Chapter sixteen//...

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" Bro... You should hear this out,
this gonna blow your brains out" The man who's playing his rubix stops for a while as he face his brother who's smiling from ear to ear as if he had some nice news to share

"What is it again this time Yeonjun" he asks as he threw his rubix and catch it too.

"You know you have a fiancé right?, and man you told me you're not interested because she's blind but now bro our cousin Kim Minji just literally pay for her new sets of cornea..." He look at the glass of champagne as he raise it and shake the glass a little

Actually he doesn't like the idea of having a fiancé in early age, he has a lot of dreams to pursue and having another responsibility is not one of them but come to think of it... Since Kim Minji been making a lot of headlines lately and having lots of fun with his fiancé why don't he starts to play the games with them?

Sure this is gonna be fun for him and for Minji also, the first one to cry is the one who lose. "She's insane... Book my flight back to SK ASAP... I wanna have some fun" he said as he drunk the champagne as he sat back down at the couch, and back on playing his rubix

"I don't understand why are you so jealous of Minji" Taehyun said as he sat beside him, he smile and look at him proudly

"Why?... Look at the success she have now... She doesn't need to own a business to make a headline" he said as he grip the glass until it broke into his palms and he bleeds, he use to be Minji's best friend before but ironic isn't it how fast everything had change after his declaration as the new C.E.O of his dad's company.

He stood up and ignoring his bleeding palms and just go at the pool side as he let his blood drops at the clean water of the pool, he has to make Minji's life miserable, he hate the way that she get the sympathy of media and she became over popular even she do nothing.

He was startled when a woman came closer, it was his secret girlfriend Arin. Arin took his hand and clean his wounds with a soft movement. He can't stop it, he love her so much that's why she wants to cancel the engagement but for now he wanna use his Fiance for his self purpose things, that the only one who will benefit to all of it is him and him alone and after that he will dump his fiancé.

"Arin... You know i love you" he said to his girlfriend the woman smile at him and nods "you know im engaged right?" He asks Arin gave him another nod

"I know soobin" she said, he inch forward and wrap his arm on her waist as he pull her into leaning at her shoulders

"Im going back at Sk... Im gonna handle some... Things, but once i came back we can get married already" he promised to her and the woman cheer in happiness, how badly she wants to marry him.

"Ill wait" Arin said

"I know you can baby... "he caressed the back of her head, with that smile on his lips, that he obviously reserve only for her. Arin is done at cleaning his wounds and she wrap it with the bandage, she held his hand on her even she doesn't like the idea of her boyfriend going back at Korea just to meet his fiancé, she admits that she's seemingly powerless when she's on his arms. Its not that he's abusive or aggressive on her, its nothing like that, he was so soft and so caring to the point that Arin can't say “no” to whatever stupid idea he have.

" when will you leave?" She asks him and she play with his fingers that the man obviously love

"Soon as Yeonjun book my flight" Soobin said, he kiss her temple as he pull her closer "call me everytime okay... Im gonna miss you so much" he said

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