Chapter twenty//only you

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The stars shines so bright, the moonlight shoves directly on them, hands on her waist as the brunette just wrap her arms around the latters neck as she smile so sweetly

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The stars shines so bright, the moonlight shoves directly on them, hands on her waist as the brunette just wrap her arms around the latters neck as she smile so sweetly. Music, it has the perfect rhytm, perfect melodies to make their bodies sway together as they use the moonlight as their spotlight. Slowdancing at night at the rooftop  sets a perfect mood for the two lovers who is deeply and perfectly in love at each other.

Music slowly took their feets off out of the ground, the soul of their love hugged them and they swore their hearts never beat that fast, strings of their beating hearts came out and do a different kind of tighter knot and it tangles until there is no one can loosen the tie.

(𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜//𝙳𝚊𝚗 + 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚢)

Minji dare to ran her big palms at the clothed back of her girl and smile sweetly when their eyes met.Hanni didn't know her effect to her lover, the way she smile, the way her laugh resounds in Minji's head, the way her eyes starting to dissapear when she smile every little detail of her is making Kim Minji to fall deeper.

There is no scientific, or mathematically formula can explain the way Kim Minji fell for Pham Hanni, no measuring tool can say how deep she fall for her, but one thing is sure Minji have no escape in what she felt towards Hanni.

"Can we do this forever?" Hanni asks as she never let her eyes leave Minji's face, its exclusively just for her to stare for her whole life.

"We can always do this... " Minji said as she lean down and gave hanni a peck kiss on her lips.

Hanni might wanna curse all of Minji's attitude, the way she treat her is so good, the way she love her like she's expensive and fragile is making Hanni fall more deeper than she already did. She wanna know who teach Minji all of those. To be sweet and to be so girlfriend material, cause for real she wanna ask why does she have to make Minji so perfectly fit for her standards.

Their foregeads touched, eyes are shut even Minji has to adjust because Pham is a little bit of   ̶s̶h̶o̶r̶t, but it doesn't matter for Minji she's willing to lean down just to kiss her soul and touch her heart, to show her how love suppose to feel that her belief that Disney use to trick her when she's young is isn't true.

Minji had explained to Hanni how love works, it was tricky, and sort of confusing. There are days where you will ask yourself if you are really ready for that kind of love but once your lover do something to make you feel special and fragile on their arms you will realize that falling in love is the most great idea of all

"I want us to take everything into the next level, but i can't for now... " Minji said as she breathe heavily and pull her even more

"You know if its you I'm willing to take into the next level" Hanni said. She tried to comfort her lover, she knew she's getting so fed up in all of the things she have to take care of but Hanni knew that Minji will do everything for her without being asks

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