Chapter Thirty-five.

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a/n: am so tired of making people cry 😭

after 3 years.

"ma'am the Jang Group of Companies wants to have a meeting with you" the man said as soon as he came inside the door of the office.

"Tell them we're not interested in a falling company, unless they are Jang Wonyoung maybe we can have a great business commitments with them" A woman sitting in her swivel chair said as she look at the man and stops to sign some papers for a little while

"copy that Ms.Pham and oh your fiancé Mr.Choi Soobin is coming" she frowned, calling him as her fiancé hurts her ear why does it makes her feel disgusted with a thought that she'll ended up with him? If only Kim Minji is alive, she will be happy to hear people calling her as her future Mrs.Kim, but ugh fine. she wants to get rid of him as early as she can so she can continue to stare at Minji's picture. "okay thank you, you can go back to work now" she said as the man bows down and leave her office, she stops working and look at thr picture frame at the corner of her table.

there she see the picture of her one and only love. Kim Minji, how much she misses those smiles, those eyes that she always caught starring at her with such an admiration, the hoodie she's wearing that Minji used to share with her, the love she gave to her, she misses them, she misses every little detail about Kim Minji. no matter how many years had passed Kim Minji will forever hold her heart.

she sigh and run her fingertips on the glass of the picture fram and let her tears to fall "baby... i miss you so badly there is nobody can love me like you do. I wish i could tell you how much i hated myself for hurting you, how much i blame myself for losing you, how much i want to go back in time where you're still with me... i love you... i love love you" until now it haunts her every night.

until now the pain never change, its still painful as the same way as it was on the first day she lose the woman. the pain never fail to break her heart again and again, it always make her question her sanity. the more she remember Kim Minji the more it hurts like a salt was rubbed in those wounds in her heart, like someone squeezed her heart with their hands, she misses Minji nobody knows.

she was happy that Haerin did learn to forgive her, she's happy that Haerin has a perfect life with Danielle, travelling around the world the last time they're in Paris, then Greece, Then Australia, and now they're back in Paris France. after one year of being in a relationship Danielle offer a marriage to her sister that Haerin accepts and within six months time they got married in a simple way how perfect?.

she wish she can have those too, Happy life with a happy wife but her supposed to be wife is gone and dead cold in her casket, surely bones already what's hurting her the most is the thought that she can't even visit her because she didn't know where she's burried at. she love Kim Minji but there is no other way but to accept the pain and make it a part of her in a daily basis of living.

she held the picture and put it closer to her face and pressed her lips on it and kiss it like she will feel her even in those, not just a kiss but her tears touched the picture and it drops on glass "i love you too fondly i wish i can go back in time and, we can start over now cause if i had known i will never let you go" she mumble and continue to press her lips on the picture.

she became successful but her sucess means nothing if Minji is not there to witness all of it, before Soobin came in the picture. Minji was there and love her when she's totally no one and now its funny how Karma hits her and she became Soobin's fiancé who doesn't even help her to anything. she hated him, she hate him to the main point that she wants to vomit everytime he came close to her.

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