Chapter Fifteen

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𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔.

Hanni is now nervous, she keeps fidgeting her fingers and tapping her feet at the surface of the car that Minji owned, as her girlfriend drove the car with one hands interlaced with her. Today her and Haerin will meet Minji and Danielle's parents and she don't know why she feel so uneasy

"Honey? Are you okay?" Minji asks taking a quick glance at her and keeping her eyes back on the road.

She tried to nod but her head ended up in a shake for disagreement, Minji suddenly stop the car and park it to the side and look at her paying more attention to her. "Whats wrong are you not comfortable? Are you not ready?" Minji asks her and caress her cheeks

"No, no... Im comfortable and im very much ready im just a little nervous... I was thinking since its Mr.Kim im pretty sure he knows about the engagement i don't know they might go against us" she said and let her tears to fall she curse herself for being little too fragile.

Minji sigh and cupped her face and kissed her eye lids and look straight back on her chocolate brown orbs and smile softly "dad knows about your engagement with my cousin even mom knows, but my happiness is all that matters and they don't interfere in my relationship they will support us just calm down okay?"Minji said with a sweet angelic voice she gave a firm nods and wrap her arm around Minji's neck and hug it tightly as the latter just rub her back. " i love you so much" Minji said

She pulled out of the hug and stare at Minji, she slowly raise her hand to caress its cheeks "i love you too... " she said Minji smile at her

"So shall we continue our ride?" Minji asks she nods and as soon as Minji starts the engine and speed off, she was startled when Minji held her hand on her other hand "my hand looks better when it has your hand on it" Minji said she blushed and just nods .

All the way from their shared house of the latter to the house of the brunette she just keep on starring at its beautiful face and to its adorable smile, how much she wish to keep that smile forever and she doesn't want Minji to lost those kind of smiles.

When they arrive they saw Danielle's car, parked outside and they're pretty sure that the two is pretty well interrogated by Minji and Danielle's parents. When they stop at the front door Minji tighten its hold to her hand and look at her as she smile "calm down okay... Don't worry mom is a sweet lady even if she looks intimidating" Minji said she gave a simple nods and smile on her lips

They inch forward as Minji press the doorbell and within a seconds the door open by two maids, they are welcomed by the secretary of Minji's dad and other house personnel

"Young lady welcome back" the man said as she bow down and look at her "to our future boss welcome to the Kim's Mansion" the man said she smile and bow back down "oh please ma'am you shouldn't bow down to the low class form of human" she shake her head

"Its a good manner Mr? " she asks

"Mr.Park" Minji said with a smile on its lips "Mr.Park please let it slide my baby here is a well mannered woman" Minji said and the man chuckle and nods a lot of times

"Thank you for the equal respect Ms" the man said and starts to walk ahead as the two of them just follow "Lady Danielle just arrive five minutes early than you Young Lady, also she bought her future woman too" the man inform them as they stop in one room "this is the personal space of Kim Family don't worry Mr, and Mrs Kim don't bite... They're a soft and calming persons" the man said and open the door for them revealing the five people having a warm conversation that suddenly stop when they see them

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