bent down to the floor sitting on the carpet, leaning with my back against the couch.

"What do I do with you?" I whispered looking at his tired face, brushing away a few strands of hair that were covering his eyes. I turned away sighing as I crossed my hands to my chest, closing my eyes.

 I turned away sighing as I crossed my hands to my chest, closing my eyes

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