chapter six

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"I'll be back... I maybe far but my heart is always with you"-Minji

Minji open her eyes and tried to strecth her body like she usually does but suddenly stop when she found Pham Hanni wrapping her arm around her waist and its head is resting on her chest, and here it goes again the crazy beat of her heart suddenly goes wild.

What are you doing to me Pham Hanni?

She raise her hand to comb the brunettes hair with her fingers, she look so pretty comfortable at her sleeping position and Minji can't take to disturb the lady at her deep and peace slumber. She avoid a lot of movements she reach for her phone at the bedside table and check the time

4:00 am

Even she didn't like, she have to. She slowly lift the womans head and put her down softly at the pillow but no matter what she does or no matter how careful she move Hanni still woke up in that moment

"Where are you going?" The first question that past at the ladys lips

"I told you yesterday that i need to go in seoul right princess?" She said as she shifts in her position and face the lady

"Ahh... Right... " Hanni tighten her hug at her waist and bury it's face at her chest "2 weeks?" Hanni muttered a question

"Yeah... I'll just fix things then I'll be back here" Minji said and Hanni wants to shook her head and tell Minji to stay but she's shy "you tell me you wanted to see my face. How can you see it if you didn't let me to go to seoul to fix things for you?"

"You mean... Minji you don't have to do this!" She pulled out of the hug but the girl pull her back to its own body and sniff the scent of her hair

"I have to... I want to... " Minji said "don't be afraid that once you will able to see things again i will not care for you anymore... Hanni i care.. I always care about you, and i will always hold you like this" she promised and even Hanni didn't voice it out Minji was right she's afraid that Minji will stop to shower her affection because she's totally addicted to it

"You mean them?" She asks like a baby

"I mean it... Holding you like this is my favorite thing to do" Minji lowly mumble as she plant ome forehead kiss for her and Hanni swore her heart beats faster than adrenaline

Only Minji can turn her like this. All lovely and she always let her defences down, when it comes to Minji she's defenceless but she don't mind. It's more like Minji have the power to twist her head with its little fingers

What are you doing to me Kim Minji

"Princess you hear me?" Minji asks

"Huh?" Those endearment with her endearing tone is making Hanni blush so hard

"I said if are you okay if i leave you here in bed i need to get ready" Minji asks

She love the way that the girl is always asking for her permission "uhmm... Yeah but can i... Send you at the port?" She asks Minji

"Of course princess you can" minji kiss her cheeks and she felt the weight on the other side of the bed was lifted up but her shocks doubled when someone lift her up to and carry her "let's eat breakfast" Minji said

Minji didn't mind if she break her arm to carry Hanni around or she have a muscle pain all she care about is to have the lady in her arms in all ways if thats even possible, that even her cousin soobin will be shy to take Hanni away from her. She wants to be the one who will hold Hanni as long as Hanni wants her

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