special chapter 03

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The morning comes and the way the sunrays hit her face as it passed by through the curtains. It was a good thing about her wife, she understood that Minji was so restless in her own company so everytime Minji got a chance to sleep until the sun sets so high, she would let her.

Minji stood up and directly go into washing her face, and brushing her teeth. After fixing herself she goes down in the kitchen to see Hanni placing the food in the table with that amazing smile.

She slowly approach her and hug her from behind her, sniffing the scent of shampoo in her hair and her naturally peach scent.

"baby lets talk" she mumble as she remember their lately problems and they had to fix it

"oh my god Minji its too early and you're already up to that?" Hanni said make Minji crease her forehead then realization hit her

"babe... I mean normal talking..." she said with a slight chuckle with a smile on her face. She turns her around so she can face her and when she saw how Hanni blushed she confirmed what her thinking "what are you thinking Hanni Kim huh?" she asked in a teasing tone.

Hanni feel how her cheeks heat up in Minji's teasing, she swore to god because of Minji the phrase lets talk will never be a normal and innocent phrase again for her. She pinched Minji's side and roll her eyes

"ah--it was your fault look what have you done!" she said and whined when Minji just laugh at her

"why?what did i do?" she groan how come that Minji was so good in pretending like she was innocent when she's not all along?

"just shut up!" she said with finality.

Minji laughed again and held her two hands and squeeze them so lightly as if she was afraid to hurt her.

"but baby we have to really talk like you and me changing phrases and words...like me and you sharing our perspectives..fixing our routines" Minji said in a very calm voice the voice that Hanni love the most

Some people said that for a woman Minji's voice was so deep and it was a disadvantage but for Hanni it was the most amazing voice she ever hear in her life, the voice of her wife that so deep always send shivers in her spine. It always sends electrifying feeling when she hear her melodic voice. It wasn't a disadvantage for Hanni, it was the best way to turn her on like a light switch.

"you can start" Hanni said as she slowly play with her fingers as she knows what is those fingers are capable to do.

"Han... Lately we've grown frustrated, you've been so distanced to me and i am scared that you'll slip away to my fingertips once again" Minji said .

Hanni look at her eyes and oh how much Hanni hated to see the same pain she had seen on the first time they had broken apart. Pain and fear was there it was written in her eyes and Hanni's not blind not to see it.

"you know i was so mad at you right?" Hanni said to her wife

"I know baby...i know im wrong and im sorry for hanging out with my friends late at night without telling you a word... Im sorry if it make you feel like less of a wife to me. I swear its not my intention. Im so sorry baby" Minji was now like a kid who did something terrible and was afraid of her mom.

In her heart she knew Minji was sorry for it and yes Hanni got too much in giving her wife the silent treatment at all even it was supposed to punish Minji she swear she hates not to be with Minji.

"I know you're sorry baby... Its just that you we're so careless and i hate it" Hanni said Minji nods.

Minji wrap its arm on her waist and burry her face on her neck and let her tears to fall as she sob which is make Hanni shock as always. Whenever they fight Minji cried always whenever they open up into each other, she was so soft and Hanni's been so working to handle her with extra care.

"I know baby and Im sorry.... Im really really sorry about that..." Minji said she sighed

how can she not forgive her if she's always like this?. She rub her back and kiss its cheek

"forgiven baby.. And im really sorry too" Hanni apologize too.

She always believe in order to make a relationship work, is to learn how to see your own mistake and say 'Sorry' without letting your pride tells you what to do.

"i love you so much Hanni Kim" Minji whisper as she kissed her neck

Hearing her say she loves never gets old, like everytime Minji tells her she loves her it was the first time, the word became extra magical for her and she loves the way it sounds when Minji says them.

"i love you more than anything Min" Hanni said and smile sweetly to Minji.

Minji feel the unexplainable rush in her veins just to hear Hanni say the words. She feels her heart stops serving its function and beat rapidly in a speed thats not in humane.

She look in Hanni's face to found her starring back at her. She cupped her face and stare on her plump lips, the eagerness she felt to kiss those lips will never change swear to god she'll die just to always kiss that lips. Slowly leaning down and shutting her eyes till their lips collide.

They feel the world stops to spin the asteroid crashed to their skull and brain. The kiss sends them in different universe as they melt to the kiss, as they pulled out they stare in each others eyes and they know this love is always for keeps...

"how about a family dinner?" Minji asked her wife

"sure lets fetch our childs" Hanni said she smile

"after breakfast" Minji said and she guide Hanni in the chair and pull it out for her and treat her like a queen.

As they ate they share the meaningful glances, and the way love was all around the house makes them remember to their vows.

And this time Minji and Hanni knows that the libertine promises are for keeps.

A/n: i will write more special if given a chance hehe

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