Chapter eighteen//He's the ruckus

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The man at his twenties walk at the big hall of the airport as ge put his shades on and his baggage are carried by his own assistant as he furiously tap on his phone. When he reach the main entrance he was surprised by a cute man with his cheeky smile

"Soobin Hyung!" The man yell and hug him he hug him back and laughed

"Beomgyu, long time" he said, it took him years before he see him again.

"Yeah, let's go... " Gyu said as he guide him at his own car and drive it to his house on the way he open the topic that even he didn't like the idea of Beomgyu being on Minji's side he still need to understand

"I heard that you and Minji are pretty close now huh" he said, Beomgyu refuse to look at him but he nods

"Yeah... " gyu said with equal pride even he knew his brother are hating on Minji a lot "she's our cousin, and i think being close to het isn't a forbidden thing.. " Gyu added. Soobin nods and look at the window of his car

They successfully arrived at his house, and when Beomgyu drop his things on his living room the man gave a bow to him and turn his back immediately "where are you going?" He ask the younger cause heck its been years since the last time they met and he will just turn his back at him

"Hyung, im not gonna lie i don't wanna be here. Don't expect me to stay here, spend time with you, when all the time you look at me, you're seeing someone who's betraying you in your stuping and silly ideas" Gyu said as he shove his hands at his pockets, Beomgyu has this emotionless eyes looking at him as if he was looking at someone he don't really know "Yeonjun Hyung had told me about your plan. Hyung all i can tell you, that you may be smart but Minji is smarter and wiser than you." beomgyu said and leave him alone

He kick his baggage and shout at the whole house because of anger, even his sibling is against him but no, no one can stop him from doing this. He took out his phone and call Yeonjun




Why did you tell Beomgyu about our plans!?

He is still our sibling Hyung

Yeah yeah, whatever...

Make sure to take care Arin for me for now...

And with that he dropped the call rudely, his day didn't start for too long and here he is stressing his self out. He walk up to his bedroom and lay down on his bed, too lazy to think so he decided to rest for a little while.

Minji was laying plat on her and Hanni's shared bed while the younger was holding her phone, playing something and she's sitting at the edge of it, and all Minji did is to stare at her lover beautiful face, and with the time she spent in starring at Hanni's face realization hit her.

She's not just in love with Hanni, but she's down bad. She knew in the darkest part of her heart she grew some crazy obsessions towards Hanni, she's scared of it because she didn't know her own self when she's obsessing into someone she love. She's startled when Hanni look at her eyes with that smile and sure Minji melt at it, that adorable smile that didn't fail to melt her heart.

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