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I woke up around 9 and Michael wasn't there. I'm wondering where did he stray off to, probably the gym. I got up and opened the drapes. What really was on my mind is last night. I wanted Michael to stick his tongue down my throat. God I was so ready for him. It's about time I stopped looking at what's behind me and start looking at what's in front of me. It will be a week tomorrow since I've talked to or seen Wilson. This shit seem dead from what I'm looking at, but today will be a good day.

As I was walking out the bedroom, Michael walked through the door. "Good morning pretty girl." I smiled at his compliment, "Morning!"

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good, how are you feeling?" I looked at him in his fitted white tee and shorts. He looked so good. I got lost in his looks and started day dreaming. "Oh I'm good! I went to the gym this morning if you were wondering where I was. I also ordered us breakfast us breakfast. It should be here in about 30 minutes they said."

"Well, I'm going to brush my teeth and shower." I was about to walk away but Michael stopped me, "Hey listen, after I shower too, I wanna talk to you about something." I raised an eyebrow and told him okay. I gathered my things and headed to the bathroom. I took me a nice warm shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, lotioned up, and put on this cute gray two piece dress set. I took my rollers out letting my long black natural hair run down my back. I came out to see Michael gathering his things to go in right behind me. He smirked as he walked out the bedroom.

I heard a knock at the door and knew it was our breakfast. The waiter rolled the food in the living room. I thanked him and signed the receipt and he was on his way. I knocked on the bathroom door telling him the food is here. He told me he would be out in a minute.

I proceeded to the living room to make sure everything looked good. Michael went to sit his things down and came in there with me. "Everything looks and smells great." I smiled up at him, "Yes. I waited for you. Here's your food." He smiled at me telling me thank you. He blessed the food and we began eating. I turned something on for us to watch while we ate. He looked over at me smiling. I was laughing with a mouth full of food. "What?" He said, "You."

"What about me?" I asked him with a smirk on my face.

"So tonight I made us reservations at the French restaurant downstairs. I also got you something while I was away." A big smile came upon my face, "Awww what you get me?"

"You'll see later.. Can I ask you something?"

"What is it Michael?" I was anxious as to what it was being that I really hate being asked questions.

"So I have to leave back out Sunday again and I'm not gonna lie.. I hate leaving you here by yourself. What I'm trying to say is would you come with me? And before you say anything, no I'm not trying to put you in the spotlight in front of cameras. I just want you there in my presence. Knowing you're close. Before you give me an answer think about it. We'll talk about it over dinner." He winked at me.

"Dinner it is." Michael knew if I answered right away the answer would be a flat out no, but then again I don't know. This was a big ask and he was only concerned about me because of what was happening so I get it. We finished our breakfast and cleaned everything up and put the room service table outside the room. I jokingly said, "Wanna go for a swim? I have the cutest swimsuit I bought. Only thing is I cannot get my hair wet." He looked me with a confused smile on his face. "So you basically wanna watch me swim while you sit there and be pretty?"

"Duh that's the point!" I nodded my head at him cheesing really hard. I grabbed him by his arm telling him to come on and get dressed. I went to grab my swimsuit from my bag and went to the restroom. I lotioned up, oiled myself up, and put some perfume on. My swimsuit was a cute cheetah print bikini I got from Victoria's Secret. I just let my hair hang down since I wasn't getting in the water.

I came out and yelled "I'm ready!" Michael was in the room putting some shorts and a muscle shirt on. I swear this man looked good in anything. I bit my lip little bit and had to clear my throat. "Are you ready?" He told me yes and that we could leave now. I grabbed a bag for towels and anything else we might have needed.

We head to the elevator so that we could go to the pool down on the lower level. The elevator was empty so it was just us. The silence was so loud. I could feel him looking at me and I know he felt me looking at him from the corner of my eye. We basically were half naked. The elevator finally opened and we snapped out of it. "After you." I got off first leading the way.

I was happy because no one else was there and we had the whole pool to ourselves

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I was happy because no one else was there and we had the whole pool to ourselves. I laid down in one of the chairs. Michael stepped into the pool where the steps were and then walked to the side where I was sitting. "So you really not gone get in huh?"
"Nooo I don't want to get my hair wet."
He looked at me with an innocent look begging me to stick my feet in at least. I couldn't resist so I got up, took my cover up off, and put my feet in the pool.
He walked toward me getting closer. "In all seriousness Kourtney, how are you? I'm worried about you." I sighed, "I'll be honest. My emotions are all over the place. This man hasn't even tried to see if I was safe. I haven't told anybody in my family including my mama what's going on, only you. I don't want them in my business judging me or none of that because I don't have time and I'll snap. But it looks like I have some decisions to make. I cant live in this hotel forever."

Michael asked me sincerely, "Can I be be honest?"
"Please go for it." I was eager to see what he wanted to say to me.

"Me personally, I would have never let my soon to be wife be living in a hotel by herself and not even trying to see it she's safe. That's fucking bullshit. Not ever will I be that mad. I'm actually not liking this dude and I've never even met him. A man's job is to protect and he's broken that in my eyes. He hasn't sent a simple text, call nothing. I woulda been tracked you down and found your ass and said come home and end this. All you did was ask him to be a man and stand up to his mama, but this is just my view of the situation."

"You are good at tracking people down." We both busted out the laughing because Michael indeed was not be to messed with in that department. It's obvious if he wants to find you he will. "I agree with you. You are absolutely right. This is compete bullshit. I'm really more hurt at the fact he hasn't even tried to see it I'm safe you know? I made him that mad?" I could feel myself about to cry. My throat got tense and my chest got tight. "When he gets mad, he gets mad, but you know what (deep breath) Ima be alright and I'm going to find a way to get through this. If he wants to call it off, fine by me."

Now I'm crying and losing it. Michael got closer to me and got between my legs trying to reach up and wipe my tears away even though his hands were wet. "Kourtney.. baby it's okay. I promise you. Don't beat yourself up. None of this is your fault." He hopped out the pool to dry off and he then helped me up off the edge. He took his towel wiping my face with it. "Hey look at me. You gone be alright and you know why? You have me. I want you to go upstairs to the room and wait for me. I gotta check on something at the front desk." I nodded my head okay leaving the pool immediately as of now I was a train wreck once again. I really gotta get it together. This is not how I wanna live my life.

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