Chapter Ten

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠.

Minji is stirring in bed, with a heavy head ache from the messy drinking session she spent from the night prior. She tried opening her eyes but quickly shut them with a low groan followed by a whimper when the sunrays hit her eyes she cover them with her palms and curl like a fetus.

"Argh... Shit shit shit!" She curse from the pain of her hangover but she flinched when somebody hugs her, she's about to push her but when she recognize that perfume and that naturally peach scent, she calms down and relax on her touch

"Hi love how's your sleep?, why did you drink Ms.Kim Minji?" That voice is enough to soothe her ears oh how much she love to hear them every morning or whatever time it is as long as it was hers--but... How did she come here? As far as she remember she's in Seoul drinking her lungs out for the way she miss her.

She look up to clarify if it was real, if it was her, and she's kind of glad that it was real she can feel her skin as she squeeze her arms slightly "love..." She mumble under her breath and wrap her arm around her waist and pull her closer, and maybe this is Minji's favorite position, her head on her arms, close to her chest as Hanni wrap her arms around her and pulling her closer to her "i missed you" no matter how long or how short they've been away from each other she will still miss her like crazy.

"I do too... I missed my girlfriend too... " Hanni said and comb her hair using her fingertips "you're lucky that you have a very supportive friends who send you here" she added she raise her eye brow but it was quickly forgotten when her head aches

The agony in her nerves is more than the word painful, it was too much to describe as painful. Its nerve wrecking,like some of her nerves will pop out and it brings so much tears to her eyes from the agony she's been experiencing this is not just a hangover but the pain of her head ache from the blood clot inside her brain and she's afraid that she will have some seizure right now, and right there.

"Baby are you okay?" It was Hanni she tried to speak but her voice was trapped inside her throat that she can't voice out and can't lie to her girlfriend

Her whimpers prove more than enough that she's not okay, she rolls on her bed and she whined in every pain that kicks in at her head "b-baby... My head hurts" she whined like a baby and reach for her girlfriend's hand and when she reach them she grip on it as Hanni adjust herself and hug her closer and kiss her forehead.

"I wish i can wipe your tears... " she hear her say and if she thinks there is nothing more painful with the pain inside her head she's wrong cause hearing Hanni say those words is enough to break her heart. She use all of her strength to took her hand and bought it to her cheeks she felt the movement of her thumb caressing her cheeks softly drying all of her tears and squeezing her cheeks

"I love... You" it was barely audible because she's having hard time to voice it out she just shut her eyes as tears continuously fall from her eyes. In every drops of it Hanni's thumbs are there to wipe it off

"I love you too... I love you so much " she hear her say those words are enough for her to calm down from the pain even though there are few more pain but she can say painkillers will ease them

She forced herself to get up in the bed and held Hanni's two hands to let Hanni use her as her own guide. Ignoring the pain in her nerves as they both stood up she wrap her arms around Hanni's waist and pull the young lady more closer to her as they walk slowly step by step down the halls of the penthouse and they arrive in the living room where Kang Haerin and Danielle Marsh was sitting looks like Danielle has been ignoring Haerin because the younger girl initiating moves that Danielle has been ignoring.

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