15. Pillow fighting

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"Morning boss" I greeted San with a wide open smile on my face.
"Jia" He nodded his head at me "Glad you're back, I hope you rested well in your short vacation" He flashed me his dimpled smile.
"You can say so" I sighed tossing my bag on the desk.

It was Monday again, which means my free days are over and I had to come back to work. Not that I got any rest while I was away, and back in my apartment again with two boys keeping me company. Boys that for a reason or another became friendly before starting to bicker. Over night Yunho woke up with a bad attitude towards Seonghwa and I didn't understand why, not that I was disturbed by it necessarily, it was a show for me to watch them fight, but I didn't understand the reason behind it at all. I instructed them this morning before leaving to play nice while I'm away and let's hope I'm not turning back to a burning apartment.

"Jia" I raised my head up dropping the pen I was using to scribble something on some schedules "Hi. I hope your vacation was nice" He smiled back at me and my heart melted.
"Wooyoung, hey" I said shyly "Yes-I-I did"

Stop stuttering idiot.

I can't explain in words the crush I have on this man ever since he stepped foot in the studio for the first time, and I can't explain the breakdown I had later on when I found out that we're going to be coworkers.

"Stop drooling" Yeosang approached me whispering in my ear. I widened my eyes at him and back at Wooyoung who seemed to not notice my intense stares.
"Shut up" I hissed at Yeosang punching his arm.

They seemed to come as a package apparently, Wooyoung coming to work here shortly after Yeosang did, both of them being close friends with San. Nepotism much? I had to go trough a bunch of tasks before being hired while they just showed up over night. But my pettiness disappeared soon after I got closer to them. I was proud to call them my friends, when I didn't had so many here in Seoul.

"Everyone" San clasped his hands together "Back to work" He shooed us away back to our places.

And so the day went well, I only stumbled on my feet once or twice making eye contact with Wooyoung, which was surprising, I'm usually on the floor when it comes to him. Embarrassing, I know. But maybe because today I seemed to think about blonde curls more than I would like to admit it. Maybe because my mind kept flying back to him and beach waves crashing on the land.

Was he ok alone at home?


I opened the door of my apartment, only to be met by complete silence.

"Huh? I guess they behaved today" But right when I closed the door a piece of jammed toast was flying towards me, barely touching my ear, sticking on the door behind me.

"How dare you speak like that to me?" I heard Seonghwa yelling out loud as I tossed my bag on the floor entering the living room. My eyes widened at the mess. The couch was pushed away next to the window, the coffee table was flipped upside down, pillows, blankets and feathers flying across the room.

"Me? How dare I? How dare you?!" I saw Yunho walking towards him, the sleeves of his sweatshirt rolled up to his elbows. I shook my head closing my mouth as I stepped in between them, placing my hands on their chests.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I shouted annoyed "Why are you fighting all of a sudden?" I looked back and forth between the two of them.
"He keeps talking bad about you" Yunho said throwing daggers with his eyes at him.
"And why wouldn't I? She's my cousin, I can say what I want!" Seonghwa yelled back at him

"I will not let you disrespect her like that!" Yunho shouted leaning closer, pointing with his finger at Seonghwa's chest.

What? So this is all because of me? Well I have to admit, I appreciate him trying to defend me, but it's not that deep. We are cousins, that's what we do. We fight and hate each other, equally and mutually.

"You both need to calm down!" With all my strength I pushed them away from each other.
"JiJi, I'm moving tomorrow. I can't stand staying here. I thought you're bad, but he's worse than you" He turned around walking away to the bathroom as I watched him confused. For whatever the sick reason behind this was, I felt bad for him. And it felt even worse to admit it to myself.

"Yunho" I looked back at him crossing my hands "What's going on?" I stepped closer meeting his eyes.
"Nothing Jia, forget it" He scoffed walking away in the bedroom.

I'll be damned if you think I'll let this slide just like that. I speed walked my way inside right behind him, closing the door.

"Tell me what's wrong Yunho" I demanded "It can't be just because of me" I sat on the bed next to him watching him fidgeting with the pillow he was holding in his lap.

"It is in fact that. He's alway treating you bad ever since you were little" He sighed
"But that's what cousins do, Yunho. We are family. Ew, did I just say that?" I giggled trying to contain my laugh. It's stupid, the whole situation, but I can't joke and laugh disregarding the way he feels.

"Exactly" He looked me in the eyes grabbing my hands "I miss my own family" He said slowly.

I stayed silent, looking elsewhere but in his eyes. It must be frustrating for him to be away from his family, in a foreign world that he thinks he knows but never actually lived in it. It must be infuriating seeing other families, I get that now, and yet my heart feels uneasy.

"I want to go home, Ji" My heart fluttered at the nickname, reminding me of the first night we met one week ago. Seems like an eternity away, I feel like I've known him much longer.
"Of course. Let's go find your wings" I stroke his hands mustering the fakest smile I had.

This will be over soon, but I don't want it to end.

A/N: not quite sure what is happening between them they seem to have a mind of their own and I can only write what they want me to ಥ‿ಥ

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A/N: not quite sure what is happening between them they seem to have a mind of their own and I can only write what they want me to ಥ‿ಥ

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